ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. Art. 13. All expenses accompanying the conclusion, registration and other procedures of the present contract for sale as well as all costs related to change of title, possession and custody of the goods wagons, including but not limited to their movement and re-registration shall be borne by the BUYER from the moment of the transfer of title. Art. 14. The parties hereto shall resolve disputes amicably through negotiations and where such resolution is not possible – by following the Civil Procedure Code. Art. 15. For any matters not explicitly settled herein the provisions of the Registered Pledges Act, the Obligations and Contracts Act and the remaining effective legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply. Art. 16. If any of the clauses of this contract is declared invalid it shall be replaced by imperative rules and shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses of the contract. The List – Appendix 1 of the goods wagons
ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 48. The agreement shall become effective on the date on which it is executed. 49. Any issues not covered by this Agreement shall have corresponding application to the Law on Obligations and Contracts of Bulgaria. 50. The parties hereby irrevocably agrees that the exclusive forum for any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement shall be in the courts in Sofia Region, Bulgaria, and the Distributor agrees to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of any court in Sofia Region, Bulgaria. 51. The unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, or any terms thereof, shall not affect the validity of the whole Agreement. 52. This Agreement is executed in 2/two/
ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 48. The agreement shall become effective on the date on which it is executed. 49. Any issues not covered by this Agreement shall have corresponding application to the Law on Obligations and Contracts of Bulgaria. 50. The parties hereby irrevocably agrees that the exclusive forum for any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement shall be in the courts in Sofia Region, Bulgaria, and the Distributor agrees to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of any court in Sofia Region, Bulgaria. 51. The unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, or any terms thereof, shall not affect the validity of the whole Agreement. 52. This Agreement is executed in 2/two/ counterparts in the English and Bulgarian всеки един, от които ще се счита за оригинал, но всички заедно ще представляват един и същи документ. В случай на противоречие, предимство ще има английският текст. Д истрибутор: language, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. In case of discrepancies the English text shall prevail. (Име) (Print Name) (Подпис и печат) Адрес: (Signature and stamp) Address: Имейл: E-mail: (Име) Имейл: (Name) E-mail: (Име) (Print Name) (Подпис и печат) Адрес: ж-к Младост-4, блок 481, ап. 41, София, България (Signature and stamp)
ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 14.1. Изпълнителят и неговите подизпълнители /ако има такива/, са длъжни да спазват всички приложими нормативни актове, разпоредби, стандарти и др. изисквания, свързани с предмета на Договора, и в частност, всички приложими правила и изисквания, свързани с опазване на околната среда, социалното и трудовото право, приложими колективни споразумения и/или разпоредби на международното екологично, социално и трудово право. 14.1. The Contractor and his Contractors /if there are any/, are obliged to comply with all applicable regulations, standards, etc. requirements regarding the Contract, and in particular all applicable rules and requirements relating to environmental protection, social and labor law, applicable collective agreements and / or provisions of international environmental, social, and labor law.


  • ГАРАНЦИЯ ЗА ИЗПЪЛНЕНИЕ Чл. 10. При подписването на този Договор, ИЗПЪЛНИТЕЛЯТ представя на ВЪЗЛОЖИТЕЛЯ гаранция за изпълнение в размер на 3 % (три на сто) от Стойността на Договора без ДДС, а именно …………………… (………………………………….) лева („Гаранцията за изпълнение“), която служи за обезпечаване на изпълнението на задълженията на ИЗПЪЛНИТЕЛЯ по Договора.

  • ПРЕКРАТЯВАНЕ НА ДОГОВОРА Чл. 35. (1) Този Договор се прекратява: