Provider Number definition

Provider Number means an identifying number issued to each homecare worker who is enrolled as a provider through the Department.
Provider Number means the identifying number issued to each qualified independent provider enrolled through the Department as a provider.
Provider Number. , of a provider, means the number that is allocated by the Health Insurance Commission to the provider under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) and identifies the provider and the places where the provider practices his or her profession.

Examples of Provider Number in a sentence

  • Testing Center Provider Name Testing Center Provider Number LE Agency (Open) College COG LE Agency (Internal Only) Private Company Physical Address (If more that one site, complete separate form for each site.) City State Zip Test Center Administrator Name (First / Last) Email Phone (Office) Phone (Cell) Designated Lead Xxxxxxx Name (First / Last) Email Phone (Office) Phone (Cell) Assessment Conducted By: (Name First / Last) Title Assessment Date Complete the report below.

More Definitions of Provider Number

Provider Number means an identifying number issued to each homecare and personal support worker who is enrolled as a provider through DHS or OHA.
Provider Number means an identifying number issued to each homecare or personal support worker who is enrolled as a provider through the Department.
Provider Number means the number:
Provider Number means an identifying number issued to each homecare and personal support worker or personal care attendant who is enrolled as a provider through ODHS or OHA.
Provider Number means the unique identification number used by an applicant or provider to obtain reimbursement from the Medi-Cal program. For purposes of substance use disorder clinics, the term “provider number” shall mean the national provider identifier (NPI) number.
Provider Number means an identifying number issued to each PCA who is enrolled as a Medicaid provider through the Authority.¶