Object Näiteklauslid

Object. 1.1 By this Agreement the Seller and Buyer (hereinafter severally as the Party and jointly as the Parties) specified in the order conformation, which constitutes an inseparable annex to the Agreement (hereinafter the Order Confirmation), agree on the terms and conditions of and the procedure for the sale and delivery of products (hereinafter the Product) by the Seller to the Buyer and payment for the Product. The specification, quantity, price, possible discounts and terms of delivery of the Products are set out in the Order Confirmation.
Object. 1.1 These general sales conditions (hereinafter General Conditions) are an integral part of the order confirmation (hereinafter the Order Confirmation) concluded between the Seller and the Buyer (hereinafter each separately as the Party, and jointly as the Parties), in which the terms and conditions of and the procedure for the sale and delivery of products (hereinafter the Product) by the Seller to the Buyer, and the payment for the Product are agreed. The specifications, quantity, price, possible discounts and terms of delivery of the Products are set out in the Order Confirmation. 2. Purchase price and payment of the purchase price 2.1 The Buyer undertakes to pay the purchase price for the Product (hereinafter the Purchase Price) pursuant to the Order Confirmation and the invoice issued by the Seller. The Buyer bears the responsibility for the payment of the Purchase Price. 2.2 The Seller shall deliver the invoice to the Buyer, upon the delivery of the Product to the Buyer at the latest. In the event of a payment for the Product by way of an advance payment, the Buyer shall make the advance payment in accordance with the Order Confirmation. The Seller shall send the Buyer the respective invoice as on the day of the receipt of the advance payment in the Seller's bank account. On the Buyer’s respective request, the Seller shall also issue an invoice to the Buyer by e-mail, by sending it to the e-mail address communicated by the Buyer beforehand. 2.3 The Buyer is obligated to inform the Seller of any complaints related to the invoice not later than on the working day following the issuing of the invoice. Later claims submitted by the Buyer will not be considered. 2.4 If the Buyer fails to make an advance payment within the term provided for in the Order Confirmation, all other terms relating to the delivery of the Product to the Buyer shall also be postponed. The Seller shall communicate the new delivery deadlines to the Buyer immediately after the receipt of the advance payment in the Seller’s bank account. 2.5 The obligation for the payment for the Product shall be considered as performed as of the full receipt of the Purchase Price indicated on the invoice in the Seller’s bank account. In the event of any overdue sums, regardless of the description given in the payment order, the default interest and contractual penalties are deemed to be paid first, and thereafter the remaining sums are payable.

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  • Lõppsätted 11.1 ESM kontaktisik Lepingu xx xxxxx täitmisega seotud küsimustes on ESM nõunik Peep Xxxxxxx, tel 000 0000, e-post: xxxx.xxxxxxx@xxx.xx.

  • Vaidluste lahendamine 17.1. Xxxxxx teevad kõik endast oleneva, et lahendada Lepingust tulenevad vaidlused läbirääkimiste xxxx.

  • Lepingu kehtivus 8.1. Käesolev leping jõustub lepingule allakirjutamise hetkest ja kehtib kuni xxxxxxxxx.a. või kuni lepinguliste kohustuste täitmiseni.

  • Õigused ● Saada ülesannete täitmiseks andmeid, dokumente ja teavet kooli töötajatelt. ● Pöörduda nõu saamiseks direktori xxxxx. ● Teha direktorile soovitusi ja ettepanekuid oma pädevusse kuuluva valdkonna töö paremaks korraldamiseks ja probleemide lahendamiseks. ● Saada tunnustust vastavalt tunnustussüsteemile. ● Xxxxx xxxxx vajalikud töövahendid ja tehnika ning sobivad töötingimused. ● Kasutada töövälisel ajal kooli ruume eelneval kokkuleppel direktori ja haldusspetsialistiga. ● Saada vajaduse korral täienduskoolitust (vastavalt kooli võimalustele).

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  • Muud sätted ARTIKKEL 36

  • ISIKUANDMETE TÖÖTLEMINE 17.1 Võrguettevõtja tagab füüsilisest isikust ostja isikuandmete kaitsmise ja töötlemise tüüptingimustes sätestatud korras, vastavuses õigusaktidega ning “Kliendiandmete töötlemise põhimõtetega”, mis on avaldatud võrguettevõtja veebilehel.

  • Maksetingimused 5.1. Kasvava metsa eest tasumine toimub hiljemalt ……………………... Tasu makstakse 100% ulatuses enne raie alustamist, kuid mitte hiljem, xxx xxx kuu jooksul pakkumise parimaks tunnistamise päevast arvates. Leping hakkab kehtima ning metsateatis saadetakse pärast müügihinna täielikku tasumist. Ostja on kohustatud raieõiguse realiseerimise alustamisest informeerima Müüjat. Ostja maksab kasvava metsa eest müüja arveldusarvele nr. …………………….. Konto omanik on: ……………….

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  • ARVELDUSED 5.1. Olmejäätmete veoteenust, jäätmemahutite rentimist, jäätmeveoga seonduvaid lisateenuseid teostatakse vastavalt kehtivale hinnakirjale ja lisateenuste hinnakirjale, mis on lisatud käesolevale lepingule ning kättesaadav TÖÖVÕTJA kodulehel.