Examples of Annex II Part B in a sentence
Directive 2003/9/EC is repealed for the Members States bound by this Directive with effect from [day after the date set out in the first subparagraph of Article 31(1) of this Directive], without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limit for transposition into national law of the Directive set out in Annex II, Part B.
In addition, certain shares of VESTCOM preferred stock will be issued in connection with the VESTCOM Plan of Organization as further referenced on Annex II, Part B.
In accordance with Article 14, the Joint Committee shall monitor the process of phasing-out during the transition phase described in Annex I of aircraft registered in Armenia and used by operators under the regulatory control of Armenia which do not have a type certificate issued in accordance with the relevant EU legislation specified in Annex II, Part B, with a view to ensuring the phasing-out of such aircraft in accordance with paragraph 7 of Annex I.
It establishes threshold values for all the substances listed in Annex II Part B of Directive 2006/118/EC.
The parties hereto agree that the delivery of such collateral shall be made in a manner consistent with the cash collateral settlement procedures described above in Section 5(a)(3) of this Annex II Part B, relating to Domestic Funds.
It includes all substances listed in Annex II Part B of 38 Directive 2006/118/EC.
The Commission proposal included n-PB under Annex II, Part B (substances to be reported), but it is needed to be under Annex II, Part A (substances restricted).
Directive 2005/85/EC is repealed for the Member States bound by this Directive with effect from [day after the date set out in Article 51(1) of this Directive], without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limit for transposition into national law of the Directive set out in Annex II, Part B.
Directive 2003/9/EC is repealed for the Members States bound by this Directive with effect from 21 July 2015, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limit for transposition into national law of the Directive set out in Annex II, Part B.
It is anticipated that a more detailed assessment will be performed in the second RBM cycle27.All substances of Annex II Part B of the Groundwater Directive (GWD) have been taken into account in the establishment of groundwater threshold values.