Examples of Consolidated Banking Act in a sentence
Article 120-ter of the Consolidated Banking Act provides that any provisions imposing a prepayments penalty in case of early redemption of mortgage loans is null and void with respect to loan agreements entered into, with an individual as borrower for the purpose of purchasing or restructuring real estate properties destined to residential purposes or to carry out the borrower's own professional or business activities.
The need for further surveys will also be informed by carrying out a search using the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre database.
For a description of the main terms of the article 120-ter of the Consolidated Banking Act, see section headed "Selected aspects of Italian law –Article 120-ter of the Consolidated Banking Act".
In this case, the economic burden of the VAT will be borne by the Issuer.Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 141/2010 which modified Article 3, paragraph 3, of Securitisation Law, the Issuer is not any longer required to be registered as financial intermediary under Article 106 of the Consolidated Banking Act while it is enrolled in the register for securitisation vehicles held by the Bank of Italy pursuant to the Bank of Italy's regulation dated 1 October 2014.
The mutui fondiari are regulated by the Consolidated Banking Act and bear with themselves certain advantages for the lender.