Total Association Vote definition

Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (including votes of Declarant) and the consent of Declarant (so long as Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community or has the right unilaterally to annex additional property to the Community).
Total Association Vote means the votes attributable to the entire membership of the Association (including the votes of Declarant) as of the record date for such action, but specifically excluding the votes of any Owners whose voting rights have been suspended as provided herein, whether or not such members are present or represented at the meeting, if any, where such votes are to be cast. If, for example, and without limitation, two-thirds (2/3) of the Total Association Vote is required to approve a matter, such matter must receive more than two- thirds (2/3) of the votes attributable to all existing members of the Association as of the record date for such action (and excluding the votes of any Owners whose voting rights have been suspended as provided herein), whether or not such members are present or represented at the meeting, if any, where such votes are to be cast.
Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association. If the Total Association Vote is taken during a time while Declarant has the right to appoint members of the Board of Directors, a Total Association Vote approving some item or proposition must contain the affirmative vote of Declarant or the item or proposition will be deemed not to have been approved.

Examples of Total Association Vote in a sentence

  • The assessment shall become effective unless disapproved at a meeting by a Majority of the Total Association Vote.

  • No judicial or administrative proceeding shall be commenced or prosecuted by the Association unless approved by at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote.

  • At any regular or special meeting of the Association duly called, any one or more of the members of the Board of Directors may be removed, with or without cause, by a majority of the Total Association Vote and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created.

  • Such regulations and use restrictions shall be distributed to all Owners and Occupants prior to the date that they are to become effective and shall thereafter be binding upon all Owners and Occupants until and unless overruled, cancelled, or modified in a regular or special meeting by a Majority of the Total Association Vote.

  • In addition, it shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting of the Association upon the delivery of a petition signed and dated by members entitled to cast at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the Total Association Vote and describing the purpose or purposes for which it is to be held.

More Definitions of Total Association Vote

Total Association Vote means the votes attributable to the entire membership of the Association (including votes of Declarant) as of the record date for such action, whether or not such members are present or represented at the meeting, where such votes are to be cast.
Total Association Vote means the votes attributable to the entire membership of the Association (including votes of Declarant) as of the record date for such actions, whether or not such members are present or represented at the meeting, if any, where such votes are to be cast. If, for example, and without limitation, a majority of the Total Association Vote is required to approve a matter, such matter must receive more that half of the votes attributable to all existing members of the Association as of the record date for such action, whether or not such members are present or represented at the meeting, if any, where such votes are to be cast. As a further illustration, if a majority vote is requited to approve a matter (and the term Total Association Vote is not used), such matter must receive more than half of the votes cast by the members entitled to vote on the matter.
Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (including votes of Declarant), and the consent of Declarant so long as Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Property.
Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (including votes of Declarant) and the consent of Declarant as long as Declarant owns
Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (other than votes of Declarant, so long as Declarant has the right to appoint and remove the directors of the Association) and the consent of Declarant (so long as Declarant has the right to appoint and remove the directors of the Association).
Total Association Vote means all of the eligible votes attributed to members of the Association (including votes attributable to Declarant), and the consent of Declarant for so long as Declarant owns a Unit primarily for the purpose of sale.
Total Association Vote means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (including votes of Declarant) and the consent of Declarant (so long as Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community or has the right unilaterally to annex additional property to the Community).EXH I B I T "B" ALL those cer tain pieces, parcels or lots of land, together wi th all improvements thereon, si t ua t e, lying and being in the Ci ty of Summerville, County of Dorchester, State of South Carolina, known and designa ted as Lo t Nos. 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210,1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225,1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1 233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, and 1239,in Legend Oaks Plan tat ion, Phase V II , as shown on a plat ent i t led: "PLAT SHOW I NG LEGEND OAKS. PHASE 7, A 11.318 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, PROPERTY OF BEAZER HOMES, I NC., LOCATED NEAR THE TOWN OF SUMMERV I LLE, DORCHESTERCOUNTY, SOUTH CAROL I NA", prepared by Timo thy D. Elmer, RLS, of Trico Engineering Consul t an t s, I nc., dated March 18, 2002 and recorded March 20, 2002, in Plat Cabine t K, at Page 21, in the RMC O ff ice for Dorchester Coun ty, Sou th Carolina. For a more complete descript ion of said Lots, reference may be had to the aforement ioned plat of record.EXH I B I T "C Addi t ional Proper ty which can be Unilaterally Submi tted by Declarant ALL those cer tain pieces, parcels or lots of land, si tuate, lying and being in the Ci ty of Summerville, County of Dorchester, State of South Carolina, known and designated as Phases V and Phases V I in Legend Oaks Plantat ion, Dorchester County, South Carolina. EXHIBIT "D"LEGEND OAKS PLANTATION COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, THREE, INC.