Examples of Loan Tranche in a sentence
As a result, the termination date of Tranche A of the Term Loan (Tranche A of the Term Loan refers to the term loan obtained on September 21, 2015 in the initial amount of PLN 11,500.0 million) and consequently the repayment schedule have changed.
Item #5 (Credit Agreement, Credit Agreement Date, Co-Lender Agreement, and Main Street Term Loan Tranche) contains fields that are either pre-populated or would be completed by the Eligible Lender on the Participation Date.
This document constitutes the Loan Tranche Supplement relating to the Loan Tranches described herein.
This Loan Tranche Supplement contains the final terms of the Loan Tranches identified and described herein, is supplemental to and must be read in conjunction with the Intercompany Loan Agreement.
All members shall be notified of meetings by mail and posted notices.