Contract Education Assignments in Relation to Faculty Loads Sample Clauses

Contract Education Assignments in Relation to Faculty Loads. 18 In general, contract education assignments are extra duty assignments. However,
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Contract Education Assignments in Relation to Faculty Loads. 12 In general, contract education assignments are extra duty assignments. However, 13 they may be assigned as part of a faculty member's base load by mutual agreement 14 between the District and the individual faculty member. They may also be assigned 15 as part of the faculty member's base load whenever mutual agreement is not reached,

Related to Contract Education Assignments in Relation to Faculty Loads

  • Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts Lobbying Activities A. The CONSULTANT certifies, by signing and submitting this Contract, to the best of its knowledge and belief after diligent inquiry, and other than as disclosed in writing to the LPA prior to or contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Contract by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT has complied with Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code, and specifically, that:

  • Texas Education Code Chapter 22 Contractor Certification for Contractor Employees Introduction Texas Education Code Chapter 22 requires entities that contract with school districts to provide service s to obtain criminal history record information regarding covered employees. Contractors must certify to the district t hat they have complied. Covered employees with disqualifying criminal histories are prohibited from serving at a sch ool district. Definitions: Covered employees: Employees of a contractor or subcontractor who have or will have continuing dutie s related to the service to be performed at the District and have or will have direct contact with students. The District will be the final arbiter of what constitutes direct contact with students. Disqualifying criminal history: Any conviction or other criminal history information designated by the District, or one of the following offenses, if at the time of the o ffense, the victim was under 18 or enrolled in a public school: (a) a felony offense under Title 5, Texas Penal Code; (b) an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; or (c) an equivalent offense under federal law or the laws of another state. I certify that: NONE (Section A) of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractors are covered employees, as defined abo ve. If this box is checked, I further certify that Contractor has taken precautions or imposed conditions to ensure tha t the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor will not become covered employees. Contractor will maintain t hese precautions or conditions throughout the time the contracted services are provided. OR SOME (Section B) or all of the employees of Contractor and any subcontractor are covered employees. If this box is checked, I further certify that: (1) Contractor has obtained all required criminal history record information regarding its covered employees. None of the covered employees has a disqualifying criminal history. (2) If Contractor receives information that a covered employee subsequently has a reported criminal history, Contra ctor will immediately remove the covered employee from contract duties and notify the District in writing within 3 busi ness days. (3) Upon request, Contractor will provide the District with the name and any other requested information of covered employees so that the District may obtain criminal history record information on the covered employees. (4) If the District objects to the assignment of a covered employee on the basis of the covered employee's criminal h istory record information, Contractor agrees to discontinue using that covered employee to provide services at the District. Noncompliance or misrepresentation regarding this certification may be grounds for contract termination. None Texas Business and Commerce Code § 272 Requirements as of 9-1-2017 SB 807 prohibits construction contracts to have provisions requiring the contract to be subject to the laws of anothe r state, to be required to litigate the contract in another state, or to require arbitration in another state. A contract wit h such provisions is voidable. Under this new statute, a “construction contract” includes contracts, subcontracts, or agreements with (among others) architects, engineers, contractors, construction managers, equipment lessors, or materials suppliers. “Construction contracts” are for the design, construction, alteration, renovation, remodeling, or repair of any building or improvement to real property, or for furnishing materials or equipment for the project. The t erm also includes moving, demolition, or excavation. BY RESPONDING TO THIS SOLICITATION, AND WHEN APPLI CABLE, THE PROPOSER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH THE TEXAS BUSINESS AND COMMERCE CODE § 272 WH EN EXECUTING CONTRACTS WITH TIPS MEMBERS THAT ARE TEXAS GOVERNMENT ENTITIES. 7 5 Texas Government Code 2270 Verification Form Texas Government Code 2270 Verification Form Texas 2017 House Xxxx 89 has been signed into law by the governor and as of September 1, 2017 will be codified as Texas Government Code § 2270 and 808 et seq. The relevant section addressed by this form reads as follows: Texas Government Code Sec. 2270.002. PROVISION REQUIRED IN CONTRACT. A governmental entity may not ent er into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the c ompany that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract.engaged by ESC Region 8/The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) 0000 Xxxxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx,XX,00000 verify by this writing that the above-named company affirms that it (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycot t Israel during the term of this contract, or any contract with the above-named Texas governmental entity in the futur e. I further affirm that if our company’s position on this issue is reversed and this affirmation is no longer valid, that t he above-named Texas governmental entity will be notified in writing within one (1) business day and we understand that our company’s failure to affirm and comply with the requirements of Texas Government Code 2270 et seq. shall be grounds for immediate contract termination without penalty to the above-named Texas governmental entity. AND our company is not listed on and we do not do business with companies that are on the the Texas Comptroller of Pu blic Accounts list of Designated Foreign Terrorists Organizations per Texas Gov't Code 2270.0153 found at xxxxx://x I swear and affirm that the above is true and correct. YES

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Secondary / Post-Secondary Program Alignment Welding HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SEQUENCE 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English 9 Algebra I World History/Geography Biology World Language Phys Ed/Health English 10 Geometry U.S. History/Geography Physics or Chemistry World Language Visual/Performing/Applied Arts English 11 Algebra II Civics/Economics Welding English 12 Math Credit Science Credit Welding WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE Welding Associate in Applied Science Semester 1 Math Elective(s)* 3 WAF 105 Introduction to Welding Processes 2 WAF 111 Oxy-fuel Welding 4 WAF 112 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 13 Semester 2 Speech Elective(s) 3 WAF 106 Blueprint Reading for Welders 3 WAF 123 Advanced Oxy-fuel Welding 4 WAF 124 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 14 Semester 3 Arts/Human. Elective(s) 3 Computer Lit. Elective(s) 3 WAF 215 Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 4 WAF 288 Gas Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 14 Semester 4 WAF 200 Layout Theory Welding 3 WAF 210 Welding Metallurgy 3 Soc. Sci. Elective(s) 3 WAF 226 Specialized Welding Procedures 4 Semester Total 13 Semester 5 Nat. Sci. Elective(s) 4 WAF 227 Basic Fabrication 3 WAF 229 Shape Cutting Operations 3 Writing Elective(s) 3 Semester Total 13 Program Totals 67

  • General Education Requirements for Azusa Pacific University Requirement Helpful Hints & Comments First-Year Seminar Course must focus on orientation to college academics while maintaining instruction in orientation, transitions, and holistic wellness. Typically, a 3-unit course. Not required for students who transfer in 30+ units. Writing 1: The Art & Craft of Writing Any first-semester composition course. Often titled "Freshman Composition," "College Composition," or "Reading and Composition." Must include basic research skills and a research paper. Writing 2: Genre, Evidence, & Persuasion Courses titled "Critical Thinking," "Advanced Composition," etc., that follow a basic freshman level writing course. These courses involve the use of logic, critical thinking, rhetoric, and advanced composition. In addition, genre-specific writing courses will introduce students to the genres of writing, rhetorical moves, and forms of evidence in a specific discipline. Possible courses include: Writing in the Humanities, Writing in the Social Sciences, Writing in the Arts, Writing in Theology, Writing in Business, Writing in Nursing, etc. Must include a research component. Writing 3: Writing in the Disciplines This category focuses on preparing students to be professionals in a field by being independent thinkers capable of constructing their own knowledge, including producing polished writing products in the genres of writing that students are likely to use in their future professions. Most courses in this category are required for the specific APU major and are therefore not likely to be fulfilled by a student's transfer work. Oral Communication Any Public Speaking or Oral Communication course. Must contain at least 3 individual public speeches. Also, communication courses in Interpersonal, Small Group, Argumentation and Debate, and Intercultural areas are acceptable (however, some majors may require Public Speaking). Cannot be taken as a hybrid course. Personal Wellness Any physical activity course with a cardio component and instruction in fitness principles. This includes individual activities, team sports, dance, yoga/mat exercise courses, and intercollegiate sports. Activities with limited physical activity such as badminton, golf, bowling, etc. will not fulfill the requirement. Quantitative Literacy Any course from the Math department of the transferring school that has a prerequisite of Intermediate Algebra. However, certain majors require College Algebra. Please refer to the APU catalog to determine whether or not your major requires College Algebra. In addition, Statistics and Applied Statistics courses (e.g. "Statistics for Behavioral Sciences") with an Intermediate Algebra prerequisite will meet this requirement. Biblical, Theological, & Philosophical Formation- Philosophy Requirement Must be a broad philosophy course such as Intro to Philosophy, History of Philosophy, philosophy-based Logic, Critical Thinking, and Ethics. All other courses must be evaluated by the Department of Theology & Philosophy for transfer. Humanities- History, Literature, & Fine Arts Requirement Must choose one course from each discipline (3 courses total): History, Literature, and Fine Arts. History courses must be survey courses in world, western, or U.S. history (typically split into two time periods). Literature courses must be broad, surveys of literature that explore the literary genres of fiction, drama, and poetry. Fine Arts courses must be broad, survey courses in Art, Music, Drama, or Theater (sometimes History of Cinema, Drama, or Theater courses) covering approximately 100 years. These must be lecture courses and not studio or applied courses such as drawing, painting, singing, piano, etc. Examples of acceptable courses from these categories include (but not limited to) World Civilizations to 1648, Intro to Literature, Art History, Music Fundamentals, etc. Social Sciences One course from the following disciplines: Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Anthropology, Communication Studies, or Political Science. Examples of courses include (but not limited to) Intro to Sociology, General Psychology, Intro to Criminal Justice, Cultural Anthropology, Mass Media, etc. Natural Sciences One course: lecture and lab component required. Any basic course in the life or physical sciences. Examples of courses include Fundamentals of Biology, General Biology, Fundamentals of Chemistry, General Chemistry, Introduction to Astronomy, Physical Geology/Geography, Fundamentals of Physics, General Physics, Oceanography, Zoology, Marine Biology. Biology and Chemistry labs cannot be taken online. However, certain majors require specific science courses. Please refer to the APU catalog to determine whether or not your major requires specific science courses.

  • INDIVIDUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This contract shall include an Individual Services Agreement (ISA) developed for each LEA pupil to whom CONTRACTOR is to provide special education and/or related services. An ISA shall only be issued for LEA pupils enrolled with the approval of the LEA pursuant to Education Code section 56366 (a)(2)(A). ISAs are void upon termination or expiration of the Master Contract. In the event that this Master Contract expires or terminates, CONTRACTOR and the LEA shall continue to be bound to all of the terms and conditions of the most recent executed ISAs between CONTRACTOR and LEA for so long as CONTRACTOR is servicing authorized LEA pupils, until such time as a new Master Contract is executed. Any and all changes to a LEA pupil’s educational placement/program provided under this Master Contract and/or an ISA shall be made solely on the basis of a revision to the LEA pupil’s IEP/IFSP. At any time during the term of this Master Contract, a LEA pupil’s parent, CONTRACTOR, or XXX may request a review of a LEA pupil’s IEP/IFSP subject to all procedural safeguards required by law, including notice to and participation by the CONTRACTOR in the IEP Team meeting. Unless otherwise provided in this Master Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all services specified in the IEP/IFSP unless the CONTRACTOR and the LEA agree otherwise in the ISA. (California Education Code sections 56366(a) (5) and 3062(e)). In the event the CONTRACTOR is unable to provide a specific service at any time during the term of the ISA, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the LEA in writing within five (5) business days of the last date a service was provided. If a parent or XXX contests the termination of an ISA by initiating a due process proceeding with the California Office of Administrative Hearings (hereinafter referred to as “OAH”), CONTRACTOR shall abide by the “stay- put” requirement of state and federal law unless the parent agrees otherwise or an interim alternative educational placement is deemed lawful and appropriate by LEA or OAH. Disagreements between XXX and CONTRACTOR concerning the formulation of an ISA or the Master Contract may be appealed to the local SELPA office prior to appeal to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction pursuant to the provisions of California Education Code section 56366 (C) (2).

  • Employees on Long Term Supply Assignments Employees completing long term supply assignments may only access sick leave and short term disability leave in the fiscal year in which the allocation was provided. Any remaining allocation may be used in subsequent long term supply assignments, provided these occur within the same fiscal year. Employees employed in a Long Term Supply Assignment which is less than the ordinary period of employment for the position shall have their sick leave and short term disability allocations pro-rated accordingly. Where the length of the long term supply assignment is not known in advance, a projected length must be determined at the start of the assignment in order for the appropriate allocation of sick leave/short term disability leave to occur. If a change is made to the length of the assignment, an adjustment will be made to the allocation and applied retroactively.

  • Certification Regarding Termination of Contract for Non-Compliance (Tex Gov. Code 552.374)

  • Instructions for Certification – First Tier Participants a. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective first tier participant is providing the certification set out below.

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING USE OF CONTRACT FUNDS FOR LOBBYING This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts which exceed $100,000 (49 CFR 20).

  • Training Assignments The Supervisor or designee may establish written training assignments to enable an employee to gain the additional experience and training required for the job for a period of time not to exceed two years. At the completion of the training assignment, the employee’s pay will be set no less than the entry rate of pay for the occupational pay band.

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