Water Year definition
Examples of Water Year in a sentence
The Customer may apply to reduce or increase the Customer’s Maximum Delivery Volume for a period within a single Water Year.
Unreleased Contracted Water does not carry- over from one Water Year to the next.
For purposes of this Contract, a “Water Year” shall be the 12-month period from March 1 in a year through February 28 of the subsequent year, unless the beginning and end of such Water Year is changed by the Division Engineer for Water Division 6.
Contracted Water may only be used during the then current Water Year and no unreleased Contracted Water will be booked over to the succeeding Water Year.
When equalizing or balancing the contents of the reservoirs, scheduled Water Year releases from Lake Powell will be adjusted each month based on forecasted inflow, and projected September 30 Active Storage at Lake Powell and Lake Mead.