Company Used Gas definition

Company Used Gas means the amount of gas used for fuel, including compressor and heater fuel; gas used for maintenance; and unaccounted for gas; provided that until Pipeline installs compression, no compressor fuel shall be included in such amount. Changes in Company Used Gas shall be tracked pursuant to GT&C Article 20.
Company Used Gas means the quantity of gas consumed by the Company for purposes of its gas operations.
Company Used Gas means the quantity of Gas used by Transporter as Fuel (to fuel compressor stations, dehydration equipment, Gas shrinkage through processing plants and Fuel used in any other system facilities) and for other purposes in its Gas operations. Additionally, the term “Fuel” is used interchangeably with “Company-Used Gas” throughout this Tariff.

Examples of Company Used Gas in a sentence

  • In determining adjustments, if any, to the Fuel Retainage Percentage for each of the periods specified in Section 20.2, Pipeline shall take into account the difference between: (i) the actual quantity of Fuel Retainage Gas realized as a result of application of this Article 20; and (ii) the actual quantity of Company Used Gas for the preceding period.

  • Pipeline reserves and will have the right to issue operational flow orders when, in Pipeline's sole judgment, acting reasonably, such action is required to preserve the integrity of Pipeline's system, to ensure adequate operating pressures, to have adequate supplies in the system, to assure adequate Company Used Gas, to maintain firm services and to optimize the operation of the system.

  • The Fuel Retainage Quantity shall be the quantity of gas required as Company Used Gas by Pipeline to transport Customer's gas on its system.

  • The Share Consideration will be subject to lock-up and escrow pursuant to which approximately 45% of the Share Consideration shall be locked up for 12 months from the closing date, 5% of the Share Consideration shall be in escrow for 13 months from the closing date and the remaining 50% shall be locked-up for 18 months from the closing date, subject to certain exemptions.

  • Pipeline shall not accept any proposed Primary Point of Receipt if to do so would, in Pipeline's sole judgment, impair Pipeline's ability to satisfy existing firm obligations or to receive Company Used Gas at maximum deliverability levels or if the resulting aggregate MDRO's would exceed Customer's MDTQ.

  • Suzuki K, Hayashi N, Yamada Y, Yoshihara H, Miyamoto Y, Ito Y, Ito T, Katayama K, Sasaki Y, Ito A and et al.

  • The passing of the proposal would provide huge support for Hungary’s LETS circles.The spreading of the Internet, card and mobile payments, etc., also was helpful.

  • A charge for each Dth injected into Petal Storage Field pursuant to this rate schedule.(b) Unless otherwise agreed upon, Gulf South shall retain an in-kind Fuel and Company- Used Gas allowance for all injections into storage.

  • Other eligibility requirements may exist and must be met by the employee.

  • Indeed, contract arguments along these lines have been successful in several recent cases, including Ericsson/TCL [83] and Microsoft/Motorola [84].

More Definitions of Company Used Gas

Company Used Gas means the amount of gas used for fuel, including compressor and heater fuel; gas used for maintenance; and unaccounted for gas. Changes in Company Used Gas shall be tracked pursuant to GT&C Article 20.
Company Used Gas means the quantity of gas consumed by the Transporter as fuel and for other purposes in its gas operations, not including lost and unaccounted for gas.

Related to Company Used Gas

  • Associated Gas means the gas cap overlying a crude oil accumulation in a reservoir.

  • Distributed generation facility means a facility owned and operated by a member of the Cooperative for the production of electrical energy that:

  • Liquefied petroleum gas means a mixture of light hydrocarbons (predominantly propane, butane) that is gaseous under conditions of ambient temperature and pressure and that is maintained in a liquid state by an increase of pressure or lowering of temperature;

  • Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC means the sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane.

  • Non-Associated Gas means an accumulation of natural gas in a reservoir where there is no crude oil.

  • Mining overburden returned to the mine site means any material overlying an economic mineral deposit which is removed to gain access to that deposit and is then used for reclamation of a surface mine.

  • Distributed Generation means generating plant equipment collectively used for generating electricity that is connected, or proposed to be connected, to the Network or a Customer's Installation, but does not include:

  • Pump spray means a packaging system in which the product ingredients within the container are not under pressure and in which the product is expelled only while a pumping action is applied to a button, trigger or other actuator.

  • Used oil means any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil, that has been used and as a result of such use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per

  • Spent fuel means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor;

  • Multimodal transport operator means the person on whose behalf the bill of lading/multimodal transport document, or any other document evidencing a contract of multimodal carriage of goods, is issued and who is responsible for the carriage of goods pursuant to the contract of carriage.

  • Gas Transporter means the licensed operator of the transportation network through which gas is transported to you;

  • Meet-Point Billing (MPB means the billing associated with interconnection of facilities between two (2) or more LECs for the routing of traffic to and from an IXC with which one of the LECs does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bill environment, each Party bills the appropriate tariffed rate for its portion of a jointly provided Switched Exchange Access Service.

  • Controlled unaffiliated business means a company:

  • Distributed Generator means a person who owns or operates Distributed Generation;

  • own-source revenue means adjusted underlying revenue other than revenue that is not under the control of council (including government grants)

  • Residual disinfectant concentration means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of water.

  • Company Transaction Costs means all fees, costs and expenses of the Group Companies, in each case, incurred prior to and through the Closing Date in connection with the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Agreement, the other Transaction Agreements and the consummation of the Transactions, including: (a) all change of control bonus payments, retention or similar payments payable solely as a result of the consummation of the Transactions pursuant to arrangements (whether written or oral) entered into prior to the Closing Date whether payable before (to the extent unpaid), on or following the Closing Date (excluding any “double-trigger” payments), and the employer portion of payroll Taxes payable as a result of the foregoing amounts; (b) all severance payments, retirement payments or similar payments or success fees payable pursuant to arrangements (whether written or oral) entered into prior to the Closing Date and which are payable in connection with the consummation of the Transactions, whether payable before (to the extent unpaid), on or following the Closing Date (excluding any “double-trigger payments”), and the employer portion of payroll Taxes payable as a result of the foregoing amounts; (c) all transaction, deal, brokerage, financial advisory or any similar fees payable in connection with the consummation of the Transactions; and (d) all costs, fees and expenses related to the D&O Tail; but excluding (i) any and all costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation and filing of the Proxy Statement (and any registration statement filed with the SEC in connection therewith) and the review and/or approval thereof by the SEC, (ii) any and all costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection with the listing on Nasdaq of the shares of Parent Class A Stock issued in connection with the Transactions, (iii) any transfer, documentary, sales, use, stamp, registration, excise, recording, registration value added and other similar Taxes and fees (including any penalties or interest) payable in connection with the Transactions, and (iv) any other amounts payable by Parent hereunder.

  • Fuel Gas means Gas used as fuel for the operation of the Transportation System.

  • Non-potable water means water not safe for drinking, personal, or culinary use as determined by the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.

  • PJM Region Peak Load Forecast means the peak load forecast used by the Office of the Interconnection in determining the PJM Region Reliability Requirement, and shall be determined on both a preliminary and final basis as set forth in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.

  • Cogeneration facility means a power plant in which the heat or steam is also used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes and that meets Federal Energy Regulatory Commission standards for qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16

  • Dyed diesel fuel means diesel fuel that meets the dyeing and marking requirements of 26 U.S.C.

  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI means the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.

  • Gathering lines means any pipeline, equipment, facility, or building used in the transportation of oil or gas during oil or gas production or gathering operations.