PMTCT Sample Clauses

PMTCT. Formação de Matronas 02 Matronas 10 16 a 20 de Setembro Mandimba Formação de Matronas 02 Matronas 10 16 a 20 de Setembro Metarica Formação de Matronas 04 Matronas 10 22 a 26 de Julho Marrupa Formação de Matronas 02 Matronas 09 22 a 26 de Julho Nipepe Formação de Matronas 03 Matronas 18 22 a 26 de Julho Xxxx Reúnião Semestral de SMI 04 ESMI, TMG e Médicos 42 03 a 05 de Setembro Lichinga GENDER GBV 03 Médicos,ESMI, TMG, AMG, Psicologos, Enfermeiros Basicos, Gerais e Técnicos de FHI360(Genero e M&A) 27 09 a 11 de Julho Cuamba IPC/BIOSECURITY Reunião Provincial de Enfermagem 01 Médicos e Supervisores distritais de enfermagem. 31 12 a 13 Julho Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx presente o delegado provincial de ANEMO e assessora da FHI para o PCI PHARMACY Gestao de Medicamentos 05 Técnicos de Fármacia e Medicos 26 23 a 26 Julho Cuamba HEALTH SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING- SERVICE DELIVERY Reúnião Regional de Qualidade e Humanização Todos os chefes de programas da DPS, CQH das US, comunidade, 26 a 28 de Setembro Lichinga O CHASS N apenas apoiou com os Perdiems Gestão de processos e fluxo de pacientes 02 Enfermeiros, Médicos, Técnicos de Saúde, APE, Sociedade Civil e Xxxxxx 23 17 a 18 de Setembro Lago- Metangula COMMUNITY Conselheiros Leigos 04 GCC e Técnicos de Saúde 33 Setembro Mandimba Aguarda-se a realização da segunda fase que será realizada xx Xxxxxx Total 72 526 ANNEX 3 – DPS Sub agreement financial execution Orçamento Inicial Orçamento Aprovado/Revisto Despesas acumuladas Saldo Nível de Execução (%)
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PMTCT. This quarter, 17,092 pregnant women were registered in ANC settings, out of this number 15,949 (93%) knew their status of which 680 (4%) were HIV positive. 472 (69%) of the HIV positive women were provided with ART prophylaxis at an ANC service. While on the one hand the proportion of women with known HIV status did not change, on the other, the proportion tested positive provided with ART prophylaxis decreased from 97% to 69% which was due to stock out ZDV, EFV, and Duovir. Regarding the implementation of the Option B+, during this quarter, a total of 363 new HIV+ pregnant women was enrolled under this strategy, which represents an increase of 245% (from 105 to 363) the previous quarter. This was the result of expansion from 5 to 39 HFs providing this strategy, as well as training and follow-up of the MCH nurses.
PMTCT. This quarter, 14,208 pregnant women were registered in ANC settings. Of these women, 13,313 (94%) knew their status and 903 (6.7%) were HIV positive. 697 (77%) of the HIV positive women were provided with ARV prophylaxis at an ANC service. The proportion of those tested positive who were provided with ARV prophylaxis increased from 69% to 77% from last quarter as a result of closer support to MCH nurses. When training was provided to MCH nurses, tutors were also trained. During the quarter, these trained tutors increased their participation in the PMTCT activities, and supported progress reviews and control of stocks of test kits and ARVs while also reinforcing the inclusion of women previously on Option A. This quarter a total of 384 new HIV+ pregnant women initiated Option B+, up from 363 last quarter (a 6% increase from last quarter). This is likely the result of consolidation of the B+ strategy in the province. ART A total of 1,292 new patients initiated ART this quarter, an 11% decrease compared with last quarter. This represents 43% of the annual target. A total of 11,749 patients are currently on ART; this is a 9% increase compared to last quarter and contributed to reaching 138% achievement of the annual target. Of these patients, 103 new children initiated ART; this is 8% of the total new inclusions in ART. The decrease in enrollment was associated with difficulties in identification of patients with eligibility criteria as the CD4 machines from four HFs faced periods of inactivity during quarter. TB/HIV This quarter 454 new TB patients were registered, 448 (98.7%) of whom knew their HIV status. Of the 448, 178 (39.7%) were HIV positive and all of them (178) received CTZ prophylaxis; 159 (89.3%) initiated ART. Overall the proportion of HIV+ patients initiating ART increased from 79% to 89%, likely as a result of improvements in documentation of TB results, consolidation of implementation of the one-stop-shop model, and universal access in the province. LTFU A total of 218 defaulted (faltosos) patients in Pre-ART and 494 in ART were delivered to CCMs and lay-counselors for identification and 140 (64%) of Pre-ART patients and 322 (65%) of ART patients were located. Of the patients located, a total of 129 (92%) patients in Pre-ART and 278 (86%) in ART were encountered and 113 (88%) and 247 (89%) in Pre-ART and ART patients, respectively, returned to treatment. In the same period, 131 patients that had abandoned Pre-ART and 278 that had abandoned ART ...
PMTCT. In Quarter 3, MCHIP provided technical assistance to the MOH, in partnership with UNICEF, to plan and conduct a meeting for the Northern Region to introduce the Mozambique National Plan for Elimination of PMTCT (2012 – 2015), discuss the rollout of Option B+, and provide technical assistance to revise the provincial plans, targets, and indicators in order to be aligned with the national plan. As a result of this meeting, provinces in the Northern region of Mozambique have a road map to work toward the nation’s goal of eliminating vertical transmission and saving the lives of mothers and children. Dr. Xxxxxx, Chief Provincial Medical Officer of Nampula, “This meeting was an important event. It allowed my province to integrate the key activities of the National Elimination Plan into our provincial plan. After the meeting, I met with our provincial staff, including our clinical advisor and MNCH head nurse, to revise and finalize our Provincial Elimination Plans. At this moment, we have begun training our nurses in Option B+ and are moving forward with expanding comprehensive HIV services in our province.” Also during this quarter, MCHIP provided technical support to develop a PMTCT pocket- guide. The objective of this tool is to provide health care workers with an easy-to use summary of PMTCT guidelines for use during appointments with HIV-positive women and children. The pocket-guide will be finalized over the next quarter. MCHIP also provided technical assistance, through participation in the PMTCT technical working group, to develop PMTCT supervision guides.
PMTCT. MCH Misoprostol (for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage - PPH) Zinc ORS Immunizations Malaria ADVANCING PARTNERS & COMMUNITIES JSI RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE 0000 Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, 16th Floor Arlington, VA 22209 USA Phone: 000-000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000
PMTCT. Enfants exposés testés pour VIH 5 Soins : Nombre de clients VIH+ testés pour CD4 chaque six-mois 6 Soins : Nombre de clients VIH+ traités aux CTX chaque mois 7 VIH prevention: Nombre des femmes VIH+ qui utilisent le PF 8 TB/MST: Nombre des patients VIH+ qui ont etes examines pour TB Questionnaire Use the official questionnaire designed to be used for data entry in EpiInfo, in French and Kinyarwanda, found below. Questionnaire d’enquête dans la communauté (FR) v080924 Nom de l’enquêteur Province District Centre de santé Nom de la personne qui a tire l’échantillon Nom de l’association Nom et Prénom du Client Secteur Cellule Chef de Famille Date de visite de l’enquêteur (jj-mm-aa) La nommée est-elle reconnu(e) ? (Oui/Non) Si la précédente personne existe, qui a confirmé son existence ? Lui-même ? Oui/Non Un membre de la famille? Oui/Non Le responsable du village? Oui/Non ; Autre : Avez-vous consulte le centre de sante de (Oui/Non) Si oui, quel service avez-vous consulte? 1 PMA : Consultation Générale 2 PMA : CPN 3 PMA : PEV 4 PMA : Nutrition 5 PMA : Accouchement 6 PMA : PF 7 PMA : Références 8 VIH : VCT 9 VIH : PMTCT 10 VIH : ARV 11 VIH : Soins Palliatifs Si oui, quant est ce que vous avez été en consultation ou reçu le service ? (jj-mm-aa) Y’a-t-il des propositions de solution pour l’amélioration de la qualité des services dans votre formation sanitaire ? Au cas ou les services CPN, PF ou Accouchements sont utilisées : demandez les questions suivantes :
PMTCT a. Does XX-XXXX reduce loss to follow-up of infants exposed to HIV?
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PMTCT. Field notes and questionnaire responses indicate that participants had a high number of questions regarding pregnancy while HIV-positive and the prevention of mother-to-child- transmission. Women stressed the importance of visiting the clinic before getting pregnant when planning a pregnancy as an HIV-positive woman, so that she can improve her chances of following recommended steps and reducing transmission. During this session, a counselor from SWEAT’s partnering clinic, TB/HIV Care Association, joined the group to guide participants through this segment of the session and to answer questions. This proved to be very beneficial, as she was able to share details regarding the appointment process and current recommendations in South Africa, as well as provide additional reading materials on PMTCT for the women to take home. Despite this, survey responses indicate that many participants would have liked to spend more time on this topic. Many questions came up that were specific to PMTCT and breastfeeding, however in the curriculum, this topic is discussed separately within the session on breastfeeding. Facilitators may find it difficult to hold all questions related to breastfeeding until that session. As such it may be beneficial to introduce some content on breastfeeding and PMTCT in Session 4. This would also allow the group to maximize the benefits of having an expert/guest facilitator present and would eliminate the need for scheduling additional facilitators to for both sessions. Delivery and post-delivery Only brief activities covering childbirth and what to expect after delivery are included in this session, with a total of fifteen minutes allotted for coverage of these two topics. Currently, materials include sharing strategies that helped women feel at ease when going into labor and a discussion of biological changes to be expected after delivery. Women shared birth stories, strategies that helped them mentally prepare before the births of their children, and the experiences of meeting their children for the first time. Participants expressed a range of experiences, which directed the conversation to premature birth, substance abuse and accusations of child abuse, miscarriages and complicated deliveries, as well as the importance of advocating for one’s own health. When one participant said that she would have liked to learn more about labor during the final focus group discussion, participants agreed that labor and delivery were topics they would ...
PMTCT. 84% of HIV+ pregnant women provided with ARV prophylaxis. • 8% increase in the number of HIV+ women who initiated ART under Option B+. • 24% of all patients initiating ART in the quarter were women initiating under Option B+. • 59% of the HIV+ women provided with CTZ prophylaxis in ANC. • 73% of HIV-exposed children provided with ARV prophylaxis in maternity wards • 86.4% HIV-exposed children registered in the CCR started cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. ART • 1,419 new patients initiated ART which is 10% increase from achievements in previous quarter, and contributing to reaching 93% of the annual target. • 13,783 patients are currently on ART, which represents a 14.8% increased as compared to the previous quarter and contributed to reaching 125% of the annual target. TB/HIV • 11% increase (504) from previous quarter of new registered TB patients. • 98% (495) registered TB patients knew their HIV status. • 38% (190) of registered TB patients were HIV positive, and all the positives received a CTZ prophylaxis. • 80% of the HIV positive registered TB patient initiated ART. GBV • 567 (235 males and 332 females) individuals were screened for GBV • 10 (1 male and 9 females) were identified as victims of sexual violence • 10 (100% of the victims of sexual violence) were tested for HIV • 9 (90%) of the women who were victims of sexual violence received PEP • 7 (70%) of them received emergency contraceptives this was because 2 of them were under ten years old.

Related to PMTCT

  • Inventory Management The Subrecipient must submit an annual statement identifying the status of all equipment and non-real property items purchased with ESG funds by the contract termination date. The status report should inventory all equipment and non-real properties purchased with ESG funds and state the condition of the equipment and its location.

  • Management of Company 5.1.1 The Members, within the authority granted by the Act and the terms of this Agreement shall have the complete power and authority to manage and operate the Company and make all decisions affecting its business and affairs.

  • SBC SWBT shall provide a toll free facsimile number to CLEC for the submission of requests for Resale Services and Network Elements under this Agreement; CLEC shall provide SBC-SWBT with a toll free facsimile number for notices from SBC-SWBT relating to requests for Resale Services and Network Elements under this Agreement.

  • MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 8.01 It is understood that the Management may at any time file a grievance with the staff representative of the Union and request a meeting with him to discuss any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its officers or committee member, in its relationships with the Company or other employees or with respect to any complaint that there has been a violation of any contractual obligation undertaken by the Union, and that if such grievance by the Management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties it may be referred to arbitration as set forth in Article VII above.

  • Fiscal Management Grantee must have accounting and internal control systems to ensure proper management of federal and state funds, maximize non-federal resources, and maintain solvency. Xxxxxxx’s accounting and internal control systems must meet the following requirements:

  • Financial Management Services ‌ Definition: Financial Management Services includes the planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of an organization. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Financial Management Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Management Services The Adviser shall perform (or arrange for the performance by its affiliates of) the management and administrative services necessary for the operation of the Fund. The Adviser shall, subject to the supervision of the Board of Trustees, perform various services for the Portfolio, including but not limited to: (i) providing the Portfolio with office space, equipment and facilities (which may be its own) for maintaining its organization; (ii) on behalf of the Portfolio, supervising relations with, and monitoring the performance of, custodians, depositories, transfer and pricing agents, accountants, attorneys, underwriters, brokers and dealers, insurers and other persons in any capacity deemed to be necessary or desirable; (iii) preparing all general shareholder communications, including shareholder reports; (iv) conducting shareholder relations; (v) maintaining the Fund's existence and its records; (vi) during such times as shares are publicly offered, maintaining the registration and qualification of the Portfolio's shares under federal and state law; and (vii) investigating the development of and developing and implementing, if appropriate, management and shareholder services designed to enhance the value or convenience of the Portfolio as an investment vehicle. The Adviser shall also furnish such reports, evaluations, information or analyses to the Fund as the Fund's Board of Trustees may request from time to time or as the Adviser may deem to be desirable. The Adviser shall make recommendations to the Fund's Board of Trustees with respect to Fund policies, and shall carry out such policies as are adopted by the Trustees. The Adviser shall, subject to review by the Board of Trustees, furnish such other services as the Adviser shall from time to time determine to be necessary or useful to perform its obligations under this Contract.

  • Disputes between the Contracting Parties 1. Any dispute between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, as far as possible, be settled through negotiation.

  • RTT Round-­‐Trip Time or RTT refers to the time measured from the sending of the first bit of the first packet of the sequence of packets needed to make a request until the reception of the last bit of the last packet of the sequence needed to receive the response. If the client does not receive the whole sequence of packets needed to consider the response as received, the request will be considered unanswered.

  • Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting the HUB Program at 000-000-0000 or toll-free in Texas at 0-000-000-0000.

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