Rental Agreement and House Rules Sample Clauses

Rental Agreement and House Rules. Rental agreement The rental agreement is an important document that you should carefully store. It regulates all the details of the tenancyfor example, the amount of rent, utility costs and the security deposit. The rental agreement also states when your rent is due. It is usually due in advance and must, at the latest, be on the landlord’s bank account on the third weekday of the month. Your duties as a tenant are established in this agreement, for example, how to go about decorative repairs, or repairing minor damage (up to €100 per individual repair). Everything that gets worn out in the course of normal living, as well as painting or wallpapering the walls, is covered in it. Major damage must be reported to the landlord. Building alterations must receive prior approval. Keeping small animals is allowed in most rental agreements. If you plan on keeping bigger animals, such as dogs, the landlord must approve beforehand. That’s why you should first ask in writing before acquiring a big animal. In the case of dogs, you must pay dog tax to city hall. If you would like to move, please note the (mostly) three month cancellation deadline. If you’d like to being moved out till the end of April, you have till the end of January to cancel your rental agreement.
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Rental Agreement and House Rules. You can also find the amount of your total rent due monthly in your rental agreement. It should be paid monthly. Heating costs, warm water and overhead are included as advance payment. In the following year, your actual usage of these items are calculated and deducted. You might be refunded some of the utility costs, but only if you are very frugal with water or energy, for example. It could also happen that you have to pay an additional sum afterward. We advise you to review your utility costs or let them be audited. If you have any questions, contact your rental agreement representative or the information center of the tenant association. House rules House rules are a part of the rental agreement and are binding to all tenants. They establish rules that are intended to facilitate a friendly environment amongst neighbors, as well as building cleanliness and security rules. If you do not adhere to the house rules, you are liable for any damages you may have caused. Therefore, it is worth to follow them, as they promote a friendly and respectful neighborhood. Rest periods are laid out in the house rules, and are mostly valid: • Afternoon rest from 1-3pm • Night’s rest from 10pm-7am • Daylong rest on Sundays and public holidays The house rules also state if and when the building should be locked in the evening, so as to prevent, for security reasons, unknown persons from gaining access to the building. Usually, doors are locked daily from 8pm-7am. Building doors with electronic doors openers are not allowed to be locked for fire safety reasons. 11 Wegweiser_Zugewanderte_englisch_11 11 04.02.2015 15:07:41
Rental Agreement and House Rules. So that neighbors aren’t bothered through strong food odors, you are asked to open your kitchen window and to turn on your exhaust during cooking. If you are on a balcony, please keep in mind that somebody (mostly) also lives beneath you. Make sure that trash or liquids do not mistakenly make their down to your neighbor’s. To decrease fire hazards, smoking is not allowed in hallways, entrance rooms and common areas; grilling on the balcony or roof terrace is also not allowed. So that no one trips or gets hurt, do not place items in hallways and in staircases. In case of fire, congestion-free passage is vital. If there are special drying room available in the building, drying clothes in the apartment is not allowed. If available, you can use the balcony for clothes drying. Clotheslines may only be attached below the railing, or a drying rack should be used. In any case, clothes may not be dried on the radiator. Heating and Ventilation You can save a lot of money if you consciously and sparingly use heating and ventilation. Turn down your thermostat valve if a window is open and don’t turn it up more than necessary. During cold winter months, thermostat valves should not be turned down completely to “0”. It shouldn’t get below 19 degrees in your apartment, as health-damaging mold can form. Thoroughly air the rooms at least three times a day. To do so, open the windows and doors wide and, if possible, create a draft. This way, spent and moist indoor air is replaced with fresh and dry air. In doing so, only little heat escapes. The constantly opening of windows costs a lot of energy and should, therefore, not be done while the heat is on. Also ventilate after showering and cooking. 12 Wegweiser_Zugewanderte_englisch_12 12 04.02.2015 15:07:42

Related to Rental Agreement and House Rules

  • Rental Agreement All of the Roommates agree to be bound by all of the terms of the Rental Agreement.

  • Assignment and Subleasing During the Lease Term, the Lessee may assign, sublease or transfer to any Person, at any time, in whole or in part, its right, title or interest in, to or under this Lease or any portion of the Leased Property without the prior written consent of the Lessor so long as (v) any such assignment, sublease or transfer would not subject the Lessor to a violation of laws or regulations applicable to the Lessor including those promulgated by OFAC, (w) no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing or, after giving effect to such assignment, sublease or transfer, would exist, (x) any such sublease is expressly subject and subordinate to this Lease, (y) Lessee remains liable for all obligations under this Lease after giving effect to any such assignment, sublease or transfer, and (z) Lessor retains all of its interests in and benefits of the Cash Collateral and receives prior certification thereof from the Lessee and such other evidence thereof as the Lessor may reasonably request. Unless and until Lessee has exercised the Early Termination Option or the Purchase Option, no sublease may have a term that extends beyond the Base Term Expiration Date. In all cases, Lessee will promptly provide Lessor copies of each such assignment, sublease or transfer. No sublease will discharge or diminish any of the Lessee’s obligations hereunder and the Lessee shall remain directly and primarily liable under the Lease with respect to the Leased Property and the Operative Documents to which it is a party. Each sublease permitted hereby shall be made and shall expressly provide in writing that it is subject and subordinate to this Lease and the rights of the Lessor hereunder, shall expressly provide for the surrender of the Leased Property by the sublessee at the election of the Lessor after an Event of Default, shall provide that such provisions may be directly enforced by the Lessor and shall provide that such sublessee expressly agrees to comply with the use restrictions set forth in Article X hereof. Notwithstanding the first paragraph of this Article XII, Lessee may not assign or transfer its rights and obligations under this Lease and the other Operative Documents unless (a) on the effective date of any such assignment and transfer, no Event of Default exists, (b) the parties enter into an assignment agreement in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Lessor, (c) all filings of or in respect of any such assignment and transfer necessary to protect the rights of the Lessor in the Leased Property and the other Operative Documents are made in a timely fashion, (d) without limiting any provisions of this Article XII, any such assignment and transfer shall include an appropriate provision for the operation, maintenance and insurance of the Leased Property in accordance with the terms hereof, (e) the Lessor shall have received opinions of counsel with respect thereto and such other matters as the Lessor may reasonably request, (f) such assignment and transfer will not result in a Material Adverse Effect, (g) such assignment and transfer will not result in the imposition of any unindemnified Taxes, (h) the Lessor shall have received such other documents and instruments and the Lessee shall take such further acts as the Lessor may reasonably request to evidence and facilitate such assignment and transfer, provided that no such document or instrument shall increase Lessee’s obligations or diminish Lessee’s rights under the Operative Documents or otherwise, and (i) such assignment and transfer will not, with respect to the Lessor, violate the use restrictions set forth in Article X hereof or Applicable Laws and provided, further that, Lessee shall provide to the Lessor not less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice of such assignment or transfer, such notice to identify the assignee or transferee. No such assignment and transfer will diminish or discharge any of the Lessee’s obligations under this Lease or the other Operative Documents.

  • Assignment Amendments Waiver and Contract Complete 8.1 The Contractor may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior consent of the Authority and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Agreement, or their successors in office. Any attempted assignment without said consent shall be void and of no effect. The Authority may assign or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or a portion of this Agreement in its sole discretion and without the consent of the Contractor. The Contractor shall execute all consents reasonably required to facilitate such assignment or other transfer.

  • Assignment and amendments This Agreement shall automatically terminate, without the payment of any penalty, in the event of its assignment (as defined in section 2(a)(4) of the 1940 Act); provided that such termination shall not relieve the Adviser of any liability incurred hereunder. This Agreement may not be added to or changed orally and may not be modified or rescinded except by a writing signed by the parties hereto and in accordance with the 1940 Act, when applicable.

  • ASSIGNMENT AND AMENDMENT This Agreement may not be assigned by the Subadviser, and shall automatically terminate, without the payment of any penalty, in the event: (a) of its assignment, including any change in control of the Adviser or the Subadviser which is deemed to be an assignment under the 1940 Act, or (b) that the Advisory Agreement is assigned or terminates for any reason. Trades that were placed prior to such termination will not be canceled; however, no new trades will be placed after notice of such termination is received. Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Adviser or the Subadviser of any liability incurred hereunder. The terms of this Agreement shall not be changed unless such change is agreed to in writing by the parties hereto and is approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees of the Trust voting in person, including a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust, the Adviser or the Subadviser, at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such change, and (to the extent required by the 0000 Xxx) unless also approved at a meeting by the affirmative vote of the majority of outstanding voting securities of the Fund.

  • ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE Provided there are no Events of Defaults hereunder or under the Note Agreement, as defined herein and therein, Tenant may assign this Lease or sublease all or any portion of the Demised Premises subject to the terms hereof. Tenant shall not assign this Lease without the exclusive prior written consent of Landlord and any mortgagee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant may assign this Lease to any person which is a successor to Tenant as permitted by the terms of the Note Agreement. If this Lease is assigned, Lessor may collect Base Rent and Additional Rent directly from such assignee. If any part of the Demised Premises is sublet and any Event of Default exists hereunder, Landlord may collect Base Rent and Additional Rent from such subtenant. Any assignment or sublease shall require the assignee or subtenant to comply with all terms of this Lease except for any sublease term, which shall be at Tenant's discretion (but in no event extend beyond the term of this Lease), and a duplicate original of such sublease or assignment shall be delivered to Landlord at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of such sublease or assignment. Any assignee shall assume, by instrument in form and content satisfactory to Landlord, the due performance of all of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, including any accrued obligations at the time of the effective date of the assignment, and such assumption agreement shall state that the same is made by the assignee for the express benefit of Landlord as a third party beneficiary thereof. Each sublease permitted hereby shall be subject and subordinate to all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease and to all of the rights of Landlord hereunder; and in the event this Lease shall terminate before the expiration of such sublease, the sublessee thereunder will, at Landlord's option, attorn to Landlord and waive any rights the sublessee may have to terminate the sublease or to surrender possession thereunder, as a result of the termination of this Lease. No sublease shall be permitted hereby unless as a condition to effectiveness thereof, Tenant shall have assigned to Landlord and Landlord shall have effectively assigned to mortgagee such sublease. Tenant agrees to pay on behalf of Landlord any and all costs of Landlord or otherwise occasioned by such assignment or subletting, including without limitation, the cost of any alteration, addition, improvement or other renovation or refurbishment to the Demised Premises made in connection with such assignment or subletting and any cost imposed by any governmental authority in connection with any of the foregoing. No assignment or sublease shall be made unless any guarantor of the Tenant's obligations or any party responsible for Tenant's obligations shall give its written consent to such assignment or sublease and confirm that its obligations shall not be affected by such assignment or sublease, and, provided, further, that if any modification to the Lease is proposed to be made after such assignment or sublease, then, at Landlord's or mortgagee's option, all prior assignors and sublessors, and all such obligated parties, shall be required to confirm in writing their approval of such modification, and that their obligations continue as to the Lease as so modified. No assignment or subletting under this paragraph shall relieve Tenant (or any guarantor of Tenant's obligations under the Lease or any assignee) of its obligations hereunder. Any assignment or subletting of this Lease which is not in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be of no effect and void. Except as permitted hereby, Tenant shall not transfer, sublet, assign or otherwise encumber its interest in the Lease or the Demised Premises. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease to the contrary and notwithstanding any consent by Landlord to any sublease of the Demised Premises, or any portion thereof, or to any assignment of this Lease or of Tenant's interest or estate in the Demised Premises, no sublessee shall assign its sublease nor further sublease the Demised Premises, or any portion thereof, and no assignee shall further assign or sublet its interest in this Lease or its interest or estate in the Demised Premises, or any portion thereof, without Landlord's prior written consent in each and every instance which consent may be withheld or delayed as above provided. No such further assignment or subleasing shall relieve Tenant from any of Tenant's obligations in this Lease contained.

  • ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING 19.1 The Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract any obligations under the Contract without the prior consent of the Authority, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Sub-contracting any part of the Contract shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations or duties.

  • COMPLETE AGREEMENT AND WAIVER OF BARGAINING 22.1 This Agreement shall represent the complete Agreement between the Union and the County.

  • Scope Entire Agreement and Amendment 301 Contract. This contract consists of 10 numbered pages and any Attachments as required. In the case of dispute or ambiguity arising between or among the documents, the order of precedence of document interpretation is the same.

  • ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-LETTING Tenant shall not assign this Agreement, or sub-let or grant any license to use the Premises or any part thereof without the prior written consent of Landlord. A consent by Landlord to one such assignment, sub-letting or license shall not be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent assignment, sub-letting or license. An assignment, sub-letting or license without the prior written consent of Landlord or an assignment or sub-letting by operation of law shall be absolutely null and void and shall, at Landlord's option, terminate this Agreement.

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