Final Selection Procedures definition

Final Selection Procedures. March 2013

Examples of Final Selection Procedures in a sentence

  • If the Board finds that the circumstances justify the noncompliance, no penalty will be imposed so long as said application is filed within thirty (30) days after the departure of the approved manager of record.

  • Final Selection Procedures After review of the submittals by the City of Sequim, the City may at its discretion schedule interviews with one or more responding consultants.

Related to Final Selection Procedures

  • Auction Procedures means the Auction Procedures that are set forth in Paragraph 10 of the Articles Supplementary.

  • Random selection process means a process by which currently income-eligible households are selected for placement in affordable housing units such that no preference is given to one applicant over another except for purposes of matching household income and size with an appropriately priced and sized affordable unit (e.g., by lottery).

  • AML/KYC Procedures means the customer due diligence procedures of a Reporting Finnish Financial Institution pursuant to the anti-money laundering or similar requirements of Finland to which such Reporting Finnish Financial Institution is subject.

  • Reconciliation Procedures has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a) of this Agreement.

  • Sale Procedures Unless otherwise specified in the Supplement, shall mean that, with respect to any sale of one or more Underlying Securities or Related Assets, the Market Agent, on behalf of the Trust, shall sell such Underlying Securities or Related Assets to the highest bidders among not less than two solicited bidders for such Underlying Securities or Related Assets (one of which bidders may include Merrill Lynch & Co. or any Affiliate thereof; provided, however, that xxxxxxr Xxxxill Lynch & Co. nor any of its Affiliates will be under any obligxxxxx xo xxx, and which bidders need not be limited to recognized broker dealers). In the sole judgment of the Market Agent, bids may be evaluated on the basis of bids for a single Underlying Security or Related Asset, a portion of the Underlying Securities or Related Assets, or all of the Underlying Securities or Related Assets being sold or any other basis selected in good faith by the Market Agent.

  • Administrative Procedures means the Administrative Procedures of Minnesota Management & Budget developed in accord with M.S. 43A.04, subdivision 4.

  • Staff Vetting Procedures means the Authority’s procedures for the vetting of personnel and as advised to the Contractor by the Authority.

  • customs procedures means the treatment applied by the customs administration of each Party to goods which are subject to customs control.

  • Random selection basis means a mechanism for selection of employees that:

  • MERS Procedures Manual The MERS Procedures Manual, as it may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Dispute Resolution Procedures means the procedures outlined in Annexure A of the MSA Determination.

  • Change Control Procedures Has the meaning given in Section 9.6(a) of the Agreement. Change Management or Change Management Process Means the processes relating to planning and performing all changes in DIR Customer's IT environment pertaining to the Services, including changes to individual components and coordination of changes across all components. The Change Management processes will support and include checkpoints to determine any potential or required Change Control Procedures. Chargeback Has the meaning given in Exhibit 4 of the Agreement.

  • Participant Direction Procedures means such instructions, guidelines or policies, the terms of which are incorporated herein, as shall be established pursuant to Section 4.10 and observed by the Administrator and applied and provided to Participants who have Participant Directed Accounts.

  • Procedures shall collectively mean DST’s transfer agency procedures manual, third party check procedures, checkwriting draft procedures, Compliance + and identity theft programs and signature guarantee procedures;

  • Ordering Procedures means the ordering and award procedures specified in Clause 6 (Ordering Procedures) and Framework Schedule 5 (Ordering Procedure);

  • Applicable Depositary Procedures means, with respect to any transfer or transaction involving a Global Security or beneficial interest therein, the rules and procedures of the Depositary for such Security, in each case to the extent applicable to such transaction and as in effect from time to time.

  • Bidding Procedures means the procedures governing the Auction and sale of all or substantially all of the Debtors’ assets, as approved by the Bankruptcy Court and as may be amended from time to time in accordance with their terms.

  • Procedures Manual means the standards and procedures manual described in Section 11.3.

  • Remarketing Procedures means the procedures for conducting Remarketings set forth in Part II of these Articles Supplementary.

  • Large Facility Interconnection Procedures or “LFIP”) shall mean the interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility that are included in Attachment X of the NYISO OATT. Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (“LGIA”) shall mean this Agreement, the form of interconnection agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility, that is included in Attachment X of the NYISO OATT. System Deliverability Upgrades shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to Byways and Highways and Other Interfaces on the existing New York State Transmission System and Distribution System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard at the requested level of Capacity Resource Interconnection Service. System Protection Facilities shall mean the equipment, including necessary protection signal communications equipment, required to (1) protect the New York State Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbances occurring at the Large Generating Facility and (2) protect the Large Generating Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbances occurring on the New York State Transmission System or on other delivery systems or other generating systems to which the New York State Transmission System is directly connected. System Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff shall mean the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), as filed with the Commission, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Developer is engaged in on-site test operations and commissioning of the Large Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation.

  • Internal Procedures means in respect of the making of any one or more entries to, changes in or deletions of any one or more entries in the register at any time (including without limitation, original issuance or registration of transfer of ownership) the minimum number of the Warrant Agent’s internal procedures customary at such time for the entry, change or deletion made to be complete under the operating procedures followed at the time by the Warrant Agent, it being understood that neither preparation and issuance shall constitute part of such procedures for any purpose of this definition;

  • Diagnostic clinical procedures manual means a collection of written procedures that describes each method (and other instructions and precautions) by which the licensee performs diagnostic clinical procedures; where each diagnostic clinical procedure has been approved by the authorized user and includes the radiopharmaceutical, dosage, and route of administration.

  • Depositary Procedures means, with respect to any conversion, transfer, exchange or transaction involving a Global Note or any beneficial interest therein, the rules and procedures of the Depositary applicable to such conversion, transfer, exchange or transaction.

  • Applicable Procedures means, with respect to any transfer or exchange of or for beneficial interests in any Global Note, the rules and procedures of the Depositary, Euroclear and Clearstream that apply to such transfer or exchange.