Examples of BID proposer in a sentence
Bognor Regis Town Centre Management (BRTCM) is the BID proposer and will lead on the development of the BID.
There will be a need to establish two agreements with a new BID company: BID operational agreement - which establishes the Council’s responsibility to collect the BID levy via the business rates mechanism on behalf of the BID proposer; and the responsibility to organise a BID ballot.• BID baseline agreement which identifies those services which the City Council currently provides in a specific BID geographical area.
The risks involved, however are borne by the private sector BID proposer.
The formal role of BID proposer will be taken by Cvone and the Chamber and following a successful ballot an independent BID company will be created.
They may make this available to the BID proposer, the Ballot holder and to other interested parties.