Guildwood. An employee may accumulate not more than five (5) lieu days, which may be taken at her request concurrently or added to her vacation.
Guildwood. If an employee works past midnight, the Home will supply transportation to her home, in the event that she does not operate her own automobile.
Guildwood. At least two weeks of the employee’s entitled vacation will be taken as earned in allotment of weeks (i.e. one week equals five (5) vacation days and at least two days off). Notwithstanding the above, full time employees will be granted vacation time off in single day or multiples thereof.
Guildwood. The Employer agrees to provide locker space as is possible.
Guildwood. When an employee wishes to accumulate vacation credits beyond normal entitlement, she shall give advance notice in writing to the Home.
Guildwood. For purposes of defining part-time employees, it is agreed that part-time employees are employees who regularly work not more than twenty-four (24) hours per week.
Guildwood. Provided the employee works or receives paid leave for a total of at least hours in the vacation year, the Home will grant a full-time employee vacation with pay based upon years of continuous service as follows:
Guildwood. Subject to the provisions in paragraphs 2 to 4 of Article 13.10, part-time employees shall receive their vacation pay by the end of June each year. The vacation year for part-time employees is July 1st to June 30th of each year.
Guildwood. Advance requests for specific days off shall be submitted to the Director of Nursing at least three (3) weeks in advance of the posting time. Requests for change in posted time schedules must be submitted in writing and co-signed by the employee willing to exchange days or tour of duty.
Guildwood. At least one (1) weekend in two (2) shall be granted; Four (4) days off will be scheduled during each two (2) week period and schedules will provide for not more than five (5) consecutive days of work. Where a full-time employee is required to work more than five (5) consecutive days, she shall be paid time and one-half for each day in excess of the five (5) days until days off are scheduled.