attached means a building otherwise complete in itself, which depends for structural support, or complete enclosure, upon a division wall or walls shared in common with adjacent building or buildings.
attached means attached to this Order when used in relation to a schedule;
Examples of attached in a sentence
Copies of all of the material contracts referred to in the Offer Document Attached with this Form.
Attached hereto is Exhibit A: Scope of Work; Exhibit B: Program Fees; Exhibit C: RFP #25-002 Employee Clinical Services;; Exhibit D: Performance Indicators/Objectives; Exhibit E: County Travel Policy; and Exhibit G: Information Systems and Technology all of which are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein verbatim for all purposes.
The Pass shall apply to journeys through the sections stipulated in Attached Table 1 (hereinafter “Journey Areas”).
Attached Table No.1: Calculation Method for Accommodation Charges (Ref.
Attached please find a license agreement that would grant use of city right-of-way for the installation of this utility.
More Definitions of attached
attached means in, on, or physically connected to in any way.
attached means glued, taped, “Velcro-ed” or any other form of attachment such that if the boat is picked up or turned over, the item shall not fall out.
attached means, when used to describe any building or structure, that the roof of such building or structure is supported by a wall of the building.
attached. - means a building or structure which has a common wall and/or common roof line and the building or structure may be considered common as long as a minimum of twenty (20) per cent of the length of the wall or roof line is common with the main building or structure wall or roof.
attached. , shall mean a building, otherwise complete in itself, which depends for structure support, or complete enclosure, upon a divisional wall or walls shared in common with adjacent building or buildings.
attached means a physical connection between Buildings or parts of Buildings, including common walls or overhead roof Structures or canopies.