EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE BANK. These fees only represent an estimate. As each required service is negotiated with the selected firm or individual, an agreement or purchase order will be submitted to and approved by the Bank’s management in advance of any payment or commitment to pay. These agreements will be itemized and totaled in a report to management on a monthly basis to account for monies committed or owed against the estimated budget. In each and every case where a budgeted expense may be exceeded due to necessary changes in the regulatory process, additional events, or any other requirements required to support the proposed transaction, management will pre-approve the newly revised budget before it is incurred. Projected Costs: Bankmark’s fees are disbursed monthly over the life of the project. Other costs are paid by the Bank but managed by Bankmark. As the Project Supervisor (PS) and/or Project Manager (PM) prepare to implement the various stages and expense items of this Agreement, they will present to the client a more detailed anticipated monthly expense of the various budget category line items of the expenses. These monthly presentations of anticipated expense will, in turn, be reviewed, with senior management or the Project’s designated representative every thirty (30) days. Items or services to be purchased on behalf of the Bank will be outlined in a contract or estimate form provided by the specific supplier and approved by Bank personnel prior to purchase of the item or service. Based on the assumption that the Bank will have to host approximately 65 investment meetings, with an average attendance of 25 attendees to meet 1,625 (minimum) qualified investors, the following costs are projected: Project Support** $1,000 per month Other part time staff, or FTE (Full Time Equivalent) time, has been allocated pursuant to the project budget. Some staff members do not work on site at the organizational office, but at Bankmark’s offices in California, Colorado, and Texas. This provides consistency from project to project, access through universities for data entry personnel or other essential personnel that Bankmark does not have to hire, train, and release as a project ends. Instead it provides continuity to all Bankmark’s clients by spreading out the part time hours needed to support all of Bankmark’s projects. For many banking professionals, not being able to “see” an individual causes concern when, in fact, it is the work to be produced in total and in relationship to the p...
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EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE BANK. Projected Costs: Bankmark's fees are disbursed monthly over the life of the project. Other costs are paid by the Bank but managed by Bankmark. Based on the assumption that the Bank will have to host 105-125 investment meetings with an average attendance of 25 attendees to meet 2,625(minimum) qualified investors, the following costs are projected: Computer Network System & Printers Rental Service June $1,800 July $1,800 August $1,800 September $1,800 October $1,800 November $1,800 December $1,800 January $1,800 February $1,800 TOTAL $16,200 Graphics Program Development Logo, Letterhead, Business Cards, Envelopes, prospectus, promotional materials, organization website (design to production), no printing August $9,000 September $9,000 October $9,000 TOTAL $27,000 Part Time Support Staff April $4,785* May $5,980* June $4,785* July $4,785* August $5,980* September $8,625 October $13,180* November $10,545* December $10,545* January $13,180 February $10,145* TOTAL $92,935* The staffing budget only represents a monthly estimate. As we begin the hiring process closer to the stock sale campaign, we will present a more specific (weekly) cost per person spreadsheet for approval. *This represents a very conservative estimate. Payroll expense due net 15 days from date of invoice received. Food, Beverage, Facilities (based on 100-120 events) September $6,000 October $12,000 November $12,000 December $10,000 January $10,000 February $10,000 TOTAL $60,000 These amounts only represent estimates. As each month is planned in advance, the estimates will be recalculated on a per event cost. The event cost are also tracked weekly as each event occurs, cost are posted so at all times the PM and the client know exactly where the project stands in relationship to the budget. This is a cost category tracked jointly by the client and Bankmark. External Printing • Invitations • circular & all the packaging • boards for investment meetings • Business Cards, Envelopes The quantities, paper specification, etc. will be bid out/estimated upon completion of the design phase. If possible Bankmark will secure a local printer provided the quality standards can be met in relationship to the budget. All print estimates and purchase orders will be signed and approved by the client. $30,000 Internal Printing** Internal Printing is a service provided by Bankmark whereby full digital color printing is needed only during the stock sale process. Some examples are Sponsor development handouts, Chairma...
EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE BANK. These fees only represent an estimate. As each required service is negotiated with the selected firm or individual, an agreement or purchase order will be submitted to and approved by the Bank's Management in advance of any payment or commitment to pay. These agreements will be itemized and totaled in a report to management on a monthly basis to account for monies committed or owed against the estimated budget. In each and every case where a budget may be exceeded due to necessary changes in the regulatory process, additional events, or any other requirements required to support the Capital Acquisition Campaign, Management must pre-approve the new budget before it is incurred. If there should be any changes for any budgeted item for whatever reason Bankmark will present the item and any supportive information or discussion materials necessary to the Bank's Management. Bankmark will then answer any questions the Bank should have or vice versa. Adjustments will be made until a consensus is reached. Finally, the Bank's Management will give its approval by signing off on the item's necessary changes.
EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE BANK. These expenses only represent an estimate. As each required service is negotiated with the selected firm or individual, an agreement or purchase order will be submitted to and approved by the Bank's Management in advance of any payment or commitment to pay. These agreements will be itemized and totaled in a report to management on a monthly basis to account for monies committed or owed against the estimated budget. In each and every case where a budget may be exceeded due to necessary changes in the regulatory process, additional events, or any other requirements required to support the Capital Acquisition Campaign, Management will pr-approve the new budget before it is incurred. Projected Costs: Bankmark's fees are disbursed monthly over the life of the project. Other costs are paid by the Bank but managed by Bankmark. As the Project Supervisor (PS) and/or Project Manager (PM) prepare to implement the various stages and expense items of this agreement, they will present to the Client a more detailed anticipated monthly expense of the various budget category line items of the Stocksale Expenses. These monthly presentations of anticipated expense will, in turn, be reviewed with Senior Management or the Project's designated representative every thirty (30) days. Items or services to be purchased on behalf of the Bank will be outlined in a contract or estimate form provided by the specific supplier and approved by Bank personnel prior to purchase of the item or service. Based on the assumption that the Bank will have to host 105-125 investment meetings with an average attendance of 25 attendees to meet 2,625(minimum) qualified investors, the following costs are projected: Graphics Program Development Logo, Letterhead, Business Cards, Envelopes, prospectus, promotional materials, organization website (design to production). no printing. At time of execution a supplemental contract will be presented to the Bank with a more detailed description of items and payment schedule. $27,000 Part Time Support Staff October $ 5,000 November $ 5,000 December $ 5,000 January $ 7,500 February $ 7,500 March $ 7,500 April $ 12,000 May $ 12,000 June $ 12,000 July $ 12,000 August $ 12,000 September $ 7,500 TOTAL $ 105,000* The staffing budget only represents a monthly estimate. As we begin the hiring process closer to the stock sale campaign, we will present a more specific (weekly) cost per person spreadsheet for approval. * This represents a current market estimate. An updated...


  • Expenses to be Paid by the Fund Each Fund shall bear all expenses of its operation, except those specifically allocated to the Adviser under this Agreement or under any separate agreement between the Trust and the Adviser. Subject to any separate agreement or arrangement between the Trust and the Adviser, the expenses hereby allocated to the Fund, and not to the Adviser, include but are not limited to:

  • Expenses to be Paid by the Series Each Series shall bear all expenses of its operation, except those specifically allocated to the Administrator under this Agreement or under any separate agreement between such Series and the Administrator. Expenses to be borne by such Series shall include both expenses directly attributable to the operation of that Series and the offering of its shares, as well as the portion of any expenses of the Trust that is properly allocable to such Series in a manner approved by the trustees of the Trust (“Trustees”). (The allocation of such expenses among the classes of a Series, on either a class-specific or a pro rata basis, shall be made in accordance with the Trust’s Rule 18f-3 Plan, if applicable.) Subject to any separate agreement or arrangement between the Trust or a Series and the Administrator, the expenses hereby allocated to each Series, and not to the Administrator, include, but are not limited to:

  • Expenses to be Paid by Adviser The Adviser shall pay all salaries, expenses and fees of the officers, Trustees and employees of the Trust who are officers, directors , members or employees of the Adviser. In the event that the Adviser pays or assumes any expenses of the Trust not required to be paid or assumed by the Adviser under this Agreement, the Adviser shall not be obligated hereby to pay or assume the same or any similar expense in the future; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve the Adviser of any obligation to the Funds under any separate agreement or arrangement between the parties.

  • EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE ADMINISTRATOR The Administrator shall pay all salaries, expenses and fees of the officers, trustees, or employees of the Trust who are officers, directors or employees of the Administrator. If the Administrator pays or assumes any expenses of the Trust, Series or Class not required to be paid or assumed by the Administrator under this Agreement, the Administrator shall not be obligated hereby to pay or assume the same or any similar expense in the future; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve the Administrator of any obligation to the Trust or to a Series or Class under any separate agreement or arrangement between the parties.

  • Information to Be Provided by the Seller In connection with any Securitization Transaction the Seller shall (i) within five Business Days following request by the Purchaser or any Depositor, provide to the Purchaser and such Depositor (or, as applicable, cause each Third-Party Originator to provide), in writing and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and such Depositor, the information and materials specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, and (ii) as promptly as practicable following notice to or discovery by the Seller, provide to the Purchaser and any Depositor (in writing and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and such Depositor) the information specified in paragraph (d) of this Section.

  • Information to Be Provided by the Company In connection with any Securitization Transaction, the Company shall use its best efforts to (i) within five (5) Business Days, but in no event later than ten (10) Business Days, following written request by the Purchaser or any Depositor, provide to the Purchaser and such Depositor (or, as applicable, cause each Third-Party Originator to provide), in writing and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and such Depositor, the information and materials specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (f) of this Section, and (ii) as promptly as practicable following notice to or discovery by the Company, provide to the Purchaser and any Depositor (in writing and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and such Depositor) the information specified in paragraph (d) of this Section.

  • COMPENSATION TO BE PAID BY THE FUND TO THE MANAGER The Fund will pay to the Manager as compensation for the Manager’s services rendered, for the facilities furnished and for the expenses borne by the Manager pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of Section 1, a fee, based on the Fund’s Average Net Assets, computed and paid monthly at the annual rates set forth on Schedule B attached to this Contract, as from time to time amended. The Fund’s “

  • COMPENSATION TO BE PAID BY THE TRUST TO THE MANAGER The Fund will pay to the Manager as compensation for the Manager's services rendered, for the facilities furnished and for the expenses borne by the Manager pursuant to Section 1, a fee, computed and paid monthly at the annual rate of 0.45% of the Fund's average daily net asset value. Such average daily net asset value of the Fund shall be determined by taking an average of all of the determinations of such net asset value during such month at the close of business on each business day during such month while this Contract is in effect. Such fee shall be payable for each month within five (5) business days after the end of such month. In the event that expenses of the Fund for any fiscal year should exceed the expense limitation on investment company expenses imposed by any statute or regulatory authority of any jurisdiction in which shares of the Trust are qualified for offer and sale, the compensation due the Manager for such fiscal year shall be reduced by the amount of such excess by a reduction or refund thereof. In the event that the expenses of the Fund exceed any expense limitation which the Manager may, by written notice to the Trust, voluntarily declare to be effective with respect to the Fund, subject to such terms and conditions as the Manager may prescribe in such notice, the compensation due the Manager shall be reduced, and, if necessary, the Manager shall bear the Fund's expenses to the extent required by such expense limitation. If the Manager shall serve for less than the whole of a month, the foregoing compensation shall be prorated.

  • Services provided by the Adviser Subject to the supervision and direction of the Board, the Adviser will, either directly or by employing suitable Sub-Advisers: (a) act in strict conformity with the Trust’s Declaration of Trust, the Trust’s Bylaws, the 1940 Act and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended; (b) manage the Fund and furnish a continual investment program for the Fund in accordance with such Fund’s investment objective and policies as described in the Fund’s Prospectus; (c) make investment decisions for the Fund; (d) provide the Fund with investment research and statistical data, advice and supervision, data processing and clerical services; (e) provide the Trust with access to certain office facilities, which may be the Adviser’s own offices; (f) determine what securities shall be purchased for the Fund; what securities shall be held or sold by the Fund, and allocate assets of the Fund to separate sub-accounts of the approved Sub-Advisers, and determine what portion of the Fund’s assets shall be held uninvested; (g) review asset allocations and investment policies with the Board every quarter; and (h) advise and assist the officers of the Trust in taking such steps as are necessary or appropriate to carry out the decisions of the Board and its committees with respect to the foregoing matters and the conduct of the business of the Fund. In addition, the Adviser will furnish the Trust with whatever statistical information the Trust may reasonably request with respect to the securities that the Fund may hold or contemplate purchasing. The appointment of Sub-Advisors shall be subject to approval by the Board and, to the extent required by the 1940 Act or any other law or regulation, approval of the shareholders of the Trust. The Adviser shall initially determine and make such modifications to the identity and number of shares of the securities to be accepted pursuant to each Fund’s benchmark index in exchange for “Creation Units” for each Fund and the securities that will be applicable that day to redemption requests received for each Fund as may be necessary as a result of rebalancing adjustments and corporate action events (and may give directions to the Trust’s custodian with respect to such designations). The Adviser will keep the Trust informed of developments materially affecting the Fund, and will, on its own initiative, furnish the Trust from time to time with whatever information the Adviser believes is appropriate for this purpose.

  • Information to be Provided by the Servicer (a) At the request of the Administrator, acting on behalf of the Issuer, for the purpose of satisfying its reporting obligation under the Exchange Act with respect to any class of asset-backed securities, the Servicer shall (or shall cause each Subservicer to) (i) notify the Issuer and the Administrator in writing of any material litigation or governmental proceedings pending against the Servicer or any Subservicer and (ii) provide to the Issuer and the Administrator a description of such proceedings.

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