DUTIES नमूना धाराहरू

DUTIES. The Employer hereby declares that it is रोजगारदाताले यो घोर्णा गदयि नक लामो अबनिको हेरिाह सुनबिा (यसपनि: एलर्टीसीएफ) को मानलक/ब्यबथिापकले जिसिंख्या तिा अध्यागमि प्रानिकरण (यस पनि: पीआइनबए) द्वारा नबदे शी सहायक कामदारलाई रोजगारी नदिे मान्य अिुमनत नदइएको ि। the owner/manager of a Long Term Care Facility (hereinafter: LTCF) and that it holds a valid permit issued by the Population and Immigration Authority (hereinafter : PIBA) to employ a foreign auxiliary worker in the LTCF. (hereinafter: "the LTCF"). एलर्टीसीएफ भिेर The LTCF is known as ............................................................................ लाई निनिन्ि र .................................................... शहरमा अबखथित ि। सडक: .......................................................इजरायल। _ and is located in the city of : street address: Israel. रोजगारदाताले एलर्टीसीएफमा अशक्त मानिसहरूलाई हेरिाह र समन्वयको लानग नजम्मेिार र दताय गररएको िसयको सुपररिेक्षणमा (यसपनि पययिेक्षण िसय) एसईसीमा लेखिए अिुसार सहायक कामदार (यसपनि एडब्लु) लाई रोजगारी नदिे अनिकार नलन्ि। The Employer undertakes to employ the AW in a full time position (as defined below) in the LTCF, under the supervision of a registered nurse responsible for managing and coordinating Persons with Disabilities care in the LTCF (hereinafter: “the Supervising Nurse”), as set out in this SEC. रोजगारदाताले इजरायली ब्यबसानयक सुरक्षा र स्वथि मापदण्डको पालिा गिे। सािै सुपेररिेक्षण िसय/ िा रोजगारदाताको प्रनतनिनिले एसईसीमा उल्लेखित एडब्लुलाई निदेशि नदि र एसईसी अन्तगयत कतयब्य सम्बखन्ध प्रश्नहरुको जिाफ नदिको लानग व्यखक्तगत रूपमा िा र्टेनलफोि माफय त यिोनित उपलब्ध हुिुपिय । The Employer shall comply with Israeli occupational safety and health standards. In addition, the Supervising Nurse and/or the Employer’s representative shall be reasonably available in person or via the cellphone number set out above in the SEC, to direct the AW and to answer the AW’s questions concerning duties under the SEC as necessary. रोजगारदाता सिंग एलर्टीसीएफमा व्यापार र कायय व्यिथिा तिा नियन्त्रण गिय प्रबन्धनकय अनिकार ि, सािै कामदारको नबनशष्ट कायय व्यिथिा, इजरायली श्रम कािूिको साि, के स कािूि सनहत सामुनहक सम्झौताहरु (लागू हुि सक्ि) र नबस्तार आदे शहरु सनहत। The Employer has a managerial prerogative to manage and control the business and work arrangements in the LTCF, as well as the Worker's specific work arrangements, in accordance with Israeli Labor Law, including case law, collective agreements (as may apply) and extension orders. 3. एडब्लु घोषणाहरु सहायक कामदार (एडब्लु...