Responsibilities of Servicer Appointment of Servicer Sample Clauses

Responsibilities of Servicer Appointment of Servicer 
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Related to Responsibilities of Servicer Appointment of Servicer

  • Appointment of Servicer (a) The Servicer shall manage, service and administer the Transaction SUBI Assets, at its own expense and for the benefit of each holder and pledgee of the Transaction SUBI Certificate, and shall make collections on the Transaction Units in accordance with its Customary Servicing Practices in effect from time to time, using the same degree of skill and attention that the Servicer exercises with respect to all comparable retail automotive leases that it services for itself or others.

  • Duties of Servicer as Custodian (a) Safekeeping. The Servicer (or its Affiliates, but only in accordance with the second following sentence) shall hold the Receivable Files for the benefit of the Issuing Entity and the Indenture Trustee and maintain such accurate and complete accounts, records and computer systems pertaining to each Receivable File as shall enable the Issuing Entity to comply with this Agreement. In performing its duties as custodian, the Servicer shall act with reasonable care, using that degree of skill and attention that the Servicer exercises with respect to the receivable files relating to all comparable equipment receivables that the Servicer services for its Affiliates or others. The Servicer, in its capacity as custodian, may at any time delegate its duties as custodian to any Affiliate of the Servicer; provided, that no such delegation shall relieve the Servicer of its responsibility with respect to such duties and the Servicer shall remain obligated and liable to the Issuing Entity, the Depositor and the Indenture Trustee for its duties hereunder as if the Servicer alone were performing such duties. The Servicer shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, periodic audits of the Receivable Files and the related accounts, records and computer systems, in such a manner as shall enable the Issuing Entity or the Indenture Trustee to verify the accuracy of the Servicer’s record keeping. The Servicer shall promptly report to the Issuing Entity and the Indenture Trustee any material failure on its part, or its Affiliate’s part, to hold the Receivable Files and maintain its accounts, records and computer systems as herein provided and promptly take appropriate action to remedy any such failure. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require an initial review or any periodic review by the Issuing Entity, the Trustee or the Indenture Trustee of the Receivable Files.

  • Duties of Servicer The Servicer, for the benefit of the Issuing Entity, and (to the extent provided herein) the Indenture Trustee shall manage, service, administer and make collections on the Receivables with reasonable care, using that degree of skill and attention that the Servicer or Indenture Trustee, as applicable, exercises with respect to all comparable equipment receivables that it services for its Affiliates or others. The Servicer’s duties shall include collection and posting of all payments, responding to inquiries of Obligors on such Receivables, investigating delinquencies, sending payment coupons or statements to Obligors, reporting tax information to Obligors, accounting for collections and furnishing monthly and annual statements to the Trustee and the Indenture Trustee with respect to distributions. Subject to Section 4.2, the Servicer shall follow its then current customary standards, policies and procedures (“Servicing Procedures”) in performing its duties as Servicer. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Servicer is authorized and empowered to execute and deliver, on behalf of itself, the Issuing Entity, the Trustee, the Indenture Trustee, the Certificateholders, the Noteholders or any of them, any and all instruments of satisfaction or cancellation, or partial or full release or discharge, and all other comparable instruments, with respect to such Receivables or the Financed Equipment securing such Receivables. If the Servicer shall commence a legal proceeding to enforce a Receivable, the Issuing Entity shall thereupon be deemed to have automatically assigned, solely for the purpose of collection, such Receivable to the Servicer. If in any enforcement suit or legal proceeding it shall be held that the Servicer may not enforce a Receivable on the ground that it shall not be a real party in interest or a holder entitled to enforce such Receivable, the Trustee shall, at the Servicer’s direction (and, so long as the Servicer is NH Credit, at the Servicer’s expense), take steps to enforce such Receivable, including bringing suit in its name or the name of the Trust, the Indenture Trustee, the Certificateholders or the Noteholders. The Trustee or the Indenture Trustee shall, upon the written request of the Servicer, furnish the Servicer with any powers of attorney and other documents reasonably necessary or appropriate to enable the Servicer to carry out its servicing and administrative duties hereunder.

  • SELLER’S ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICER TO PERFORM SERVICING RESPONSIBILITIES Section 2.01. Contract for Servicing; Possession of Custodial Files, Maintenance of Retained Mortgage Files and Servicing Files. The Seller, by execution and delivery of this Agreement, does hereby contract with the Servicer as an independent contractor, subject to the terms of this Agreement, for the continued servicing of the Mortgage Loans. On or before the Closing Date, the Servicer shall have in its possession the Servicing Files with respect to the Mortgage Loans listed on the Mortgage Loan Schedule. The Servicer shall maintain a Servicing File with respect to each Mortgage Loan in order to service such Mortgage Loans pursuant to this Agreement and each Servicing File in its possession shall be held in trust by the Servicer for the benefit of the Trustee; provided, however, that the Servicer shall have no liability for any Servicing Files (or portions thereof) not delivered by the Seller. The Servicer’s possession of any portion of the Mortgage Loan documents shall be at the will of the Trustee for the sole purpose of facilitating servicing of the related Mortgage Loan pursuant to this Agreement, and such retention and possession by the Servicer shall be in a custodial capacity only. The ownership of each Mortgage Note, Mortgage and the contents of the Servicing File shall be vested in the Trustee and the ownership of all records and documents with respect to the related Mortgage Loan prepared by or which come into the possession of the Servicer shall immediately vest in the Trustee and shall be retained and maintained, in trust, by the Servicer at the will of the Trustee in such custodial capacity only. The portion of each Servicing File retained by the Servicer pursuant to this Agreement shall be appropriately marked to clearly reflect the ownership of the related Mortgage Loan by the Trustee. The Servicer shall release from its custody the contents of any Servicing File retained by it only in accordance with this Agreement. Pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement, the Seller will have delivered the Custodial Files to the Custodian. In addition, each Retained Mortgage File not delivered to the Custodian pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement are and shall be held in trust by the Servicer for the benefit of the Trustee as the owner thereof. The possession of each Retained Mortgage File held by the Servicer is in a custodial capacity only. The ownership of each Retained Mortgage File shall be vested in the Trustee. The Servicer shall release its custody of the contents of any Retained Mortgage File only in accordance with written instructions from the Trustee, unless such release is required pursuant to Section 5.02 or if a Document Transfer Event occurs. Upon the occurrence of a Document Transfer Event, the party first discovering such event shall promptly notify the Master Servicer, the Servicer, the Trustee and the Custodian, as applicable, and, with respect to each Mortgage Loan, deliver to the Custodian, within 60 days, the Retained Mortgage Files pursuant to the terms of the Custodial Agreement.

  • Duties of Servicer Generally The Servicer’s duties in general shall include management, servicing and administration of the Recovery Property; obtaining meter reads, calculating electric usage, billing, collections and posting of all payments in respect of the Recovery Property; responding to inquiries by Consumers, the CPUC, or any federal, local or other state governmental authorities with respect to the Recovery Property; delivering Bills to Consumers and ESPs, processing and depositing collections and making periodic remittances pursuant to the Financing Order and each Tariff; furnishing periodic reports to the Issuer, the Indenture Trustee and the Rating Agencies; and taking action in connection with True-Up Adjustments as set forth herein. Certain of the duties set forth above may be performed by ESPs pursuant to ESP Service Agreements if such ESPs satisfy the creditworthiness requirements as set forth in PG&E’s Electric Rule 22.P., “Credit Requirements.” Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the duties of the Servicer set forth in this Servicing Agreement shall be qualified in their entirety by any CPUC Regulations, the Financing Order and the U.S. federal securities laws and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, including Regulation AB, as in effect at the time such duties are to be performed. Without limiting the generality of this Section 3.01(a), in furtherance of the foregoing, the Servicer hereby agrees that it shall also have, and shall comply with, the duties and responsibilities relating to data acquisition, usage and xxxx calculation, billing, customer service functions, collections, payment processing and remittance set forth in Annex I hereto, as it may be amended from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, the term “usage” when used herein includes references to both kilowatt hour consumption and kilowatt demand.

  • Replacement of Servicer (a) If a Servicer Replacement Event shall have occurred and be continuing, the Indenture Trustee shall, at the direction of Holders of at least 66 2/3% of the aggregate outstanding principal balance of the Outstanding Notes, by notice given to the Servicer, the Owner Trustee, the Issuer, the Administrator and the Noteholders, terminate the rights and obligations of the Servicer under this Agreement with respect to the Receivables. In the event the Servicer is removed or resigns as Servicer with respect to servicing the Receivables, the Indenture Trustee shall appoint a successor Servicer. Upon the Servicer’s receipt of notice of termination the predecessor Servicer will continue to perform its functions as Servicer under this Agreement only until the date specified in such termination notice or, if no such date is specified in such termination notice, until receipt of such notice. If a successor Servicer has not been appointed at the time when the predecessor Servicer ceases to act as Servicer in accordance with this Section, the Indenture Trustee without further action will automatically be appointed the successor Servicer. Notwithstanding the above, the Indenture Trustee, if it is legally unable or is unwilling to so act, will appoint, or petition a court of competent jurisdiction to appoint, a successor Servicer. Any successor Servicer shall be an established institution having a net worth of not less than $100,000,000 and whose regular business includes the servicing of comparable motor vehicle receivables having an aggregate outstanding principal balance of not less than $50,000,000.

  • Responsibilities of the Successor Servicer The Successor Servicer will not be responsible for delays attributable to the Servicer’s failure to deliver information, defects in the information supplied by the Servicer or other circumstances beyond the control of the Successor Servicer. The Successor Servicer will make arrangements with the Servicer for the prompt and safe transfer of, and the Servicer shall provide to the Successor Servicer, all necessary servicing files and records, including (as applicable and deemed necessary by the Successor Servicer at such time): (i) imaged Contract documentation, (ii) servicing system tapes, (iii) Contract payment history, (iv) collections history, and (v) the trial balances, as of the close of business on the day immediately preceding conversion to the Successor Servicer, reflecting all applicable Contract information. The Successor Servicer shall have no responsibility and shall not be in default hereunder nor incur any liability for any failure, error, malfunction or any delay in carrying out any of its duties under this Agreement if any such failure or delay results from the Successor Servicer acting in accordance with information prepared or supplied by a Person other than the Successor Servicer or the failure of any such Person to prepare or provide such information. The Successor Servicer shall have no responsibility, shall not be in default and shall incur no liability (i) for any act or failure to act by any third party, including the Servicer, the Trust Depositor or the Trustees, or for any inaccuracy or omission in a notice or communication received by the Successor Servicer from any third party or (ii) which is due to or results from the invalidity, unenforceability of any Contract with applicable law or the breach or the inaccuracy of any representation or warranty made with respect to any Contract.

  • Appointment of Subservicer or Subcontractor (a) The Servicer may at any time appoint a subservicer to perform all or any portion of its obligations as Servicer hereunder if the Administrator and the Indenture Trustee has received ten (10) days prior written notice of the Servicer’s intention to do so and such appointment has satisfied the Rating Agency Condition; provided, however, that the Servicer shall remain obligated and be liable to the Issuer, the Owner Trustee, the Delaware Trustee, the Indenture Trustee, the Certificateholders and the Noteholders for the servicing and administering of the Receivables in accordance with the provisions hereof without diminution of such obligation and liability by virtue of the appointment of such subservicer and to the same extent and under the same terms and conditions as if the Servicer alone were servicing and administering the Receivables. The fees and expenses of the subservicer shall be as agreed between the Servicer and its subservicer from time to time, and none of the Issuer, the Owner Trustee, the Delaware Trustee, the Indenture Trustee, the Certificateholders or the Noteholders shall have any responsibility therefor.

  • Oversight of Servicing The Master Servicer shall supervise, monitor and oversee the servicing of the Mortgage Loans by each Servicer and the performance by each Servicer of all services, duties, responsibilities and obligations (including the obligation to maintain an Errors and Omissions Policy and Fidelity Bond) that are to be observed or performed by the Servicer under its respective Servicing Agreement. In performing its obligations hereunder, the Master Servicer shall act in a manner consistent with Accepted Master Servicing Practices and in a manner consistent with the terms and provisions of any insurance policy required to be maintained by the Master Servicer or any Servicer pursuant to this Agreement or any Servicing Agreement. The Master Servicer acknowledges that prior to taking certain actions required to service the Mortgage Loans, each Servicing Agreement provides that the Servicer thereunder must notify, consult with, obtain the consent of, waiver from, or otherwise follow the instructions of the Master Servicer. In the case of any request for waiver from a Servicer, the Master Servicer shall promptly instruct such Servicer or otherwise respond to such Servicer's request. The Master Servicer shall not waive compliance by a Servicer with those provisions of its Servicing Agreement which are required to enable the Depositor and the Master Servicer to satisfy the Trust's ongoing reporting obligations under the Exchange Act. In addition, in no event will the Master Servicer instruct such Servicer to take any action, give any consent to action by such Servicer or waive compliance by such Servicer with any provision of such Servicer's Servicing Agreement if any resulting action or failure to act would be inconsistent with the requirements of the Rating Agencies that rated the Certificates, would be inconsistent with the requirements of Regulation AB or would otherwise have an adverse effect on the Certificateholders. Any such action or failure to act shall be deemed to have an adverse effect on the Certificateholders if such action or failure to act either results in (i) the downgrading of the rating assigned by either Rating Agency to the Certificates, (ii) the loss by the Trust Estate of REMIC status for federal income tax purposes or (iii) the imposition of any Prohibited Transaction Tax or any federal taxes on either the REMIC or the Trust Estate. The Master Servicer shall have full power and authority in its sole discretion to take any action with respect to the Trust Estate as may be necessary or advisable to avoid the circumstances specified including clause (ii) or (iii) of the preceding sentence. For the purposes of determining whether any modification of a Mortgage Loan shall be permitted by the Master Servicer, such modification shall be construed as a substitution of the modified Mortgage Loan for the Mortgage Loan originally deposited in the Trust Estate if it would be a "significant modification" within the meaning of Section 1.860G-2(b) of the regulations of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. No modification shall be approved unless (i) the modified Mortgage Loan would qualify as a Substitute Mortgage Loan under Section 2.02 and (ii) with respect to any modification that occurs more than three months after the Closing Date and is not the result of a default or a reasonably foreseeable default under the Mortgage Loan, there is delivered to the Trustee an Opinion of Counsel (at the expense of the party seeking to modify the Mortgage Loan) to the effect that such modification would not be treated as giving rise to a new debt instrument for federal income tax purposes as described in the preceding sentence; provided, however, that no such Opinion of Counsel need be delivered if the sole purpose of the modification is to reduce the Monthly Payment on a Mortgage Loan as a result of a Curtailment such that the Mortgage Loan is fully amortized by its original maturity date. During the term of this Agreement, the Master Servicer shall consult fully with each Servicer as may be necessary from time to time to perform and carry out the Master Servicer's obligations hereunder and otherwise exercise reasonable efforts to cause such Servicer to perform and observe the covenants, obligations and conditions to be performed or observed by it under its Servicing Agreement. The relationship of the Master Servicer to the Trustee under this Agreement is intended by the parties to be that of an independent contractor and not that of a joint venturer, partner or agent. The Master Servicer shall administer the Trust Estate on behalf of the Trustee and shall have full power and authority, acting alone or (subject to the requirements of Section 6.06) through one or more Subcontractors, to do any and all things in connection with such administration which it may deem necessary or desirable. Upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement, and from time to time as may be required thereafter, the Trustee shall furnish the Master Servicer or its Subcontractors with any powers of attorney and such other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the Master Servicer to carry out its administrative duties hereunder. The Depositor shall have a limited option to repurchase any defaulted Mortgage Loan or REO Mortgage Loan during the following time periods: (i) beginning on the first day of the second month following the month in which the Master Servicer has reported that a Servicer has initiated foreclosure proceedings with respect to such a defaulted Mortgage Loan, with such repurchase option expiring on the last day of such second following month; (ii) beginning on the first day of the second month following the month in which the Master Servicer has reported that such defaulted Mortgage Loan has become an REO Mortgage Loan, with such repurchase option expiring on the last day of such second following month; and (iii) beginning on the day on which a Servicer accepts a contractual commitment by a third party to purchase the Mortgaged Property related to the defaulted Mortgage Loan or REO Mortgage Loan, with such repurchase option expiring on the earlier of the last day of the month in which such contractual commitment was accepted by the Servicer or the day immediately prior to the day on which the closing occurs with respect to such third party purchase of the Mortgaged Property related to the defaulted Mortgage Loan or REO Mortgage Loan. The Depositor shall be entitled to repurchase at its option any Mortgage Loan in the Trust Estate which, pursuant to paragraph 5(b) of the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement, Wells Fargo Bank requests the Depositor to repurchase and to sell to Xxxxx Fargo Bank to facilitate the exercise of Wells Fargo Bank's rigxxx xgainst the originator or a prior holder of xxxx Mortgage Loan. The purchase price for any Mortgage Loan repurchased pursuant to this paragraph shall be the Repurchase Price. Upon the receipt of such Repurchase Price, the Master Servicer shall provide to the Trustee the certification required by Section 3.04 and the Trustee and the Custodian, if any, shall promptly release to the Depositor the Owner Mortgage Loan File and Retained Mortgage Loan File, if applicable, relating to the Mortgage Loan being repurchased. In the event that (i) the Master Servicer determines at any time that, notwithstanding the representations and warranties set forth in Section 2.03(b), any Mortgage Loan is not a "qualified mortgage" within the meaning of Section 860G of the Code and (ii) the Trustee is unable to enforce the obligation of the Depositor to purchase such Mortgage Loan pursuant to Section 2.02 within two months of such determination, the Master Servicer shall cause such Mortgage Loan to be auctioned to the highest bidder and sold out of the Trust Estate no later than the date 90 days after such determination. In the event of any such sale of a Mortgage Loan, the Custodian shall, at the written request of the Master Servicer and upon being supported with appropriate forms therefor, within five Business Days of the deposit by the Master Servicer of the proceeds of such auction into the Certificate Account, release or cause to be released to the entity identified by the Master Servicer the related Owner Mortgage Loan File, Retained Mortgage Loan File, if applicable, and Servicer Mortgage Loan File and shall execute and deliver such instruments of transfer or assignment, in each case without recourse, as shall be necessary to vest in the auction purchaser title to the Mortgage Loan and the Custodian shall have no further responsibility with regard to such Owner Mortgage Loan File, Retained Mortgage Loan File, if applicable, or Servicer Mortgage Loan File. None of the Trustee, the Custodian, the Master Servicer or any Servicer, acting on behalf of the Trustee, shall provide financing from the Trust Estate to any purchaser of a Mortgage Loan. The Master Servicer, on behalf of the Trustee, shall, pursuant to the Servicing Agreements, object to the foreclosure upon, or other related conversion of the ownership of, any Mortgaged Property by the related Servicer if (i) the Master Servicer believes such Mortgaged Property may be contaminated with or affected by hazardous wastes or hazardous substances or (ii) such Servicer does not agree to administer such Mortgaged Property, once the related Mortgage Loan becomes an REO Mortgage Loan, in a manner which would not result in a federal tax being imposed upon the Trust Estate or the REMIC. At the direction of the Depositor, the Master Servicer may enter into a special servicing agreement with an unaffiliated holder of 100% Percentage Interest of a Class of Class B Certificates or a holder of a class of securities representing interests in the Class B Certificates and/or other subordinated mortgage pass-through certificates (such entity, a "Special Servicer"), such agreement (a "Special Servicing Agreement") to be substantially in the form of Exhibit M hereto or subject to each Rating Agency's acknowledgment that the ratings of the Certificates in effect immediately prior to the entering into of such agreement would not be qualified, downgraded or withdrawn and the Certificates would not be placed on credit review status (except for possible upgrading) as a result of such agreement. Any such agreement may contain provisions whereby such holder may (a) purchase any Mortgage Loans that are more than 180 days delinquent and (b) instruct the Master Servicer to instruct a Servicer to the extent provided in the applicable Servicing Agreement to commence or delay foreclosure proceedings with respect to delinquent Mortgage Loans and will contain provisions for the deposit of cash by the holder that would be available for distribution to Certificateholders if Liquidation Proceeds are less than they otherwise may have been had the Servicer acted in accordance with its normal procedures. The Master Servicer shall monitor the rating of Wells Fargo & Company and upon the occurrence of a Document Transfer Xxxxx relating to such rating, shall promptly notify the Depositor, Trustee and Custodian of the occurrence of such Document Transfer Event.

  • Enforcement of Servicer’s and Master Servicer’s Obligations (a) Each Servicing Agreement requires the applicable Servicer, respectively, to service the Mortgage Loans in accordance with the provisions thereof. References in this Agreement to actions taken or to be taken by the Master Servicer include actions taken or to be taken by a Servicer on behalf of the Master Servicer. Any fees and other amounts payable to a Servicer shall be deducted from amounts remitted to the Master Servicer by such Servicer to the extent permitted by the applicable Servicing Agreement and shall not be an obligation of the Trust Fund, the Trustee or the Master Servicer.

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