Examples of Interconnection System Reliability Impact in a sentence
An Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study will be amended to determine the facilities necessary to support the requested In-Service Date.
The ISO shall notify the Developer and the Connecting Transmission Owner that the Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study has commenced following receipt of the required SRIS deposit and once the ISO deems the required technical data and site control sufficient.
Developer shall advise the ISO that it elects to proceed with an Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study within five (5) Business Days after either the delivery of the final Optional Interconnection Feasibility Study report to the Developer, or, the Scoping Meeting, if the Developer opts to forego the Optional Interconnection Feasibility Study.
As soon as practicable after receipt of such election from the Developer, the ISO shall provide to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner a good faith estimate of the cost and timeframe for completing the Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study (“SRIS”).
Clustering shall mean the process whereby a group of Interconnection Requests is studied together, instead of serially, for the purpose of conducting the Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study.
After the Optional Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study scope is finalized, the ISO will provide the final scope to the Connecting Transmission Owner and the Developer.
The Connecting Transmission Owner shall indicate its agreement to the Optional Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study scope by signing it and promptly returning it to the ISO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.
The Optional Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study shall be performed solely for informational purposes.
To the extent known by the ISO, such estimate shall include any costs expected to be incurred by any Affected System whose participation is necessary to complete the Optional Interconnection System Reliability Impact Study.
Upon the initiation of a Developer’s SRIS, the Developer may request, and the ISO shall perform concurrently with that SRIS a reasonable number of Optional Interconnection System Reliability Impact Studies.