Australian Region definition

Australian Region. The laws of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia apply to this Agreement to the exclusion of any other law. The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx xxx xxx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx registry of the Federal Court of Australia. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply in any respect to this Agreement or the parties.
Australian Region means Australia and New Zealand;

Examples of Australian Region in a sentence

  • Identification of Units for Regional Management of green turtles in the Australian Region.

  • Research into Establishing an Aboriginal Men's Shed within the Central Australian Region.

  • ANNEX 1 – VERINT CONTRACTING ENTITIES Americas Region: Verint Americas Inc., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00000 Australian Region: Verint Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd.

  • The purpose of the OGM is to consider items of strategic importance to Local Government and the LGA, as recommended by the Board of Directors, the South Australian Region Organisation of Councils (SAROC) or the Greater Adelaide Region of Councils (GAROC).

  • In: Larkum AWD, McComb AJ and Shepherd SA (eds) Biology of Seagrasses: A Treatise on the Biology of Seagrasses with Special Reference to the Australian Region, pp 797‐820.

  • The Verint entity specified on an Order (with the Region so aligned to its registered jurisdiction), or if not so specified: Americas Region: Verint Americas Inc., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00000 Australian Region: Verint Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd.

  • We have analysed the health service resource data so as to show health service staff to population ratios for AHWs, nurses and doctors across the 12 Health Service Zones in the three ATSIC Regional Council Areas of Yapakurlangu, Papunya and Alice Springs which largely correspond to the Central Australian Region of THS.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ We have then ranked these to identify which Health Service Zones have greatest need.

  • Ms. Poloni previously served the Company as Chief Executive of Australia New Zealand (“ANZ”) from July 2014 to September 2017, Managing Director of the Southern Australian Region from June 2012 to June 2014, Managing Director of Environment ANZ from 2009 to 2012 and Group Leader of Transportation VicSA from October 2006 to July 2009.

  • The purpose of the AGM is to consider items of strategic importance to Local Government and the LGA, as recommended by the Board of Directors, the South Australian Region Organisation of Councils (SAROC) or the Greater Adelaide Region of Councils (GAROC).

  • Peter was a foundation member of the Australian Region as well as being Chairman of the Region, amongst the many roles that he has held.

Related to Australian Region

  • Australian Regional Health Group means a collective of regional health funds that negotiates hospital purchaser provider agreements with providers and monitors the registration process of relevant general treatment providers.

  • Australian Dollars means the lawful currency of Australia.

  • Australian Tax Act means the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) (Australia) or the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (Australia), as applicable.

  • Singapore means the Republic of Singapore and, when used in a geographical sense, includes its land territory, internal waters and territorial sea, as well as any maritime area situated beyond the territorial sea which has been or might in the future be designated under its national law, in accordance with international law, as an area within which Singapore may exercise sovereign rights or jurisdiction with regards to the sea, the sea-bed, the subsoil and the natural resources;

  • New Zealand Dollars means the lawful currency of New Zealand.

  • Canadian Resident means a resident of Canada for purposes of the ITA and includes a partnership any member of which is a resident of Canada for purposes of the ITA;

  • Malaysia means the territories of the Federation of Malaysia, the territorial waters of Malaysia and the sea-bed and subsoil of the territorial waters, and includes any area extending beyond the limits of the territorial waters of Malaysia, and the sea-bed and subsoil of any such area, which has been or may hereafter be designated under the laws of Malaysia and in accordance with international law as an area over which Malaysia has sovereign rights for the purposes of exploring and exploiting the natural resources, whether living or non-living;

  • Australian Dollar means the lawful currency of Australia.

  • New Zealand means the territory of New Zealand but does not include Tokelau; it also includes any area beyond the territorial sea designated under New Zealand legislation and in accordance with international law as an area in which New Zealand may exercise sovereign rights with respect to natural resources;

  • British Pounds Sterling means the lawful currency of the United Kingdom.

  • Western Australia the following definitions‑

  • Australia means the Commonwealth of Australia.

  • Australian Corporations Act means the Corporations Xxx 0000 (Cth) of Australia.

  • Japanese person means any person resident in Japan, including any corporation or other entity organized under the laws of Japan;

  • UK CRR means Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013, as amended or supplemented from time to time, as it forms part of domestic law in the UK by virtue of the EUWA.

  • relevant Minister means the Secretary of State or the Minister for the Cabinet Office;

  • Metropolitan Region Scheme or “Scheme” has the meaning ascribed to that expression in the Scheme Act;

  • Singapore Dollars means the lawful currency of Singapore.

  • Pounds Sterling means the lawful currency of the United Kingdom.

  • Australian Standard means a standard published by Standards Australia.

  • Australian Subsidiary means any Subsidiary that is organized under the laws of Australia or any province or territory thereof.

  • Ringgit Malaysia “RM” The lawful currency of Malaysia.

  • Asian American means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands, including but not limited to Japan, China, Vietnam, Samoa, Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Northern Mariana Islands, the Philippines, a U.S. territory of the Pacific, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part.

  • registered trade union means a trade union registered under The Trade Unions Act, 1926 (16 of 1926);

  • Canadian securities legislation means the applicable securities legislation in force in each province and territory of Canada, all regulations, rules, orders and policies made thereunder and all multilateral and national instruments adopted by the securities regulatory authorities.

  • Agreed Foreign Currency means, at any time, (i) any of Canadian Dollars, English Pounds Sterling, Euros, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollars, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona and New Zealand Dollars, and (ii) with the agreement of each Multicurrency Lender, any other Foreign Currency, so long as, in respect of any such specified Foreign Currency or other Foreign Currency, at such time (a) such Foreign Currency is dealt with in the London interbank deposit market, (b) such Foreign Currency is freely transferable and convertible into Dollars in the London foreign exchange market or the relevant local market, if applicable, and (c) no central bank or other governmental authorization in the country of issue of such Foreign Currency (including, in the case of the Euro, any authorization by the European Central Bank) is required to permit use of such Foreign Currency by any Multicurrency Lender for making any Loan hereunder and/or to permit the Borrower to borrow and repay the principal thereof and to pay the interest thereon, unless such authorization has been obtained and is in full force and effect.