Net Ancillary Rights Income definition

Net Ancillary Rights Income means the aggregate gross revenue received by NASCAR and all NASCAR Rights Affiliates, during the calendar year in which the Event is held, as a result of the exploitation of Ancillary Rights and Live Broadcast Rights, reduced by (i) Live Broadcast Income received during the relevant calendar year, and (ii) the aggregate of all reasonable deductions of NASCAR or the NASCAR Rights Affiliates, including but not limited to ordinary business expenses, amortization, depreciation and federal and state income and property taxes; provided, however, that in no event shall Net Ancillary Rights Income include income, revenue or any other consideration received or generated by NASCAR for the license of, assignment of, or other transfer of rights in or to, any NASCAR Intellectual Property, including without limitation transfers in connection with the sale, advertising or promotion by NASCAR or any third party of products or services of any nature.

Examples of Net Ancillary Rights Income in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, PROMOTER has no right to Event Net Ancillary Rights Income if the Competition is not commenced and officially completed (as determined in accordance with the Rule Book), unless the sole reason that the Event is not commenced and officially completed is a strike, war, declaration of a state of national emergency, or an act of God or the public enemy or other circumstances beyond the control of PROMOTER).

  • Within three (3) months after the end of the calendar year during which the Event is held, NASCAR or such NASCAR Rights Affiliate(s) shall determine the total amount of Net Ancillary Rights Income, if any, received by it during that calendar year.

  • NASCAR and the NASCAR Rights Affiliate(s) shall have no liability to PROMOTER with respect to such activities or the amount of Live Broadcast Income or Net Ancillary Rights Income arising out of or generated by such activities.

  • Within thirty (30) calendar days after such determination, NASCAR or such NASCAR Rights Affiliate(s) shall distribute such Net Ancillary Rights Income pursuant to the formula set forth in Section 28.b) below.

Related to Net Ancillary Rights Income

  • Ancillary Rights means, in each case with respect to the relevant Seller Receivable:

  • IP Ancillary Rights means, with respect to any other Intellectual Property, as applicable, all foreign counterparts to, and all divisionals, reversions, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, reexaminations, renewals and extensions of, such Intellectual Property and all income, royalties, proceeds and Liabilities at any time due or payable or asserted under or with respect to any of the foregoing or otherwise with respect to such Intellectual Property, including all rights to xxx or recover at law or in equity for any past, present or future infringement, misappropriation, dilution, violation or other impairment thereof, and, in each case, all rights to obtain any other IP Ancillary Right.

  • Licensed IP Rights means, collectively, the Licensed Patent Rights and the Licensed Know-How Rights.

  • distributed ledger technology means a database system in which—

  • Joint Intellectual Property Rights means any work under the Subcontract, which:

  • Business Intellectual Property Rights means (a) the Intellectual Property Rights owned or licensed by the Group Companies and (b) any other Intellectual Property Rights owned or licensed by Seller or any of its other Subsidiaries and used solely in the conduct of the Business.

  • Business IP means all (i) Intellectual Property used in, held for use in, or necessary for the operation of the Company Group’s business as currently conducted and (ii) Company Intellectual Property.

  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (11/18) means any patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, service marks, trademarks, trade dress, moral rights, know-how and any other similar rights or intangible assets to which rights of ownership accrue, and all registrations, applications, disclosures, renewals, extensions, continuations, or reissues of the foregoing now or hereafter in force. “Key Personnel” (11/18) means the specific individuals identified in Section 3.11 to fill Key Positions.

  • CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee Rate With respect to each Mortgage Loan, a rate equal to 0.0005% per annum.

  • Company IP Rights means (a) any and all Intellectual Property used in the conduct of the business of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries as currently conducted, and (b) any and all other Intellectual Property owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Licensed IP means the Intellectual Property owned by any person other than the Corporation and to which the Corporation has a license which has not expired or been terminated;

  • Licensed Intellectual Property Rights means all Intellectual Property Rights owned by a third party and licensed or sublicensed to either the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Developed IP means any Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived or reduced to practice, or otherwise created or developed, by or on behalf of a Party, its Affiliates or sublicensees, alone or together with one or more Third Parties, during the Term in connection with the Development, Manufacture, or use of the Compound or any Product.

  • Proprietary Rights means all trade secret, patent, copyright, mask work and other intellectual property rights throughout the world.

  • own-source revenue means adjusted underlying revenue other than revenue that is not under the control of council (including government grants)

  • Foreground IPR means any IPRs that are generated as a result of the activities conducted within the framework of the Project concerned as specified in the corresponding Project Agreement;

  • Sublicense Revenue means any payments or other consideration that CTI actually receives from a Sublicensee as consideration for the grant of a Sublicense, including, without limitation, milestone payments, license fees, license maintenance fees and equity. Sublicense Revenue excludes (i) purchases of equity or debt of TGTX, (ii) payments made for GTX’s performance of any research, Development, or Commercialization of any Licensed Product, (iii) (b) royalties on Net Sales (or, in the case of a profit sharing deal structure, shares of net profits) which are covered in Section 5.9, and (iv) any payment or reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred by TGTX for filing, prosecution, maintenance, or defense of any DFCI Patents. In the event such consideration received from a Sublicensee is not cash, Sublicense Revenue shall be calculated by TGTX based on the fair market value of such consideration, at the time of the transaction, assuming an arm’s length transaction made in the odinary course of business.

  • SAP Group Software means (i) any and all software products listed on the Price List as well as any SAP SDK which are provided by SAP or any other member of the SAP Group to Partner or to an End User (either directly or indirectly via Partner) under any part of this Agreement all as developed by or for the SAP Group; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to Maintenance Services or warranty obligation by any member of the SAP Group; and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.

  • Intellectual Property Rights or IPR means copyright, rights related to or affording protection similar to copyright, rights in databases, patents and rights in inventions, semi-conductor topography rights, trade marks, rights in internet domain names and website addresses and other rights in trade or business names, designs, Know-How, trade secrets and other rights in Confidential Information; applications for registration, and the right to apply for registration, for any of the rights listed at (a) that are capable of being registered in any country or jurisdiction; and all other rights having equivalent or similar effect in any country or jurisdiction;

  • Program Income means gross in- come earned by the recipient that is di- rectly generated by a supported activ- ity or earned as a result of the award (see exclusions in § 215.24(e) and (h)). Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for serv- ices performed, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under federally-funded projects, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award, license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights, and interest on loans made with award funds. Interest earned on advances of Federal funds is not program income. Except as other- wise provided in Federal awarding agency regulations or the terms and conditions of the award, program in- come does not include the receipt of principal on loans, rebates, credits, dis- counts, etc., or interest earned on any of them.

  • Joint Intellectual Property means, collectively, Joint Know-How and Joint Patents.

  • Sublicense Revenues means all revenue, in whatever form but excluding sublicense royalties, earned by the Licensee in consideration of its granting a Third Party a sublicense to make a Licensed Product including, without limitation, receipt of annual milestone attainment, sublicense issuance, maintenance or up-front payments, or technology access fee; and issuance of securities or real, personal or intangible property.

  • Intellectual Property Right means any patent, patent right, trademark, trademark right, trade name, trade name right, service xxxx, service xxxx right, copyright and other proprietary intellectual property right and computer program.

  • Excluded IP has the meaning assigned to such term in the U.S. Security Agreement.

  • Company Licensed IP means all Intellectual Property rights owned or purported to be owned by a third party and licensed to the Company or to which the Company otherwise has a right to use.

  • IPR means all patents, utility models, identification marks including trade marks, trade names, service marks, domain names, rights to prevent passing off, registered designs, design rights, copyrights, database rights, topography rights, confidential information for any of the aforementioned (including data, know-how and formulations) and any applications for any of the aforementioned and any similar right recognised from time to time with all rights of action for infringement in all countries in the world, together with all renewals and extensions