Rights in Freehold Land definition

Rights in Freehold Land means (but is not limited to) the grant of an easement in perpetuity, a lease for a term of 99 years (granted out of the freehold), the transfer of ownership of any part or parts of the Premises or any Adjoining Land to NGED and/or a wayleave, on terms acceptable to NGED, for the purposes of (but not limited to):
Rights in Freehold Land means, but is not limited to, the grant of an easement in perpetuity, a lease for a term of 99 years (granted out of the freehold) and/or the transfer of ownership of any part or parts of the Premises or any Adjoining Land to WPD, for the purposes of carrying out the Connection Works and installing, siting, laying, repairing, replacing, renewing, altering, maintaining, removing or gaining access to the accommodation and the Connection Equipment, in terms acceptable to WPD.
Rights in Freehold Land means, but is not limited to, the grant of an easement in perpetuity, a lease for a term of 99 years (granted out of the freehold) and/or the transfer of ownership of any part or parts of the Premises or any Adjoining Land to WPD, for the purposes of carrying out the Connection

Examples of Rights in Freehold Land in a sentence

  • The Customer shall except and reserve out of any conveyance or lease it makes to any purchaser/lessee of the Premises, part of the Premises or the Adjoining Land any Rights in Freehold Land and/or Rights in Leasehold Land which are necessary in order to lawfully authorise the Connection Works.

  • The Customer shall except and reserve out of any conveyance/lease to any purchaser/lessee of the Premises, part of the Premises or the Adjoining Land any Rights in Freehold Land and/or Rights in Leasehold Land which are necessary in order to lawfully authorise the Connection Works.

  • Breshears DD, Barnes FJ (1999) Interrelationships between plant functional types andsoil moisture heterogeneity for semiarid landscapes within the grassland/forest continuum: A unified conceptual model.

  • WPD’s external solicitors fees incurred in securing, obtaining or procuring all of the necessary Rights in Freehold Land and/or all of the necessary Rights in Leasehold Land.

  • Any legal costs incurred in connection with, or arising from, securing, obtaining or procuring the terms, and executing the grant, of Rights in Freehold Land and/or Rights in Leasehold Land shall, unless otherwise set out in this Agreement or expressly agreed in writing between WPD and the Customer, be satisfied by the Customer, or if incurred by WPD, shall be invoiced by WPD to the Customer.

  • Where the Customer holds a freehold interest or a leasehold interest in the Premises and/or any Adjoining Land, the Customer will provide for WPD all of the necessary Rights in Freehold Land and/or the Rights in Leasehold Land (the type and extent of which are to be determined by WPD) for the sum of £1.00.

  • NGED’s external solicitors fees incurred in securing, obtaining or procuring all of the necessary Rights in Freehold Land and/or all of the necessary Rights in Leasehold Land.

  • Where the Customer holds a freehold interest or a leasehold interest in the Premises and/or any Adjoining Land, the Customer will provide for NGED all of the necessary Rights in Freehold Land and/or the Rights in Leasehold Land (the type and extent of which are to be determined by NGED) for the sum of £1.00.

  • The Customer will provide or procure for WPD all of the necessary Rights in Freehold Land and/or the Rights in Leasehold Land (the type and extent of which are to be determined by WPD) for the sum of £1.00, before WPD commences the Connection Works or, if this requirement ceases to be met at any time, Energises under the Agreement.

  • Should you accept this Alternative Connection Offer and Rights in Freehold Land and/or Rights in Leasehold Land in respect of the Premises are required (as confirmed by WPD), please complete the form below and return it with your Acceptance Form in order to help us progress the legal aspects of the connection.

Related to Rights in Freehold Land

  • Property Owner Association Property means, for each Fiscal Year, any property within the boundaries of IA No. 2 that was owned by a property owner association, including any master or sub-association, as of January 1 of the prior Fiscal Year.

  • Ground Leases Those certain leases with respect to real property that is a portion of the Leased Property, pursuant to which Landlord is a tenant and which leases have either been approved by Tenant or are in existence as of the date hereof and listed on Schedule A hereto.

  • Unimproved Real Property means Property in which the Company has an equity interest that was not acquired for the purpose of producing rental or other operating income, that has no development or construction in process and for which no development or construction is planned, in good faith, to commence within one (1) year.

  • Landlord Personal Property Collateral Access Agreement means a Landlord Waiver and Consent Agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit K with such amendments or modifications as may be approved by the Collateral Agent.

  • Ground Lease means a lease creating a leasehold estate in real property where the fee owner as the ground lessor conveys for a term or terms of years its entire interest in the land and buildings and other improvements, if any, comprising the premises demised under such lease to the ground lessee (who may, in certain circumstances, own the building and improvements on the land), subject to the reversionary interest of the ground lessor as fee owner. With respect to any Mortgage Loan where the Mortgage Loan is secured by a Ground Leasehold estate in whole or in part, and the related Mortgage does not also encumber the related lessor’s fee interest in such Mortgaged Property, based upon the terms of the Ground Lease and any estoppel or other agreement received from the ground lessor in favor of Mortgage Loan Seller, its successors and assigns (collectively, the “Ground Lease and Related Documents”), Mortgage Loan Seller represents and warrants that:

  • Owned Property has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).

  • Public Rights-of-Way means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, public sidewalk, alley, waterway, or utility easements dedicated for compatible uses.

  • Property Owner means any person shown as the owner of land on the last equalized assessment roll or otherwise known to be the owner of land by the city council. “Business owner” means any person recognized by the city as the owner of the business. “Owner” means either a business owner or a property owner. The city council has no obligation to obtain other information as to the ownership of land or businesses, and its determination of ownership shall be final and conclusive for the purposes of this part. Wherever this part requires the signature of the property owner, the signature of the authorized agent of the property owner shall be sufficient. Wherever this part requires the signature of the business owner, the signature of the authorized agent of the business owner shall be sufficient.

  • Leasehold Interests means all of each Borrower’s right, title and interest in and to, and as lessee, of the premises identified on Schedule 4.19(A) hereto.

  • Company Leased Real Property shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.15(b).

  • Property Owners association" or "association" means an incorporated or unincorporated entity upon

  • Unimproved Land means land on which no development (other than improvements that are not material and are temporary in nature) has occurred.

  • Leasehold condominium means a condominium in which all or a portion of the real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination of which will terminate the condominium or reduce its size.

  • Water Rights means: (1) with respect to any Person, all of such Person's right, title and interest in and to any water stock, permits or entitlements and any other water rights related to or appurtenant to property owned or leased by such Person, and (2) with respect to any property, any water stock, permits or entitlements and any other water rights related to or appurtenant to such property.

  • Real Property means any estates or interests in real property now owned or hereafter acquired by any Grantor and the improvements thereto.

  • Real Property Interests means all interests in Owned Real Property and Leased Real Property, including fee estates, leaseholds and subleaseholds, purchase options, easements, licenses, rights to access, and rights of way, and all buildings and other improvements thereon and appurtenant thereto, owned or held by Sellers that are used in the business or operations of the Stations, together with any additions, substitutions and replacements thereof and thereto between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, but excluding the Excluded Real Property Interests.

  • Easement Agreement means any conditions, covenants and restrictions, easements, declarations, licenses and other agreements which are Permitted Encumbrances and such other agreements as may be granted in accordance with Section 19.1.

  • Mining Rights means all interests in the surface of any lands, the minerals in (or that may be extracted from) any lands, all royalty agreements, water rights, patented and unpatented mining and millsite claims, fee interests, mineral leases, mining licenses, profits-a-prendre, joint ventures and other leases, rights-of-way, inurements, licenses and other rights and interests used by or necessary to mining and related processing operations.

  • Dining club license means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail

  • Personal Property Leases has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(e).

  • Owned Real Property has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).

  • Owned Properties has the meaning set forth in Section 3.16.

  • Permitted Real Property Encumbrances means (i) those liens, encumbrances and other matters affecting title to any Mortgaged Property listed in the applicable title policy in respect thereof (or any update thereto) and found, on the date of delivery of such title policy to the Administrative Agent in accordance with the terms hereof, reasonably acceptable by the Administrative Agent, (ii) as to any particular real property at any time, such easements, encroachments, covenants, restrictions, rights of way, minor defects, irregularities or encumbrances on title which do not, in the reasonable opinion of the Administrative Agent, materially impair such real property for the purpose for which it is held by the mortgagor or owner, as the case may be, thereof, or the Lien held by the Administrative Agent, (iii) municipal and zoning laws, regulations, codes and ordinances, which are not violated in any material respect by the existing improvements and the present use made by the mortgagor or owner, as the case may be, of such real property, (iv) general real estate taxes and assessments not yet delinquent, and (v) such other items as the Administrative Agent may consent to.

  • Parcel means an identifiable unit of land that is treated as separate for valuation or zoning purposes.

  • Leasehold Property means any leasehold interest of any Loan Party as lessee under any lease of real property.

  • On-premise banquet license means a license issued in accordance with