NIKKEN TAIWAN, INC., TAIWAN BRANCHDistributor Application/Agreement • June 17th, 2004
Contract Type FiledJune 17th, 2004您或您的合夥人/配偶,曾否以個人身份、合夥身份或公司名稱從事過日健事業商?Have you or your partner/spouse ever been a Nikken Distributor indiidually, 有in a partnership, or in a corporation? Yes 否 如有的話,請說明最近之日期:No If yes, please list date of last activity: 月/Month 年/Year 前傳銷商號碼/Period ID. 本人明白,作為日健傳銷商的唯一付費要求,就是按成本價NT$1,600元購買一套日健製作的公司簡介之日健事業指南。本人知道這套日健事業指南並不附有日健產品,而本人成為事業商時有權選擇是否同時購買日健產品。I understand the only financial require, ent to become a Nikken Distributor is the purchase of a NT$1,600 at-cost Sales Kit, which contains sales and demonstration materials and company information produced by NIKKEN. 本人以右列方式購買日健事業指南/Sales Kit一套I am enclosing payment for a sales kit(check one): 信用卡持有人姓名:Cardholder Name: 現金Cash 信用卡號碼:Credit card No.: 有效期至:Expiry date: 信用卡Credit card 年Year 銀行或郵局轉帳.匯款Bank transferr 月Month 持卡人簽名:Cardholder Signature: 支票Check