Food Bank-Based Sample Clauses

Food Bank-Based. Nutrition Initiatives One food bank outlier that deserves recognition for an early and big step forward in nutrition policy and client preference research is the Food Bank of Central New York’s “No Soda and No Candy” policy on donated foods, which began in 2004. This policy allowed the FBCNY to focus its’ efforts on the procurement and distribution of healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables, which happen to be more difficult for their clients to access themselves.49 Following the findings of poor diet quality among food pantry users from the 2010 Hunger in America report, Feeding America developed a partnership with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the National Dairy Council to create a platform of healthy foods to encourage.48 These include low-fat and fat-free dairy products, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, water, and lean proteins. This partnership was designed to develop nutrition guidelines for food banks to encourage acquiring and distributing healthy, nutritionally dense foods to provide food insecure individuals and families. Since 2010, there has been a push among food banks to offer incentives to their partner agency network to offer more nutritionally-dense foods and nutrition education workshops.48-53 Moreover, in recent years there has been a desire to employ nutrition educators by food banks to translate nutrition knowledge to soup kitchen and food pantry directors and donors.50,51,53,54 At the food bank level, food banks in the FA network are provided with information and recipes on “foods to encourage” through the Healthy Food Bank Hub and a system of 22 food categories to sort their inventory (Baby Food/Formula, Beverages, Bread/Bakery, etc.).48 Other food banks, within and outside of the FA network, have adopted a different nutrition-focused system: the Choosing Healthy Options Program (CHOP). Due to the rising concern of food quality available to the nutritionally vulnerable, in 2004 the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank in collaboration with XXXXX: A Jewish Response to Hunger, a national nonprofit organization that works to end hunger in the United States and Israel, developed Choosing Healthy Options Program (CHOP), which seeks to promote the acquisition, distribution, and consumption of healthier food.52 CHOP is still grounded in the idea that there are foods to encourage, though it uses a slightly different algorithm than FA to categorize foods into three main categories: 1) Foods to consume frequently, 2) foo...
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  • Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:

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  • Branch (2) The Administrative Agent shall also act as the “collateral agent” under the Loan Documents, and each of the Lenders (including in its capacities as a Lender and a potential Hedge Bank or Cash Management Bank) and the Issuing Banks hereby irrevocably appoints and authorizes the Administrative Agent to act as the agent of (and to hold any security interest created by the Collateral Documents for and on behalf of or in trust for) such Lender and Issuing Bank for purposes of acquiring, holding and enforcing any and all Liens on Collateral granted by any of the Loan Parties to secure any of the Obligations, together with such powers and discretion as are reasonably incidental thereto. In this connection, the Administrative Agent, as “collateral agent” (and any co-agents, sub-agents and attorneys-in-fact appointed by the Administrative Agent pursuant to Section 9.05 for purposes of holding or enforcing any Lien on the Collateral (or any portion thereof) granted under the Collateral Documents, or for exercising any rights and remedies thereunder at the direction of the Administrative Agent), shall be entitled to the benefits of all provisions of this Article IX and Article X with respect to the Administrative Agent (including Sections 10.04 and 10.05), as though such co-agents, sub-agents and attorneys-in-fact were the “collateral agent” under the Loan Documents. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Lenders hereby expressly authorize the Administrative Agent to execute any and all documents (including releases) with respect to the Collateral and the rights of the Secured Parties with respect thereto (including any Intercreditor Agreement), as contemplated by and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Collateral Documents and acknowledge and agree that any such action by any Agent shall bind the Lenders.

  • OHIP The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premium for OHIP and will provide for payment of any reimposition of OHIP type premiums.

  • International Education Surveys 33A) The Secretary of State may, by notice in writing to the Academy Trust, require the Academy Trust to participate in an international education survey and the Academy Trust shall, upon receipt of such notice, participate in that survey and provide to the Secretary of State or to those carrying out the survey all such assistance and information as may reasonably be required for the purposes of the Academy’s participation in that survey. Pupil Premium

  • General Education From: American River College General Catalog, Semester This is a temporary template to display CSU GE Breath couses until ASSIST is functional. Plese keep in mind that this is a static file and will not reflect any subsequent changes. ORAL COMMUNICATION ← CSU GE Area: A1 - Oral Communication SPEECH 301 - Public Speaking (3.00) SPEECH 331 - Group Discussion (3.00) SPEECH 361 - The Communication Experience (3.00) ← WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CSU GE Area: A2 - Written Communication ENGWR 480 - Honors College Composition (3.00) ENGWR 300 - College Composition (3.00) ESLW 340 - Advanced Composition (4.00) CRITICAL THINKING ← CSU GE Area: A3 - Critical Thinking ESL 350 - Advanced Composition and Literature (4.00) SPEECH 302 - Persuasive Speech (3.00) SPEECH 311 - Argumentation and Debate (3.00) ENGWR 301 - College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 482 - Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) XXXX 320 - Logic and Critical Reasoning (3.00) ENGRD 310 - Critical Reading as Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 481 - Honors College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 302 - Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 303 - Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature (4.00) PHYSICAL SCIENCE CSU GE Area: B1 - Physical Science PS 300 - Introduction to Physical Science (3.00) GEOG 300 - Physical Geography: Exploring Earth's Environmental Systems (3.00) PHYS 310 - Conceptual Physics (3.00) GEOL 310 - Historical Geology (3.00) GEOL 300 - Physical Geology (3.00) GEOG 306 - Weather and Climate (3.00) GEOL 305 - Earth Science (3.00) ASTR 300 - Introduction to Astronomy (3.00) GEOG 307 - Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 325 GEOL 345 - Geology of California (3.00) GEOG 308 - Introduction to Oceanography (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 330 PHYS 311 - Basic Physics (3.00) ASTR 330 - Introduction to Astrobiology (3.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) GEOG 305 - Global Climate Change (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 320 ASTR 310 - The Solar System (3.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) ASTR 320 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (3.00) LIFE SCIENCE ← CSU GE Area: B2 - Life Science NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) ANTH 300 - Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 342 - The New Plagues: New and Ancient Infectious Diseases Threatening World Health (3.00) BIOL 352 - Conservation Biology (3.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) ANTH 480 - Honors Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 300 - The Foundations of Biology (3.00) PSYC 310 - Biological Psychology (3.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) ANTH 303 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 301 - Evolution (3.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) HEED 308 - Environmental Health Science (3.00) BIOL 375 - Marine Ecology (3.00) LABORATORY ACTIVITY CSU GE Area: B3 - Laboratory Activity GEOL 301 - Physical Geology Laboratory (1.00) PSYC 311 - Biological Psychology Laboratory (1.00) PS 301 - Physical Science Laboratory (1.00) ASTR 400 - Astronomy Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 311 - Historical Geology Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 306 - Earth Science Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 309 - Introduction to Oceanography Lab (1.00) Same-As: GEOL 331 PHYS 312 - Conceptual Physics Laboratory (1.00) ANTH 301 - Physical Anthropology Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 301 - Physical Geography Laboratory (1.00) NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) ← QUANTITATIVE REASONING CSU GE Area: B4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning PSYC 330 - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3.00) MATH 350 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences I (3.00) MATH 300 - Introduction to Mathematical Ideas (3.00) MATH 351 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences II (3.00) MATH 340 - Calculus for Business and Economics (3.00) CISP 440 - Discrete Structures for Computer Science (3.00) MATH 410 - Introduction to Linear Algebra (3.00) MATH 325 - Problem Solving (3.00) MATH 342 - Modern Business Mathematics (3.00) MATH 310 - Mathematical Discovery (3.00) MATH 330 - Trigonometry (3.00) MATH 355 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine I (4.00) MATH 311 - Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers - Number Systems (3.00) MATH 420 - Differential Equations (4.00) MATH 402 - Calculus III (5.00) MATH 400 - Calculus I (5.00) MATH 336 - College Algebra (5.00) STAT 305 - Statway, Part II (6.00) STAT 300 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4.00) MATH 370 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics (5.00) MATH 356 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine II (4.00) MATH 401 - Calculus II (5.00) ARTS AND HUMANITIES ART 324 - Collage and Assemblage (3.00) MUFHL 321 - Basic Musicianship (3.00) DANCE 433 - Performance Group: ARCH Dance Company (3.00) MUFHL 410 - Music Theory and Musicianship III (4.00) ARTH 335 - Survey of Photography (3.00) Same-As: ARTPH 345 MUFHL 411 - Music Theory and Musicianship IV (4.00) MUFHL 401 - Music Theory and Musicianship II (4.00) MUFHL 400 - Music Theory and Musicianship I (4.00) ART 390 - Ceramics (3.00) ARTH 333 - Introduction to Islamic Art (3.00) ARTH 318 - History of American Art (3.00) CSU GE Area: C2 - Humanities: (Literature, ← TA 303 - History and Theory of the Theatre II Philosophy, Languages Other than English) (3.00) PHIL 315 - Contemporary Moral Issues (3.00) PHIL 300 - Introduction to Philosophy (3.00) HUM 310 - Modern Humanities (3.00) ENGLT 340 - World Literature I (3.00) HIST 340 - History of California through 1879 (3.00) ENGLT 321 - American Literature II (3.00) HIST 373 - History of Mexico (3.00) ENGLT 380 - Introduction to Shakespeare (3.00) HIST 367 - History of Russia (3.00) HUM 330 - Humanities of the Americas (3.00) PHIL 360 - Social/Political Philosophy (3.00) HIST 481 - History of Western Civilization- Honors (3.00) ENGLT 360 - Women in Literature (3.00) PHIL 330 - History of Classical Philosophy (3.00) ENGLT 311 - English Literature II (3.00) IDES 310 - History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings I (3.00) ENGLT 304 - Introduction to Poetry (3.00) HIST 308 - History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present (3.00) ENGLT 310 - English Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 345 - Mythologies of the World (3.00) HUM 365 - Introduction to the New Testament (3.00) ENGLT 494 - Topics in Literature (3.00) ENGLT 320 - American Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 370 - Children and Literature (3.00) ENGLT 378 - Young Adult Literature (3.00) SOCIAL SCIENCES

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