Export údajů Vzorová ustanovení

Export údajů. Poskytovatel služeb zpracovává nebo jinak vyváží Osobní údaje mimo Evropský hospodářský prostor (dále jen „EHP“) (členské státy Evropské unie plus discovery of any privacy and security incident that involves, or which Service Provider reasonably believes involves, any unauthorized access, use, disclosure, loss, destruction, or alteration of Personal Data and Confidential Information (“Security Incident”). Such notice shall be sent by email to xxx …….. and shall summarize in reasonable detail the impact on PPD (and its Affiliates) of the Security Incident and the corrective action to be taken by Service Provider. Service Provider shall bear all costs associated with investigating and resolving any Security Incident involving Service Provider or its subcontractors, including, without limitation, conducting an investigation, notifying affected Data Subjects and others as required by law or directed by Institution and/or Sponsor, providing affected Data Subjects with one (1) year of credit monitoring or similar consumer protection service, and responding to inquiries from Data Subjects, regulators, and the media. Service Provider shall obtain consent from Institution and/or Sponsor before notifying any Data Subjects, regulators, or the media of a Security Incident, and shall provide Institution and/or Sponsor with copies of any proposed notices. Service Provider shall provide knowledgeable resources to keep Institution and/or Sponsor informed, without undue delay, as information about the root cause and implications of the Security Incident are discovered or otherwise become available regarding the nature and consequences of the Security Incident to allow Institution and/or Sponsor to notify relevant parties, in accordance with internal policies and Applicable Law. Such resources should also be available, if otherwise required - to attend Institution and/or Sponsor requested teleconference and provide answers to questions in regard to the Security Incident. Service Provider shall inform Institution and/or Sponsor of the measures that it will adopt to mitigate the cause of the Security Incident and to prevent future Security Breaches. 1.8