Her Majesty definition

Her Majesty. , the “Minister” or “Canada” means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, acting through Health Canada (referred to herein as the “Minister”).
Her Majesty s Treasury” means Her Majesty’s Treasury or any officially recognised party performing the function of a calculation agent (whatever such party’s title), on its or its successor’s behalf, in respect of the Reference Gilt;

Examples of Her Majesty in a sentence

  • The Landlord acknowledges that Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Government and Consumer Services is self-insured with respect of damage to the Premises and will maintain during the Term coverage with respect to commercial general liability risks as a ‘Protected Person’ under the Government of Ontario General and Road Liability Protection Program, which is funded by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario.

  • Schedule to the Agreement clause 2(b) long term borrowing: repealed, on 20 March 1967, by clause 1(e) of the Notice of Variation of Schedule to Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen and Con- solidated Zinc Proprietary Ltd (Gazette 1967, p 414).

  • Schedule to the Agreement clause 2(b) Part I determined amount: inserted, on 20 March 1967, by clause 1(f) of the Notice of Variation of Schedule to Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen and Consolidated Zinc Proprietary Ltd (Gazette 1967, p 414).

  • Schedule to the Agreement clause 2(b) Capital Account No. 1, Capital Account No. 2, Capital Ac- count No. 3 and Capital Account No. 4: inserted, on 20 March 1967, by clause 1(a) of the Notice of Variation of Schedule to Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen and Consolidated Zinc Propri- etary Ltd (Gazette 1967, p 414).

  • Schedule to the Agreement clause 2(b) initial development of the water resources: inserted, on 20 March 1967, by clause 1(f) of the Notice of Variation of Schedule to Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen and Consolidated Zinc Proprietary Ltd (Gazette 1967, p 414).

More Definitions of Her Majesty

Her Majesty s Government” means the duly elected Government for the time being during the reign of Her Majesty and/or any department, committee, office, servant or officer of such Government
Her Majesty means, when not repugnant to the context, Her Majesty, her heirs and successors.
Her Majesty means Her Majesty the Queen in right of Alberta.
Her Majesty means Her Majesty in right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister of Energy of the Province of Alberta;
Her Majesty s Forces” means any of the naval, military or air forces of the Crown, whether raised inside or outside the United Kingdom and whether any such force is a regular, auxiliary or reserve force, and includes any civilian employed by those forces;
Her Majesty s hovercraft” means hovercraft belonging to the Crown in right of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom or Her Majesty’s Government in Northern Ireland.