Partisan office definition

Partisan office means the Offices of United States Senator, United States Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, and State Legislators, and excludes the Offices of President of the United States and Vice President of the United States.
Partisan office or "party nominated office" means any of the following offices:
Partisan office means a public office for which a candidate may indicate a political party preference on his or her decla- ration of candidacy and have that preference appear on the primary and general election ballot in conjunction with his or her name. The following are partisan offices:

Examples of Partisan office in a sentence

  • He or she is an independent nominee for a Partisan office pursuant to Part 2.

  • Partisan office" means the following offices:1 (1) United States senator and United States representative;2 (2) All state offices except (a) judicial offices and (b) the3 office of superintendent of public instruction;4 (3) All county offices except (a) judicial offices and (b) those5 offices where a county home rule charter provides otherwise.6 Sec.

  • Nothing contained in sub-sections ( 2) to (5) of section 4, section 5, and 3[sub-sections (1) to (4) of section 6], shall apply to the special class of shares.]4[4B.

  • The final results of the primary for State Senate in the 38th9District were:Legislative District 38, State Senator (Partisan office, 4-year term) Snohomish*1011121314151617*denotes partial county18 source of data (formatting changed slightly to compress space): dictionID=63443&ViewMode=Results20 Senator Berkey, the Party’s nominee, failed to qualify for the general election by .59% or 12221 votes.

More Definitions of Partisan office

Partisan office means a public office for which a candidate may indicate a political party preference on his or her declaration of candi- dacy and have that preference appear on the primary and general election ballot in conjunction with his or her name.” Wash. Rev. Code
Partisan office means a public office for which a candidate may
Partisan office means an office for which a candidate may
Partisan office means the following offices:
Partisan office means a public office for which a candidate may indi­ cate a political party preference on his or her declaration of candidacy and have that preference appear on the primary and general election ballot in conjunction with his or her name.” Wash. Rev. Code § 29A.04.110 (Supp. 2005).
Partisan office means an office for which a candidate may identify a political philosophy under RCW 29A.24.030(3) or section 16 of this act, and is limited to the following offices:
Partisan office. “Political party position” means an office for which a party may nominate a candidate (a) any delegate to a national political party convention who shall choose a nominee for President, or (b) any political party central committee member who is elected only by voters registered with, or otherwise authorized by, the political party with which such delegate or member is registered .