Cancellation Consideration definition

Cancellation Consideration means the consideration to be provided to holders of CGA Options, calculated as follows:
Cancellation Consideration means the aggregate number of EFI Shares as are issuable in satisfaction of 50% of the Change of the Control Obligations that may be owing from time to time to all Former Employees; the number of EFI Shares issuable to each Former Employee being determined based on the volume weighted average price of the EFI Shares on the TSX over the five trading days prior to the date upon which the Employment Termination Obligation is payable to such Former Employee (the “Share Price”), such that the product of the Share Price and the number of EFI Shares issuable to such Former Employee equals 50% of the Employment Termination Obligation owing to such Former Employee;
Cancellation Consideration means HK$0.40 per Scheme Share

Examples of Cancellation Consideration in a sentence

  • Under the Proposal, if the Scheme becomes effective, the Disinterested Shareholders will receive from the Offeror the Cancellation Consideration in cash for every Scheme Share cancelled and the WMVL Shareholders will receive, for each of their Scheme Shares cancelled, the WMVL Cancellation Consideration.

  • Upon the Scheme becoming effective, the WMVL Shareholders will receive the WMVL Cancellation Consideration, being the crediting of their WMVL Shares as fully paid in the amount of the Cancellation Consideration Price per WMVL Share.

  • Taking into account that the Founder Scheme Shares will be cancelled in consideration for the Founder Cancellation Consideration, the total amount of cash required to implement the Proposal in full will be approximately HK$1,305,593,229.

  • Upon the Scheme becoming effective, (i) the Scheme Shares held by the Disinterested Shareholders will be cancelled in exchange for the Cancellation Consideration in cash; (ii) the Scheme Shares held by the WMVL Shareholders will be cancelled in consideration for the WMVL Cancellation Consideration; and (iii) the New Shares will be issued as fully paid or credited as fully paid to the Offeror.

  • Taking into account that the Shares held by the Participating Management Shareholders will not constitute Scheme Shares and that the WMVL Shareholders will receive the WMVL Cancellation Consideration in consideration for cancellation of their Shares under the Scheme, the Scheme would involve making an offer to cancel the remaining 7,192,291,808 Shares held by the Disinterested Shareholders, in exchange for cash at the Cancellation Consideration Price.

More Definitions of Cancellation Consideration

Cancellation Consideration means the cancellation price of HK$6.30 per Scheme Share payable in cash by the Offeror to the Scheme Shareholders pursuant to the Scheme;
Cancellation Consideration means an amount equal to R180 million (one hundred and eighty million rand)
Cancellation Consideration means the cancellation price of HK$6.30 per Scheme Share payable in cash by Bidco to the Scheme Shareholders (other than the Executive Directors and their respective investment holding vehicles) pursuant to the Scheme;
Cancellation Consideration the consideration of HK$[6.20] in cash for every Scheme Share cancelled “CDH” CDH Fund V and SCBL “CDH Fund V” CDH Fund V, L.P., an exempted limited partnership formed under the laws of the Cayman Islands “CDH Group” CDH and its affiliates “Companies Lawthe Companies Law (2016 Revision) of the Cayman Islands
Cancellation Consideration means HK$0.40 per Scheme Share“Companies Ordinance”means the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32, Laws of Hong Kong)“Company”means Crocodile Garments Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability, the shares of which are currently listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange“Court Meeting”means a meeting of the Independent Shareholders to be convened at the direction of the High Court at which the Scheme will be voted upon“Director(s)”means the director(s) of the Company“EGM”means the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be convened for the approval and implementation of the Scheme“Executive”means the Executive Director of the Corporate Finance Division of the SFC or any delegate of the Executive Director“Group”means the Company and its subsidiaries“High Court”means the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Court of First Instance“HK$”means Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong“Hong Kong”means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China“Independent Shareholders”means Shareholders other than the Offeror and parties acting in concert with it (the parties presumed under the Takeovers Code to be so acting in concert include Mr. Lam)“Last Trading Date”means 10 February 2009, being the last full trading day before the suspension of trading in the Shares pending the issue of this announcement“Listing Rules”means the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange
Cancellation Consideration has the meaning given in the Option Scheme.
Cancellation Consideration means the consideration to be provided by B2Gold to holders of CGA Options as provided in the Implementation Agreement. CGA Options means an option to be issued a CGA Share.