Tuberculin skin test definition

Tuberculin skin test or “TST” means a diagnostic aid for finding M. tuberculosis infection. The Mantoux method is the recommended method to be used for the TST.
Tuberculin skin test means the introduction of purified protein derivative (PPD) by the Mantoux method.
Tuberculin skin test means an interdermal injection of .0001mg (5 tuberculin units) of purified protein derivative in 0.1 cc of sterile diluent. If the size of any resulting palpable induration at forty-eight hours to seventy-two hours after injection is 10mm or greater in its transverse diameter, the reaction to the skin test shall be considered significant.

Examples of Tuberculin skin test in a sentence

  • Each employee of the Board may be required to obtain a Tuberculin skin test and/or chest x-ray prior to fifteen (15) days after the beginning of his/her date of employment.

  • At the time of employment, the Employer shall provide a Tuberculin skin test at no cost to the nurse.

  • An annual facility tuberculosis risk assessment is to be performed by a licensed nurse or physician using a Department approved risk assessment tool.(d) When scheduled to be cleaned, the toilet areas, utility rooms, and work closets, shall be cleaned with a disinfectant solution and fresh air shall be introduced to deodorize.(e) Tuberculin skin test for residents.

  • As required by law, the Employer shall provide a Tuberculin skin test at no cost to the nurse.

  • Providers are responsible for ensuring that their employees complete either a QuantiFERON®-TB Gold blood test (QFT-G) or a two step (TB) Tuberculin skin test prior to initiation of services for the AL Waiver recipients.

More Definitions of Tuberculin skin test

Tuberculin skin test means a test to diagnose tuberculosis infection using purified protein derivative (PPD) that is injected intradermally and read within 48—72 hours with results recorded in millimeters of induration.
Tuberculin skin test means using the Mantoux technique and recording test results in millimeters of induration (swelling).
Tuberculin skin test means the intradermal injection of five (5) tuberculin units of Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) by the Mantoux technique.
Tuberculin skin test means an interdermal injection of .0001 mg (5 tuberculin units) of purified protein derivative in 0.1 cc of sterile diluent. If the size of any resulting palpable induration at
Tuberculin skin test means an intradermal injection of .0001 mg (5 tuberculin units) of purified protein derivative in 0.1 cc of sterile diluent. If the size of any resulting palpable induration at forty-eight hours to seventy-two hours after injection is greater
Tuberculin skin test. (TST) means a test for infection with tubercle bacilli, performed according to the Mantoux method, in which 5 tuberculin units (5TU=0.1cc) of a standardized preparation of purified protein derivative (PPD-S ) are injected intradermally on the volar surface of the arm and the reaction read as the transverse diameter of the palpable area of
Tuberculin skin test or "TST" means a diagnostic aid for finding M. tuberculosis infec- tion that: