Capricious definition

Capricious means freakish, fickle, or arbitrary. An act is capricious when it is done without reason, in a whimsical manner, implying either a lack of understanding of or a disregard for the surrounding facts and settled controlling principles. . . .
Capricious means not resulting from a reasonable and announced grading policy and procedure.
Capricious means subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change.

Examples of Capricious in a sentence

  • The Finding is Arbitrary and Capricious: Reading all evidence in the favor of the non-appealing party, the finding was not supported by reasonable grounds or adequate consideration of the circumstances.

  • Capricious treatment: unpredictable or inconsistent actions that affect the student in an adverse way.

  • Capricious evaluation: applying different standards of evaluation to members of the same course without legitimate reason; or grading assignments or assigning course grades in a manner inconsistent with the articulated standards of evaluation for the assignment or course.

  • The Finding is Arbitrary and Capricious: Reading all evidence in the favor of the non- appealing party, the finding was not supported by reasonable grounds or adequate consideration of the circumstances.

  • Students must see individual program advisors for the list of courses required.AppealsA student who wishes to appeal a grade or grades should utilize the current NIU Procedures for Use in Appealing Allegedly Capricious Semester Grades of Undergraduate Students (Grade Appeal Policy).

More Definitions of Capricious

Capricious means tyrannical, despotic, without fair, solid
Capricious means unpredictable and subject to whim. “Prejudicial” means irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, which does not include hostility on the basis of any legally protected status. If a student believes a course grade involved illegal discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, the college encourages the student to file a complaint as described in Regulation FFD. Any basis for grade appeal outside of the three conditions listed above or of illegal discrimination, harassment, or retaliation will not be considered, and the College will inform the student of this policy and refuse to process the appeal.
Capricious means freakish, fickle, or arbitrary. An act is capricious when it is done without reason, in a whimsical manner, implying either a lack of understanding or of a disregard for the
Capricious means governed or characterized by caprice.
Capricious means unpredictable and subject to whim. “Credible” means believable by a reasonable person.
Capricious means a course of action subject to, led by, or indicative of sudden and unpredictable change.
Capricious means freakish, fickle, or arbitrary. An act is capricious when it is done without reason, in a whimsical manner, implying either a lack of understanding of or a disregard for the surrounding facts and settled controlling principles”. Watkins v. Miss. Board of Bar Admissions, 659 So.2d 561, 568 (Miss. 1995); Dept. v. Health v. S.W. Miss. Med. Center, 580 So. 2d 1238, 1240 (Miss. 1991).