HIPAA Compliance Plan definition
Examples of HIPAA Compliance Plan in a sentence
Students, residents, trainees and supervising faculty shall access, use and disclose protected health information of AFFILIATED INSTITUTION only as permitted under AFFILIATED INSTITUTION’s HIPAA Compliance Plan and shall be subject to sanction, including exclusion from AFFILIATED INSTITUTION’s facilities upon violation.
Business Associate represents that it has adopted a HIPAA Compliance Plan, which includes the requirements of HITECH, will be responsible for the training of its employees and agents regarding compliance and will maintain complete records regarding its compliance with the Privacy Regulations and the terms of this Agreement.
It is the responsibility of members of the workforce to attend and participate in training programs and utilize training materials in order to become and remain informed regarding RURALMED’s HIPAA Compliance Plan.
This is a federal mandate, and she asked that the Board formally adopt this HIPAA Compliance Plan and put it into action.Chief Owens commended Mr. Bailey for her excellent work, and recommended the adoption of the plan.Tim Clarke made a motion to adopt the draft HIPAA Compliance Plan and Standard Operating Procedures as submitted.
There has been a violation of HIPAA or a breach of RURALMED’s HIPAA Compliance Plan.