Examples of Eligible Census Tract in a sentence
The revisions to the CD Eligible Census Tract data are the result of changes in the metropolitan area definitions used to calculate HUD median family income limits and estimates.
As a result of the data revision, the City of New York has generated updated CD Eligible Census Tract maps to replace the maps previously created in March 2003.
The revised data supersedes the CD Eligible Census Tract data for New York City originally released in February 2003.
If the real property is located in an Eligible Census Tract at the time the PILOT Application is approved, the Project shall receive an additional two (2) years in PILOT Term.
When a building permit is granted, this suggests that the plan has been shown to comply with all the regulations.
David Thomas, “ The Truth About Mentoring Minorities, Race Matters,” Harvard Business Review, April 2001.
One instance in which the WSV becomes available for reassignment is after a WSV participant moves to a location that is not in an Eligible Census Tract and remains a participant in the DHA Housing Voucher Program.
A WSV is not eligible for reassignment if the WSV participant, while residing in an Eligible Census Tract, terminates or is terminated from participation in the voucher program and is no longer a participant in any DHA housing program.
DHA will continue to re-issue Walker Settlement Vouchers to each class member on the waiting list who leases in an Eligible Census Tract until there has been a determination that the WSV participant, while residing in an Eligible Census Tract, terminates or is terminated from participation in the voucher program and is no longer a participant in any DHA housing program and that particular Walker Settlement Voucher is eliminated and the total number of Walker Settlement Vouchers is thereby reduced.
The Eligible Census Tract 958 (a)(i), 958 (d) of the 2000 census do not identify eligibility as the 1990 Census information showed in the 1994 categorically eligible designation.In the Town of Friendship, Friendship Dairies a Zone Certified Business has completed a multi- million dollar plant expansion.