Examples of Town chairperson in a sentence
Access to any site, public or private, where a prohibited discharge is indicated or suspected will be provided to Emergency Government Officers or the Town Health Officer, or Town police officers or the Town chairperson for the purpose of evaluating the threat to the public and monitoring containment, cleanup and restoration activities.
If the person fails to take action as required by this section, the Emergency Government Committee or Town health officer or the Town chairperson may order that the required actions be taken by public or private resources and allow the recovery of any and all costs incurred by the Town of Waterford.
The Town chairperson, or the individual designated by the Town chairperson to serve as the Emergency Management Coordinator, is responsible for coordinating the response of Town services and coordinating the response with county officials if county assistance is necessary.
The Town chairperson shall appoint, with Town Board approval, the members of the Plan Commission and designate a Plan Commission chairperson during the month of April to fill any expiring term.
In the event the permittee or licensee cannot be found, the summons may be published once in a newspaper of general circulation deemed most likely to provide notice to the license holder.) The Town clerk shall post or arrange to post the hearing notice or publish in a format acceptable to the Town chairperson.