Compact Car definition

Compact Car means a light duty vehicle with total interior volume between 100 and 109 cubic feet.
Compact Car means a motor vehicle having no more than 109 cubic feet of cargo and passenger space and being able to seat up to four passengers and measuring no more than 15 feet in length with a wheelbase between 100 and 105 inches.
Compact Car means a small and economical car occupying little space compared with others of its type.

Examples of Compact Car in a sentence

  • SECTION 18.92.050 Compact Car Parking.Up to 50% of the total automobile parking spaces in a parking lot may be designated for compact cars.

  • Such spaces shall be signed or the space painted with the words7 "Compact Car Only."8 3.

  • Compact Car spaces measuring eight (8) feet wide by sixteen (16) feet deep, shall be permitted provided the total number does not exceed 20% of the total parking provided.

  • Because of the restrictive legal provisions, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants often cannot obtain work permits and therefore rely on irregular jobs that in the majority are underpaid and unstable.Education 163 Information from Anucuta interview.164 Information from Ms Anucuta in an email message to the author, dated 5 January 2010.165 Anucuta interview.6. There are no possibilities for asylum seekers to obtain higher education, vocational training, etc.No ways out of destitution7.

  • In addition, Royal agreed to lower their prices for Item #4 Compact Car 4 Door Item #4A daily price to $21.16 and Item #4 Compact Car 4 Door Item #4C to $635.00 monthly.

  • Compact Car Substitution – Parking lots with a minimum of 20 parking spaces may substitute standard spaces with compact spaces for up to 30% of the total parking spaces required.

  • Compact Car Stalls: Up to ten percent (10%) of the required number of parking spaces may be used to accommodate compact cars, if specifically marked, with stall sizes of a minimum width of 7’6” and a minimum length of 15’.

  • SPECIAL VEHICLE PARKING STALLS Compact Car Stalls – the Department of Administration may establish compact vehicle parking stalls.

  • MCC (Smart)Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen Micro Compact Car (MCC) AG der Daimler-Benz AG und des Schweizer Uhrenherstellers SMH (Swatch) geht im Oktober 1998 mit einem neuen Auto, dem Smart, an den Start.

  • The main characters in the discussion about the tool and its findings are the “Micro Compact Car GmbH” [from now on called Smart] and “Lofthouse of Fleetwood – Fisherman´s Friend” [from now on called Lofthouse or FF].

Related to Compact Car

  • Fire alarm system means a system designed to detect and annunciate the presence of fire, or by-products of fire. Fire alarm system includes smoke detectors.

  • PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Generator means a device that produces electricity.

  • Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.

  • Waterworks or “water system” means all structures, conduits and appurtenances by means of which water is delivered to consumers except piping and fixtures inside buildings served, and service pipes from building to street main.

  • Bicycle lane means that portion of a roadway designated by signs and/or pavement markings for