OntuFcut C£t£T:–
uut, unHt G˙.« TF.e–a–e○/ee
unHcFn:– et Gn`XuFC Ht. רìct
OntuFcut C£t£T:–
LFרFJFLF:– ’`.SnרxGn(uuG`C) uG` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt (u|ìO`XG, s`eF nJuF«)
ncъFu :– uFnstuFC u`Ss C`9L et Gn`XuFC Ht. רìctGt TF.e«–n–e○ Gt unHtYt GF˙6FStu JeF‘ n○○«–e○ Gì cuJLFuJ`nFGì u`S ,`JFGt GF uF’JFרF˙ uFJ`, T` LFLT` ר¸c˛F G˙.(e) SuF SFucF ,nGuר, LnSu¸,n, GìstOtS`XG, u|`LGìsL, C`9L Hì uFe,F cuJLFuJ`nF Gt nSר unJFGt LFSt Cìu Tì uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘GF GF6F˙ G ,`JFu T`Gt GS, uFuJF nJG˙Tt. nJ. ר¸c˛F G˙.e Yt « Gt רFnCTt uFuJF LFLT.
L˙cu´ :– unHcFn רHS¸nGt TF.e–a–e○ Gt SMC/FAP/ G˙.«/n○e○–ee
et Gn`XuFC Ht. רìctGt TF.e«–n–e○ Gt unHtYt GF˙6FStu JeF‘ n○○«–e○ Gì cuJLFuJ`nFGì u`S ,`JFGt GF uF’JFרF˙ uFJ`, T` LFLT` ר¸c˛F G˙.e SuF SFucF ,nGuר, LnSu¸,n, GìstOtS`XG, u|`LGìsL, C`9L Hì uFe,t cuJLFuJ`nì Gt nSר unJFGt LFSt Cìu Tì uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘GF GF6F˙ G ,`JFu T`Gt GS, uFuJF nJG˙Tt. nJ. ר¸c˛F G˙.e Yt « Gt רFnCTt uFuJF LFLT` ’`.SnרxGn (u uG` C) uG` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt u|ìO`XG, s`eFGF un G˙.xx.xx.xXx.Xx./uue TF.en–c–e○ Yt uFu`, רFnCTt L˙TìeFSFnS רL`, G CìJFG¸˙ H6FJt u|nTuFJYt GFnFH YC u`u`,`s uìnOLnG` TF.e–a–e○ GF nìH uut, SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, e`.
H` L˙cu`‘ unHcFnGt uut, unHtGF uG¸L˙tFG` ר}L unHtGt GS,, uFu`, רFnCTtGt GF`˙t nJuF« LnCT GS, uFuJF Hì« u}nS רFnCTtGt nJ«Tì TYF nJ,˙L/ nJL˙«TTF Cìu Tì T`Gt` :uesTFLC uCì˙uTt SnJF un G˙.uFnstuFC L`,/z○ XX.xx–a–e○ Yt ’`.SnרxGn(uuG`C) uG` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt (u|ìO`XG, s`eF nJuF«) G` un uF9JJFרF˙ uFJ`,. H`GF uG¸L˙tFG` T`uìGF un G˙.u|ì.s`.nt.L`/uF.G˙.c« TF.nn–a–e○ Yt un
` רL`, u}nS nJ«TìרF˙ unHcFnGt ר¸L unHtGt GS,, L`•s=,hìG TnOYt cuJLFuJ`nF untSFntG` TLct, SuF‘ u˙«`Gì un G˙.L`.hìG/uFnstuFC/ezea TF.nn–n–e○ GF TLct, unGt GS,, unHcFnGt TF.e«–n–e○ Gt unHt Ot uuF‘Gt uCì˙uGt GS,, unHcFn` XX.xx–ee–○« GF nìH uG` TF.n«–«–○« GF nìH Sn`,t unHtGt GS,, unHcFnG` uFu`, רFnCTt un G˙.utstuFnLt/uue TF.en–c–e○ GF unGt GS,, Gì˙t nJuF«, XX.xx–z–○« GF nìH cuJLFuJ`nF SncFTF Hì« HFC`nFTGt GS,, XX.xx–u–○z GF nìH utuFnuì/uz Yt uFu`, HFC`n GìstGt GS,, cuJLFuJ`nF Gר¸GF –en C`9L nL³tFY‘ ר`’tS, u`•’ u|ìnJhG :sìL‘G` cuJLFu J`nì unuFC SnJF TF.n«–e–○« TYF CnStXGcFLG` TF.e○–en–○« Gt uF9J`, GìstLGt GS, T`רH cuJLFuJ`nì unJF H6FJTt C•stר`XG ,`snGt GS, nH} Sn`, e`.
unHcFnGt TF.e«–n–e○ Gt unHtYt ר¸c˛F G˙.e Yt « Gt רFnCTt רF˙«Tt unHt L`•s=,hìG TnOYt L`.hìG /uFnstuFC/HFJS/ezea TF.nn–n–e○ Yt cuJLFuJ`nF untSFntG` TLct, SnJFרF˙ uFJ`,. H`GF uG¸L˙tFG` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt utstuFnLt/uue TF.en–c–e○ Yt unHcFnG` רFnCTt uFuJFרF˙ uFJ`,. H`רF˙ ר¸c˛F G˙.e SuF SFucF ,nGuר, LnSu¸,n, GìstOtS`XG, u|`LGìsL, C`9L Hì uFe,t cuJLFuJ`nì Gt nSר unJFGt LFSt Cìu Tì uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘GF GF6F˙ G ,`JFu T`Gt GS, uFuJF nJG˙Tt. T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt Hì uFe,F cuJLFuJ`nFGt Gt nSר unJFGt LFSt Cìu Tì uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘GF GF6F G ,`JFu u`Jì SìC nGuר GYt. T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.n L¸nT רCFG«nuFn,SFu` cuJFLuJ`nì unJF רFs` HFC`nFT L¸nT רCFG«nuFn,SFGF JT‘רFG unìרF˙ uFu`,t T`רF˙ H¸GF GF6FStu JeF‘ n○○z–○e ,n○○e–n○○z TYF n○○z–○« GF cuJLFuJ`nF un`,FGF u,6ì ,FJJF H6FJ`,. un˙T¸ H`Gì cuJLFu J`nì רCFG«nuFn,SFGF nCLFL` LFSt e` uG` cuFuFntuìu` cuJLFuJ`nì un`, e` un˙T¸ u,6 GCt˙ ,FJ`, T`G¸˙ GF6FStu JeF‘ n○○«–n○e○
Gì cuJLFu J`nì nìS’`Yt S` u`SYt ,`JFרF˙ uFJX` GCt˙ T`Jt :ues u`TJ6t HFC`nFTרF˙ XF SFn6Yt L¸nT XC`nGt HFC`n HGTFG` H6FJJFGt H~n S` רCFG«nuFn,SFG` H6Fu GCt˙ T`G¸˙ SFn6 H6FJJF רFs` uG¸S˛uF SnXì. T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt cuJLFuJ`nì unJF רFs` L¸nT רCFG«nuFn,SF TnOYt JT‘רFGunרF˙ HFC`nFT uFuJFרF˙ uFJ` , T`רH LG` n○○«–e○ GF JeF‘Gì cuJLFuJ`nì unuFC SnJF SncFTFG` C•stרX`G ,`sn רìS,JFרF˙ uFJ`,. T` unרF˙ TYF ’tרF•’ GìstLרF˙ u6 n○○z–○e,n○○e–○z Gì cuJLFuJ`nì unuFC Sn`, Cìu Tì u,6 LFY` ,FJJF H6FJ`, e`. TYF T` u˙«`Gt C•stר`XG ,`snGt GS, u6 HFC`n רFnCTt untSFntu` u}nS nJ«TìרF˙ nH} Sn`, e`. H`רF˙ T` H6FJJFרF˙ uFJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.(c) e`<,F c JeF‘GF u,6ì SFxרtnF nL<’t˙«רF˙ uFJ`,t Su`ntרF˙ GS,ì HרF SnFJ`,t Tì T` רFnCTt Sìduu¸snרF˙ u`•sn SnJFGt HJFLcFnt SnJFGt SìGt Cìu e`. T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt Hì u,6 HרF SnFJJFרF˙ uFJ`, Cìu Tì T`Gt unFC Snt ,F«T nJuF«` u`•s=t SnJFGt nC` e`. T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.a H`Gt HJFLcFnt Cìu Tì uet Sìduu¸snרF˙ רFnCTt cFu, GCt˙ SntG` L¸nT XC`nGt HGTFG` uF,¸ JeF‘GF GF6F G :JtSFntG` ר¸xS`,tרF˙ ר¸SJF Lc, TYF HGTFG` cuFHGt nSר unJF רHL¸n SnGFn LFר` X¸˙ u«,F ,ttF T`Gt רFnCTt uFuXì. T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt Hì u,6 HרF SnJJFרF˙ uFJ`, CX` Tì T`Gt u`•s=t ,F«T nJuF« ³JFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ` H e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.u 9un ר¸HLGt רFnCTt Sìd uu¸sn cFu, G SnJF רFs` T`רG` u«Fn uFuJFרF˙ uFcuì CTì S` GCt˙ uG` Hì u«Fn uFuJFרF˙ uFcuì CTì Tì S`s,ì uFuJFרF˙ uFcuì CTì? uG` T` xXxx XX¸, S`ר SnJFרF˙ G uFcuì? T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt uF LFLT` uìSSL u¸nFJF ר?u`Yt SFu‘JFCt Snt XSFu T`ר e`. T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.z LFSt cuJLFu J`nF unTF Cìu T`Gt רFnCTt L¸nTGt s=`hnt Su`nt S` cuJLFu J`nF Su`ntרF˙Yt רFnCTt u`Sn SntG` GF6FStu JeF‘ n○○«–e○ Gt X~uFTYt TF.c○–«–○« L¸ttרF˙ u`Sn Sn`,t רFnCTt Sìduu¸snרF˙ S`ר cFu, SnJFרF˙ G uFJt? רFnCTt u`Sn SnJFGt HJFLcFnt GSSt SnJFרF˙ uFJt CTt S` GCt˙? uG` GSSt SnJFרF˙ GCt˙ uFJt Cìu Tì T`Gt HJFLcFnt SìGt CTt
? T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt L¸nTGt s=`hnt Su`nt S` cuJLFuJ`nF Su`ntרF˙Yt u,6Gt L˙u}6‘ רFnCTt רL`, G Cìu Sìduu¸snרF˙ cFu, Snt XSFu T`ר GYt. T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.e cuJLFuJ`nFGF u, 6ì LFuJJFGt HJFLcFnt OST HGTFGt H e`? e`<,F c JeF‘GF u,6ì HGTFu` SFxרtnF nL<’t˙«רF˙ nH} Sn`,F u, 6ì Sìduu¸snרF˙ cFu, Snt S` LFuJJFGt רGuFGt SìC HJFLcFnt CTt S` GCt˙? S`ר LFuJtG` Sìduu¸snרF˙ uFH ncG L¸tt cFu, S`ר G SuF‘ ? T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt SncFTF ³JFnF u,6 Su`ntu` nH} SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, Cìu Tì T`Gt T¸T‘H u`•s=t Sìduu¸snרF˙ SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.z du¸GtLtuF,tstGt nGeSFLHt,L`cnSFnt SFu‘eFרTFGì uuFJ, u¸,, uFLLG` SFn6` e`<,F un`,F cuJLFuJ`nFGF u,6ì Sìduu¸snרF˙ רFnCTt cFu, Snt GCt˙ CìJFYt HGTFG` TF.c○–«–○« uet cuFH unJF רFs` רHL¸n SnGFnGt HJFLcFnt רCFG«nuFn,SFGt unt S` GCt uG` GCt˙ Tì S`ר GCt˙ ? T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt L¸nT רCFG«nuFn,SF ³JFnF JT‘רFG unרF˙ uFuJFרF˙ uFJ`, HFC`nFT, C•stר`XG ,`sn, ’tרF•’ GìstLרF˙ SncFTFG` uFe,F JeF‘GF cuJFuJ`nFGF u,6 nH} SnJF H6FJJFרF˙ uFJ`, e`. H` SncFTFu` TF.c○–«–○« L¸ttרF˙ cuJLFuJ`nì unuFC Sn`, GYt T`uìu` nGuרìG¸LFn cuFH unuFC SnJFG¸˙ nC` e` T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e`. ר¸c˛F G˙.« uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘ n○○«–e○ GF cuJLFuJ`nFGt nSר nìS’`Yt S` u`SYt :JtSFnt ,CG` uet H H`GF uFe,F JeF‘Gì J`nì רCFG«nuFn,SFu` nCLFL` LFSt Cìu T`GF un SF«L S` GìstL SF6t G` S` uet C•:u`SsnìG` HGTFGt c¸SFG` S` uìnOL` S` Ln` HCG` LFSt J`nFGt רFnCTt u`Sn SntG` uet uu’`s G YC XS`? GCt˙ YC XS` Tì S`ר? T`G¸˙ SFn6 H6FJJF uG¸S˛uF SnXìHt. T`JF u|`G LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt uF u|SFnGt SFר«ntYt Jt¸ Lרu cunTT YFu T`ר e` H` רCFG«nuFn,SFGF uFnY‘S nCTרF˙ GYt T`J¸˙ H6FJ`, e``.H` LFLT` unHcFn` TF.e–a–e○ GF nìH uut, unHt Snt e Yt ee uFtFn H6FJ`, e`.
(1) The Learned Public Relation Officer is not justified in giving me unsatisfactory reply to my information sought by me,
(2) The PIO himself confeess in the reply that there is no rule if there is any municipal tax is due according to corporation as no data entry was made in the computor by the municipal corporation clerk,concern. but the true fact is that there is no municipal tax is due according to the professional tax payer. Then what was the reason/
resons when professional tax payer was egar to pay the professtional tex for the financial year 2009-10 why it was denied to accept the tex without previous three years chalans not brought by the tax payers. I had been deny to accept the professional tax of Rs.2009-10 of My nephew Xx.xxxxxxxxxx X. Xxxx on 29-9-09 & why I had been asked to produce the past years professional tax chalans for the
F.Y. 2006-07,2007-08 & 2008-09. there is no reply to this.
(3) The P.I.O is not justified in given very vague & unsatisfactory reply to my query no.
3. I had submitted chalans for the financial years 2006-07,2008-09 & 2008-09 and the clerk concerned had also affixed a stamp of receipct of the said three chalans. then what is to verified. If at it is to be verified is to be verified from the bank and not from the professional tax payer. The clerk who had accepted the professional tax chalans for the financial years 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09 to enter the date in the computor and it is not job of the professional tax payer.
(4) The Public Information Officer has erred in furnishing the vague and unsatisfactory reply to my query no 4 to the appellant . If the past years xxxxxx xxxx handed over to the clerk concerned by the professional tax payer, it was said that. there no entry data in the computer and why it was denied to accept the professional tax for the financial year 2009-10, The professional tax payar had paid the late payment interest due lathargy and carelessnes, laziness of the data entry xxxxx by not enter in the data in the compuer.
(5) The public Information Officer is not jiustified in furnishing the reply to the query no 5. The data must be with the municipal corporation itself. It has not to be collected from the outside.
(6) The public Inforation Officer is also not. justified in furnishig vague and unsatisfactory reply to query no 6. It has not been clerly stated who was the responcible for not collecting information from the bank and fron the tresury. Do your Honour will agree or not and In my humble opinion, the professional tax payers not responsible for it.
(7) The pulic Information Officer has erred in furnishig very irrespocible unsatidfactory reply to query no 7. If the chalans were preserved and entered data entry in computor then why there were no entry xxxx in the professional tax payer. Xx. xxxxxx X.Xxxx at the time of payment of profsstional tax payment Rs. 2000/- on 29-09-2009 and why I had been denied to accept the professional tax and why i had beed asked to produced the chalans of past three years. There were no information furnished to me.
(8) The public information Officer is not justified in furnishing irresponsible reply to my query no 8. For this the government of India has promolgamated Consumer protection act and they will decide the responsibility of municipality.
(9) The public Information Officer being the one of the responsible Officer of the corporation has wrongly furnished the information that it was not in their to collect the data from the professional tax payer because there was financial burden laid on it. But not doing this by the corporation, the poor professional tax payer has to bear a burden of money, the and energy. The Officers who are sitting in the xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx has no idea about the difficulties experienced by the professional tax payears and giving curse words to the officers of the corporation. The Officers are not care for the economic loss of the professional tax payers.
(10) The public information Officer failed to take cognition of my letter enclosed with my public information applications dt. 13-11-2009 &29-9-09. He failed to furnished any reply to it.
(11) The appellant resrves its right to add, alter, and amend any grounds of appeals.
unHcFn` uut, unHtרF˙ uìTFGF untHFGF TF.n«–«–○« GF nìH n○○z–○e,n○○e–○z uG` n○○z–○« GF un`,F u,6ì nJGF s`eF. unJFGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. SJ`nt G˙.c u, 6ìGt uSFL6t SnJFGt nH}uFT Sn`, e` SJ`nt G˙.a רF˙ Sìduu¸sn u`•s=t GCt˙ SnJFGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. SJ`nt G˙.u רF˙ Sìduu¸sn 9un s`eFרF˙ ’`sF XxXx HìCu` T`Jt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. SJ`nt G˙.z L`˙S TYF s=`hnt uFL`Yt רFnCTt S,`Ss Snt רFnCTt ר`LJJFGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. SJ`nt G˙.e רF˙ TF.n«–«–○« GF nìH s`eF G :JtSFnJF LFLTGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. SJ`nt G˙.z רF˙ S•hu¸רn u|ìs`SXG u`Ss C`9L du¸GtLtuF,tst HJFLcFn Cìu T`J¸˙ nGJ`cG Sn` e`. uG` u•u ר¸c˛FuìרF˙ uìst nLGHJFLcFnt u}6‘ רFnCTt u}nt uF’`, e`. uG` cuFHG¸˙ uFnY‘S G¸SXFG ,`JFGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. T`רH u«F9GF XX.xx–ee–○« uG` TF.n«–«–○« GF unGt nH}uFT Sn`, e`. H` unHcFn` uut, TLSS` u,Fuct nH}uFT Sn`, e`. uFר unHcFn` uut, unHtרF˙ רFnCTt LFLTGt S` רFnCTt GCt˙ ר?uFGt nH}uFT GCt˙ un˙T¸ OntuFcG` ,«Tt uG` S`s,FS L¸uGì Sn`, e`. T`רH uut,רF˙ u³,tS nt,`XG uìnOLn` uL˙TìeFSFnS רFnCTtGt nH}uFT ר¸L unHtYt u,Fuct e` TYF unHcFn` e`<,F c JeF‘GF u,6ì LFLT` SJ`nt G˙.e רF˙ uרG` H6FJJFרF˙ uFJ`, GYt. H` u˙«` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt HFC`nFT ³JFnF nJ«Tì TF.u–u–○z TYF TF.n«–z–○« GF JT‘רFG unìGt HFC`n GìstL ³JFnF SncFTFuìG` L}nuT SuF‘Gt nJ«Tì nH} Sn`, e`. HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt ³JFnF unHcFnGt ר¸c˛FJFn u˛reFGt רFnCTt cOTnt nJ«Tì uFuuFG¸˙ H6Fu e`. H`רF˙ unHcFnGF ר¸tu ר¸c˛ì uFe,F JeFì‘GF GF6F LFSt Cìu Tì uF,¸ GF6FStu JeF‘GF GF6F G ,`JFu T`Jì nGuר GCt˙ CìJFG¸˙ :ues H6FJ`, e`. un` u` u6 L}uS e` S` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFntu` nH} Sn`, TF.u–z–○z Gt HFC`n JT‘רFGunGt GìstLרF˙ nFHu LnSFnGF TF.e–a–○z GF HFC`nGFרFGì 9<,`u Snt L¸רuFG` LFLT C`9LGF J`nF רFs` untS˛T SnTt GìstL uFu`, e`. H` L}uJ` e` S` T` u}J`‘GF n`S’‘ u•u Su`nt/LcTF SeFFu` Cìu XS`.
HFC`n רFnCTt untSFntu` uFu`, GìstL u6 uF n`S’‘ utTG SnJFGF C`T¸Yt H6Fu e`. cuFuS Lר¸cFuGt רFnCTt Su`ntYt Su`nt רìS,FJFu uG` cOTn utTG YFu T` Lרu רF˙«t ,` T`Jt u|nS|uFG` uG¸,eFt HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt ³JFnF u,6Gì uF«|C T¸T‘H n`S’‘ utTG SnJFGF C`T¸Yt nFtuFG¸˙ H6FJt ר¸c˛F G˙.« רF˙ unHcFnG` u6 רFnCTt uFu`, e`.
unHcFnGt ר¸L unHt,uut, unHt T`רH 9u,³t CStST ³uFG` ,`TF˙ Gtu` ר¸HLGì C¸Sר Snt uut,Gì nGSF, SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`.
unHcFnGt TF.e«–n–e○ Gt unHtYt רF˙«JFרF˙ uFJ`,t רFnCTt LFLT` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt TnOYt cOTnt uG` CStST,eFt רFnCTt u}nt u’Fu`, Cìu uut, unHt u˙«` S˙C nJX`eF SnJFG¸˙ nC`T˙¸ G CìC uut, unHt cOTn` SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. unHcFn Cre¸S Cìu Tì T`רGt TSnFn nGJFn6G` ,«Tt LFLT TYF JCtJs u|nS|uF L¸tFnF, eFt L}uGì u˙«` LeFר LcTFG` u,Fuct nH}uFT SnJF :JT˙n e`.
G˙.uFnstuFCL`,/ C.uF.’`.SnרxGn,
TFntu : –u –e○ uG` u`u`,`s uìnOLn
L¸nT רCFG«n uFn,SF
(e) ’`.SnרxGn(uuG`C) uG` HFC`n רFnCTt untSFnt (u|ìO`XG, s`eF nJuF«) ...HF6 TYF uר, רFs`
(n) et Gn`XuFC «ìnJ˙cuFC רìct,