Well seal definition
Well seal means an approved arrangement or device used to cap a well or to establish and maintain a junction between the casing or curbing of a well and the piping or equipment installed therein, the purpose or function of which is to prevent pollutants from entering the well at the upper terminal.
Well seal means a device used to cover or seal a well that establishes or maintains a junction between the casing of the well and the piping, electric conduit or equipment installed, so as to prevent water or other foreign material from entering the well at the uppermost terminal.
Well seal means an approved arrangement or device to prevent contaminants from entering the well at the upper terminal.
Examples of Well seal in a sentence
His line of sight shifted to Du Tian Le. "We'll seal the Extreme Purgatory Field shortly.
More Definitions of Well seal
Well seal means the term as defined in G.S. 87-85.
Well seal means an arrangement or device used to establish a watertight closure at the junction of a well pump or piping with the well casing cover at the upper terminal of the well, the purpose of which is to prevent contaminated water or other material from entering the well.
Well seal means a water resistant joint between the pump or its plumbing and the well casing, or between the pump base and the concrete platform.
Well seal means a device to prevent the entrance of contaminants into the top of a well casing.
Well seal means an approved arrangement or devise used to cap a well or to establish
Well seal means an arrangement or device used to cap a well or to establish closure of the junction of a well pump or piping with the well casing at the upper terminal of the well.
Well seal means a removable device used to keep the top of a well casing watertight while permitting penetration of piping, vents and electrical wiring.