Office HVAC Replacement Sample Clauses

Office HVAC Replacement. Pursuant to the terms of the Lease, Tenant is responsible to maintain, repair, and replace the HVAC systems serving the Premises in accordance with the existing terms of the Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any of the HVAC units listed on Exhibit B attached hereto (each, an “Office HVAC Unit”) Requires Replacement (defined below) during the period commencing as of the date hereof and continuing through the end of the Extended Term, or as otherwise agreed by Landlord and Tenant, then Landlord shall, pursuant to the cost arrangement set forth below, be responsible for the removal and replacement of such Office HVAC Unit with a reasonably comparable unit and Landlord shall pay directly to the HVAC contractor undertaking the removal and replacement project the full cost of such removal and replacement project; provided, however, that as a condition to any Landlord payment obligation (i) Tenant shall provide prior written notice to Landlord of the failure and required replacement of the Office HVAC Unit in question, along with a detailed recommendation from a licensed and qualified HVAC contractor that the Office HVAC Unit Requires Replacement, (ii) Landlord shall determine the scope (including the brand, make, and model of the proposed replacement office HVAC Unit) and final budget for the removal and replacement project prior to the actual incurrence of any costs related thereto, (iii) Tenant shall provide Landlord with all necessary access to the Premises, and shall cooperate with Landlord in all respects, to undertake and complete the removal and replacement project, it being understood that Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement of rent or claims of any kind against Landlord in connection with any inconvenience or accommodations which are required by Landlord, or in connection with any interference with Tenant’s business operations, as part of the completion of the project, and Tenant, at its sole cost and expense and prior to the commencement of the project, shall promptly remove all personal property, trade fixtures, equipment, office furniture and/or other similar items, if any, as may be required by Landlord for Landlord to undertake and complete the project, and (iv) Landlord shall not be responsible for any costs which are attributable, directly or indirectly, to the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant or any of Tenant’s employees, contractors, agents, invitees, or similar parties. For the avoidance of doubt, Tenant acknowledges...
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Related to Office HVAC Replacement

  • Office Space Manager will provide office space in the offices of the Manager or in such other place as may be reasonably agreed upon by the parties hereto from time to time, and all necessary office facilities and equipment;

  • HVAC A. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment will be provided with sufficient capacity to accommodate a maximum population density of one (1) person per one hundred fifty (150) square feet of useable floor area served, and a combined lighting and standard electrical load of 3.0 xxxxx per square foot of useable floor area. In the event Tenant introduces into the Premises personnel or equipment which overloads the system’s ability to adequately perform its proper functions, Landlord shall so notify Tenant in writing and supplementary system(s) may be required and installed by Landlord at Tenant’s expense, if within fifteen (15) days Tenant has not modified its use so as not to cause such overload. Operating criteria of the basic system shall not be less than the following:

  • Janitorial Services Tenant will not employ any person for the purpose of cleaning the Premises or permit any person to enter the Building for such purpose other than Landlord's janitorial service, except with Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant will not necessitate, and will be liable for the cost of, any undue amount of janitorial labor by reason of Tenant's carelessness in or indifference to the preservation of good order and cleanliness in the Premises. Janitorial service will not be furnished to areas in the Premises on nights when such areas are occupied after 9:30 p.m., unless such service is extended by written agreement to a later hour in specifically designated areas of the Premises.

  • Benchmark Replacement Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in any other Loan Document, if a Benchmark Transition Event and its related Benchmark Replacement Date have occurred prior any setting of the then-current Benchmark, then (x) if a Benchmark Replacement is determined in accordance with clause (a) of the definition of “Benchmark Replacement” for such Benchmark Replacement Date, such Benchmark Replacement will replace such Benchmark for all purposes hereunder and under any Loan Document in respect of such Benchmark setting and subsequent Benchmark settings without any amendment to, or further action or consent of any other party to, this Agreement or any other Loan Document and (y) if a Benchmark Replacement is determined in accordance with clause (b) of the definition of “Benchmark Replacement” for such Benchmark Replacement Date, such Benchmark Replacement will replace such Benchmark for all purposes hereunder and under any Loan Document in respect of any Benchmark setting at or after 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on the fifth (5th) Business Day after the date notice of such Benchmark Replacement is provided to the Lenders without any amendment to, or further action or consent of any other party to, this Agreement or any other Loan Document so long as the Administrative Agent has not received, by such time, written notice of objection to such Benchmark Replacement from Lenders comprising the Required Lenders. If the Benchmark Replacement is Daily Simple SOFR, all interest payments will be payable on a quarterly basis.

  • Maintenance and Repairs 7.1 Tenant shall, at its expense, throughout the Term and all renewals and extensions thereof, maintain in good order, condition and repair the Premises, including but not limited to heating and air conditioning equipment, walls, floors and ceilings, window exteriors, mechanical and electrical systems and equipment exclusively serving the Premises, electric light fixtures, bulbs, tubes and tube casings, doors, floor coverings, dock doors, levelers, plumbing system and plumbing fixtures, Tenant’s signs and utility facilities not maintained by Landlord. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to extend to Tenant the benefit from warranties on such items, if any, that have been made by Landlord’s contractors or vendors and to extend to Tenant, as and if available, any bulk buying power that Landlord may have with such contractors or vendors. If any portion of the Premises or any system or equipment in the Premises which Tenant is obligated to repair cannot be fully repaired, Tenant shall promptly replace the same, regardless of whether the benefit of such replacement extends beyond the Term. Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, maintain a preventive maintenance contract providing for the regular inspection (at least quarterly) and maintenance of the heating and air conditioning system by a licensed and qualified heating and air conditioning contractor, or Tenant shall perform such HVAC inspection and maintenance with duly licensed and qualified employee. The cost of such preventive maintenance contract shall be paid by Tenant and an expense solely chargeable to Tenant; but if Landlord so elects, same may be billed directly by Landlord to Tenant where Landlord on Tenant’s behalf enters into such preventive maintenance contract and in such case shall be deemed Additional Rent (Landlord alone may so elect whether to enter into such preventive maintenance contract on Tenant’s behalf). Landlord shall have the right, upon notice to Tenant, to undertake the responsibility for preventive maintenance of any other system or component at Tenant’s expense. Tenant shall be responsible for janitorial services and trash removal from the Premises, at Tenant’s expense. Landlord and Tenant intend that, at all times during the Term, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in good order and condition and appearances reasonably commensurate with the balance of the Property. All of Tenant’s obligations to maintain and repair shall be accomplished at Tenant’s sole expense. If Tenant fails to maintain and repair the Premises as required by this Section, Landlord may, on 10 days’ prior written notice (except that no notice shall be required in case of emergency), enter the Premises and perform such maintenance or repair on behalf of Tenant; provided such entry is made in compliance with Applicable Laws, including but not limited to, the Marijuana code. In such cases, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord immediately upon demand for all costs incurred in performing such maintenance or repair plus an administration fee equal to 5% of such actual and reasonable costs or expenses.

  • Janitorial Service Landlord shall not be obligated to provide any janitorial services to the Premises or replace any light bulbs, lamps, starters and ballasts for lighting fixtures within the Premises. Tenant shall be solely responsible, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, for (i) performing all janitorial services, trash removal and other cleaning of the Premises, and (ii) replacement of all light bulbs, lamps, starters and ballasts for lighting fixtures within the Premises, all as appropriate to maintain the Premises in a first-class manner consistent with the first-class nature of the Building and Project. Such services to be provided by Tenant shall be performed by contractors and pursuant to service contracts approved by Landlord. Tenant shall deposit trash as reasonably required in the area designated by Landlord from time to time. All trash containers must be covered and stored in a manner to prevent the emanation of odors into the Premises or the Project. Landlord shall have the right to inspect the Premises upon reasonable notice to Tenant and to require Tenant to provide additional cleaning, if necessary. In the event Tenant shall fail to provide any of the services described in this Section 6.6 to be performed by Tenant within five (5) days after notice from Landlord, which notice shall not be required in the event of an emergency, Landlord shall have the right to provide such services and any charge or cost incurred by Landlord in connection therewith shall be deemed Additional Rent due and payable by Tenant upon receipt by Tenant of a written statement of cost from Landlord.

  • Maintenance Repairs and Alterations 6.01 Tenant's Obligations to Repair ------------------------------ Tenant shall at its sole cost and expense, maintain in clean and safe condition, and make all repairs and replacements to the Premises and every part thereof, structural and non-structural, so as to keep, maintain and preserve the Premises in first class condition and repair, including, without limitation, the roof, the foundation, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ("HVAC"), elevators, if any, all plumbing and sewage facilities, fire sprinklers, electrical and lighting facilities, systems, appliances, and equipment within the Premises, fixtures, interior and exterior walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, entrances, all interior and exterior glass (including plate glass), and skylights located within the Premises, and all sidewalks, service areas, parking areas and landscaping comprising part of the Premises. All repairs and replacements required to be made by Tenant shall be made promptly with new materials of like kind and quality to those used in the original construction of the Premises. If the repair or replacement work affects the structural parts of the Premises, or if the estimated cost of any item or repair or replacement exceeds $10,000, then Tenant shall first obtain Landlord's written approval of the scope of work, plans therefor, and materials to be used. Any such work shall be performed by Landlord's contractor or by such contractor as Tenant may choose from an approved list to be submitted by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to make any repairs or replacements which are not promptly made by Tenant and charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, for the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the Agreed Rate from the date of payment thereof by Landlord. Without limiting any of Tenant's obligations hereunder, during the Lease Term Tenant, at its expense, shall obtain and keep in force an HVAC service contract and a roof maintenance program satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant hereby waives the benefit of any statute now or hereafter in effect which would otherwise afford Tenant the right to make repairs at Landlord's expense or to terminate this Lease because of Landlord's failure to keep the Premises in good condition, order and repair. Tenant specifically waives all rights it may have under Sections 1932(1), 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code, and any similar or successor statute or law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord shall exercise its rights under any guaranties or warranties relating to the original construction of the Premises if the need to make repairs arises due to a defect therein; provided, however, Landlord shall not have any liability or be required to expend any funds if such guaranties or warranties are not honored by the makers hereof.

  • Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations 7.1 Lessee's Obligations.

  • Maintenance and Repair (a) Except for any Alterations that Tenant is permitted to make pursuant to this Lease, Tenant shall at all times put, keep and maintain the Leased Premises (including, without limitation, the roof, landscaping, walls, footings, foundations and structural components of the Leased Premises) in the same (or better) condition and order of repair as exists as of the Commencement Date, except for ordinary wear and tear, and shall promptly make all repairs and replacements of every kind and nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, which may be required to be made upon or in connection with the Leased Premises in order to keep and maintain the Leased Premises in the order and condition required by this Paragraph 11(a). Tenant shall do or cause others to do all shoring of the Leased Premises or of foundations and walls of the Improvements and every other act necessary or appropriate for preservation and safety thereof, by reason of or in connection with any excavation or other building operation upon any of the Leased Premises, whether or not Landlord shall, by reason of any Legal Requirements or Insurance Requirements, be required to take such action or be liable for failure to do so. LANDLORD SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO MAKE ANY REPAIR, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, OR TO MAINTAIN ANY OF THE LEASED PREMISES IN ANY WAY, AND TENANT HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE REPAIRS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE LANDLORD, WHICH RIGHT MAY BE PROVIDED FOR IN ANY LAW NOW OR HEREAFTER IN EFFECT. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be deemed to preclude Tenant from being entitled to insurance proceeds or condemnation awards for Restoration pursuant to Paragraphs 13(c) and 14(g). Tenant shall, in all events, make all repairs for which it is responsible hereunder promptly (but in any event shall commence actions to initiate such repairs as quickly as possible after the date Tenant becomes aware that such repairs are necessary, or, in the event of a Restoration pursuant to Paragraph 13(c) or 14(g), within sixty (60) days of the date insurance proceeds or a condemnation award has been paid to the Trustee (it being understood that Tenant shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the integrity and safety of the Leased Premises pending such payment) and shall diligently pursue such repairs to completion), and all repairs shall be made in a good, proper and workmanlike manner.

  • TENANT’S MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Tenant at its sole expense shall comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations governing the Premises and make all repairs necessary to keep the Premises in the condition as existed on the Commencement Date (or on any later date that the improvements may have been installed), excepting ordinary wear and tear, including without limitation the electrical and mechanical systems, any air conditioning, ventilating or heating equipment which serves the Premises, all walls, glass, windows, doors, door closures, hardware, fixtures, electrical, plumbing, fire extinguisher equipment and other equipment. Any damage or deterioration of the Premises shall not be deemed ordinary wear and tear if the same could have been prevented by good maintenance practices by Tenant. As part of its maintenance obligations hereunder, Tenant shall, at Landlord’s request, provide Landlord with copies of all maintenance schedules, reports and notices prepared by, for or on behalf of Tenant. Tenant shall obtain preventive maintenance contracts from a licensed heating and air conditioning contractor to provide for regular inspection and maintenance of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems servicing the Premises, all subject to Landlord’s approval. All repairs shall be at least equal in quality to the original work, shall be made only by a licensed contractor approved in writing in advance by Landlord (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), and shall be made only at the time or times approved by Landlord. Any contractor utilized by Tenant shall be subject to Landlord’s standard requirements for contractors, as modified from time to time. Landlord shall have the right at all times (upon at least 24 hours’ prior notice) to inspect Tenant’s maintenance of all equipment (including without limitation air conditioning, ventilating and heating equipment), and may impose reasonable restrictions and requirements with respect to repairs, as provided in Section 7.3, and the provisions of Section 7.4 shall apply to all repairs. Alternatively, Landlord may elect to make any repair or maintenance required hereunder on behalf of Tenant and at Tenant’s expense, and Tenant shall promptly reimburse Landlord for all costs incurred upon submission of an invoice. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 7.1, in the event Tenant’s obligation for compliance with all applicable laws and governmental regulations, or making repairs, results in a capital improvement on Tenant’s part (or Tenant’s being obligated to reimburse Landlord for a capital improvement), Tenant shall only be responsible for the amortized cost of such capital improvement (amortized at a market cost of funds as reasonably determined by Landlord) over the useful life of such improvements during the Term (except in the event obligation for any such capital improvement is required due to Tenant’s particular use of the Premises, in which case Tenant shall be fully responsible for the entire cost and installation of such capital improvement).

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