Unpaid Holiday for Reason of Faith or Conscience. 15 Employees are entitled to two (2) unpaid holidays per year for reason of faith or conscience or 16 an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or 17 religious organization. The employee may select the days on which the employee desires to 18 take the two (2) unpaid holidays after consultation with their supervisor. If an employee 19 prefers to take the two (2) unpaid holidays on specific days for the above reasons, the employer 20 must allow the employee to do so unless the employee’s absence would impose an undue 21 hardship on the employer. 23 Employees will submit an “Unpaid Holiday” request to their immediate supervisor ten (10) 24 workdays in advance of the requested unpaid holiday. No more than two (2) employees per 25 worksite/building may be absent or an unpaid holiday on any given day. The following 26 restrictions shall apply:
Unpaid Holiday for Reason of Faith or Conscience. 41 Employees are entitled to two (2) unpaid holidays per year for reason of faith or conscience or 42 an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or
Unpaid Holiday for Reason of Faith or Conscience. Employees are entitled to 2 unpaid holidays per year for a reason of faith or conscience or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. The employee may select and request the days on which the employee desires to take the 2 unpaid holidays after consultation with his/her supervisor pursuant to the procedure below. If the employee elects to take 2 unpaid holidays on specific days for any of the above reasons, the employer must allow the employee to do so unless the employee’s absence would impose an undue hardship on the employer. Undue hardship is defined as action causing significant difficulty or expense to the district. Existence of the undue hardship will be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account specific objective facts and circumstances present at the time of each request, and considering factors listed in school board policy procedure 5409P. An employee must submit an ‘Unpaid Holiday’ request with his/her immediate supervisor 10 workdays prior to the requested unpaid holiday. No more than 3 classified employees may be absent for an unpaid holiday on any given day. The following restrictions will apply: 1.) No unpaid holidays will be taken during the 10 workdays prior to the date the school year starts, during the first 10 workdays of school or the last 10 workdays of school.