Gross Volume Report definition

Gross Volume Report or “GVR” means the periodic report you send us that describes your Gross Volume of Business.
Gross Volume Report or “GVR” means the periodic report submitted to JHI by a Franchisee that describes its Gross Volume of Business.

Examples of Gross Volume Report in a sentence

  • You must pay us a fee of $50 per office per Gross Volume Report filing period for each Gross Volume Report filed after its due date.

  • A rudimentary version of the algorithm was implemented on top of the single core Matlab program wft2f.m (accessible online at [31]), which was modified to run under Python.

  • General City Law section 81-a(13), Town Law section 267-a(13), and Village Law section 7-712-a(13).

  • Tenants understand and agree that they are responsible for any damage to the property during their stay that is not covered with the Accidental Damage Program, the cost that exceeds the limited amount of the Accidental Damage Program, any negligent or willful damage caused from wanton conduct, or any pet damage, and the cost of any reasonable attorney’s and collection fees.

  • The Gross Volume Report shall be in such form and shall contain such information as Franchisor may from time to time prescribe.

Related to Gross Volume Report

  • Gross Standard Volume as herein used means volume corrected to a temperature of sixty degrees (60°) Fahrenheit, in accordance with the latest API/ASTM measurement standards, and at equilibrium vapor pressure.

  • MONTHLY KILOMETREAGE STATEMENT CUM BILL means the format specified by the Company.

  • Sales Report means a report in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit B “Royalty Report Form”.

  • Contract Quarter means a three-month period that commences on January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1 and ends on March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, respectively.

  • Forecast GDP means the average forecast for British Columbia’s real GDP growth made by the Economic Forecast Council and as reported in the annual February budget of the government;

  • Daily Contract Quantity or “DCQ” means the quantity of Gas as set out in Clause 4.1 herein.

  • Monthly Volume means the product of the Committed Volume multiplied by the number of days in the relevant month.

  • Contract Quantity means the quantity of Gas to be delivered and taken as agreed to by the parties in a transaction.

  • PJM Region Peak Load Forecast means the peak load forecast used by the Office of the Interconnection in determining the PJM Region Reliability Requirement, and shall be determined on both a preliminary and final basis as set forth in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.

  • Meet-Point Billing (MPB means the billing associated with interconnection of facilities between two (2) or more LECs for the routing of traffic to and from an IXC with which one of the LECs does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bill environment, each Party bills the appropriate tariffed rate for its portion of a jointly provided Switched Exchange Access Service.

  • Monthly Report has the meaning assigned in Section 6.01.

  • Variance Report shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 5.01(g).

  • Royalty Report shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • System Revenues means all rates, rents, fees, charges,

  • Remittance Report A report prepared by the Master Servicer and delivered to the Trustee and the NIM Insurer in accordance with Section 4.04.

  • Volumetric Production Payments means production payment obligations recorded as deferred revenue in accordance with GAAP, together with all undertakings and obligations in connection therewith.

  • Acoustic Assessment Report means the report, prepared in accordance with Publication NPC-233 and Appendix A of the Basic Comprehensive User Guide,by HGC Engineering and dated August 22, 2008 submitted in support of the application, that documents all sources of noise emissions and Noise Control Measures present at the Facility and includes all up-dated Acoustic Assessment Reports as required by the Documentation Requirements conditions of this Certificate to demonstrate continued compliance with the Performance Limits following the implementation of any Modification.

  • Forecast has the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.

  • Delivery Year means the Planning Period for which a Capacity Resource is committed pursuant to the auction procedures specified in Tariff, Attachment DD, or pursuant to an FRR Capacity Plan under Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8.1. Demand Bid:

  • Runoff volume means the volume of water that runs off the land development project from a prescribed storm event.

  • Royalty Year means, (i) for the year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs (the “First Royalty Year”), the period commencing with the first day of the Calendar Quarter in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and expiring on the last day of the Calendar Year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and (ii) for each subsequent year, each successive Calendar Year.

  • Gross Sales means the sum total of all retail sales of tangible personal property or services as

  • Gross Sales Price with respect to each sale of Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be the gross sales price per share of such Shares.