Examples of ARPA in a sentence
USACE will safeguard information about historic properties to the extent allowed by Section 304 of NHPA (54 U.S.C. § 307103), Section 9 of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), and other applicable Federal laws, as well as implementing restrictions conveyed to USACE by the SHPO and Federally-recognized Tribes, consistent with state and tribal guidelines.
For Project contracts expected to be awarded following the execution of this Agreement that the Recipient expects to submit to the County for payment from ARPA funds, evidence of current procurement process compliance must be submitted for review and approval prior to the award of such contracts.
All activities conducted by the Recipient that are funded in whole or in part by monies received pursuant to this Agreement must follow all local, state, and federal laws, rules, regulations, standards, and policies made applicable to County through the terms and conditions of its ARPA award.
The Recipient shall provide monthly reports to the County detailing Project progress; offering an accounting of the Recipient’s expenditures of ARPA revenue replacement funds; and providing an update on the percentage of Project completion as of the date the report is submitted.
When the records are digital, they will not be connected to externally available electronic resources like GIS servers or other and marked as restricted (per NHPA, FOIA, and, as appropriate, ARPA).