Les bureaux d'AUSTRIA ASSURANCES se trouvent désormais dans le xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx, xxx-xx-xxxxxxxx, x xxxx xxx XXX, xxx. 00/X-000. Le numéro de téléphone reste inchangé : 2730. Les heures d'ouverture des guichets sont du lundi au vendredi de 08.30 à 12.00 h et de 14.00 à 16.00 h.
The office of the AUSTRIA HEALTH INSURANCE is now located in the Main Building on the ground floor, next to the Xxxx Xxxxxx, xxxx 00/X-000. The telephone number remains 2730. The office is open for clients from
08.30 to 12.00 hrs and from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs Monday to Friday.
Xxxxxxxx prendre note qu'à partir du 5 octobre 1992, ce service sera transféré sur le site de Prévessin, au bâtiment 904.
Pour les utilisateurs qui voudraient éviter ce déplacement, une permanence sera maintenue au pavillon 6661 (derrière l'Atelier Principal - bât. 100), dans le service de sous-traitance.
Une procédure efficace pour le transfert des travaux demandés depuis le site de Meyrin à celui de Prévessin est à l'étude.
Division MT Groupe MF
Please note that this service will be transferred to the Prévessin grounds, building 904, from 5 October 1992.
Users wishing to avoid the journey may apply to the Sub-contracting Service in hut 6661 (behind the Main Workshop, building 100).
A serviceable procedure for transferring work requests from the Meyrin to the Prévessin grounds is being drawn up.
MT Division MP Group
The people who have borrowed keys to the PS Conference Rooms are kindly requested to return them to the PS Secretariat.
Thank you!
Les personnes qui ont emprunté les clefs pour l'accès aux salles de conférence PS sont priées de les retourner au Secrétariat PS.
7 | miroirs | 1120x1000x3 5 | (100 kg) |
2 | miroirs | 1440x1000x4 0 | (145 kg) |
1 | miroir | 1445x1000x3 5 | (126 kg) |
1 | miroir | 1146x1000 x 27 | ( 75 kg) |
Ces miroirs sont de haute qualité avec protection quartz.
Matériel visible au bât 133.
Division AS Groupe Logistique
X. Xxxxx / te l 5782 ou beep 6207
Bulletin CERN -7- CERN Bulletin 41/92-5.10.92
Xx 0 au 9 octobre
Xxxx xx Xxxxxxxx xx x'Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxx. 00 - 0 x x xxxxx
09h30 - 17h00 (vendredi 12h00)
Trente sociétés britanniques présenteront leurs techniques et leurs produits les plus récents dans le domaine de la mesure, de l'électronique, du vide, etc.
L'exposition est organisée par GAMBICA, Association britannique pour l'industrie de la mesure, de la commande et de l'automatisation dans le Royaume-Uni, en collaboration avec le Département de l'Industrie et du Commerce britannique et le Consulat général de Grande-Bretagne à Genève.
Des conférences seront données dans la Salle du Conseil, bât. 503, 0 x x xxxxx.
Exposants : voir liste ci-dessous.
Vous pourrez obtenir, en temps utile, un programme détaillé :
- au secrétariat de votre division
- à l'exposition même.
From 6 to 9 October Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 00 - 0 x t floor
09.30 hrs - 17.00 hrs (Friday 12.00 hrs)
Thirty British companies will be featuring their latest products and techniques in the field of instrumentation, electronics, vacuum, etc.
The exhibition is being organized by GAMBICA, the Association for the Instrumentation, Control and Automation Industry in the UK, in cooperation with the British Department of Trade & Industry and the British Consulate General, Geneva.
Lectures will be given in the Council Chamber, bldg 503,1 s t floor. For list of exhibitors, see below.
A detailed programme will be available in due course at :
- your Divisional Secretariat
- the exhibition.
A.S. Scientific Products Ltd AEA Technology
BICC Components Ltd Bird Precision Bellows Ltd British Steel Engineering Chell Instruments Ltd
Cranfield Precision Engineering Ltd (lecture only) Data Beta Ltd (+ lecture)
ERA Technology Ltd (+ 2 lectures) Fisons Instruments Europe
GEC Plessey Semiconductors Ltd Goodfellow Metals Ltd
Xxxxx Electronics Ltd Xxxxxxx Photonics Ltd Harwell Instruments Heat Trace Ltd
Hytec Electronics Ltd (+ lecture) Kenmont HSM Ltd
Micron Semiconductor Ltd (+ lecture) Morgan Matroc Ltd
Oxford Instruments Ltd (+ lecture) Pentland Systems Ltd
Radstone Technology pic Radway Engineering Ltd
Rolls Royce Nuclear Engineering Services Servomex (UK) Ltd
Sira Ltd (+ lecture)
Wavetek Ltd (Datron Division) Westcode Semiconductors Ltd Department of Trade and Industry
Information: MDiraison /FI- A /4585
Bulletin CERN 41/92 -5.10.92
CERN Bulletin
Programme des conférences Lectures programme
Wednesday 7 October
at 09.00 hrs (45 minutes) - Council Chamber High-performance DSP for the VME bus
by X. XXXXXX / Sales and Marketing Manager,
Data Beta Ltd
The lecture discusses the latest developments in high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) for the VME bus. This will cover new processors, board architectures, analogue I/O and potential applications in instrumentation, control data acquisition and analysis.
Wednesday 7 October
at 10.00 hrs (45 minutes) - Council Chamber
High-performance RF components for scientific applications
by X. XXXXXXXX / Manager RF Technology Division, ERA Technology Ltd
The lecture will describe the design, manufacture and evaluation of state-of-the-art waveguide components which have been supplied for use in, for example, radio astronomy and high power microwave heating systems and wideband millimetre wave plasma diagnostic equipment required in nuclear fusion experiments. Accurate mode matching software has been developed to model the electromagnetic fields within the waveguide structures and optimise the performance prior to manufacture. To achieve the requisite high tolerances, a variety of CNC machining and fabrication techniques are employed and examples will be given of the components and sub-systems which have been produced.
Wednesday 7 October
at 11.00 hrs (1 hour) - Council Chamber
Real-Time Signal and Image Processing for Scientific Applications
by X.X. XXXX / Manager, Electronic Systems Division, ERA Technology Ltd
The lecture will analyse the potential for modern real-time signal and image processing for scientific instrumentation systems. This technology has been developed principally for aerospace applications and could be used in areas such as trigger generation, real-time displays, interlock generation and particle analysis. Technologies ofparticular importance include parallel processing, programmable digital signal processors, dedicated algorithm devices, transputers and application specific ICs (ASICs). The lecture will be illustrated by describing several major real-time diagnostic processing systems developed by ERA for the JET Undertaking.
Bulletin CERN
Wednesday 7 October
at 14.00 hrs (30 minutes) - Council Chamber The CCD : a detector across the spectrum by Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX / SIRA Ltd
Applications & Development of the CCD as a detector for
radiation covering high energy X-Rays (100k eV) & into the EUV, UV & Optical bands.
Wednesday 7 October
at 15.00 hrs (1 hour) - Council Chamber
High Precision Machining Technologies for tttê 21st Century
by PA . XxXXXXX / OBE, Chairman, Cranfield Precision Engineering Ltd
High precision engineering,including micro-engineering and nanotechnology can be aptly described as 'Engineering at the limits' f It is a grouping of key technologies on which many advanced products depend today. It can be confidently predicted that whole new industries will grow from micro-mechanics, micro-electronics, micro-biology and nanotechnology in the next few decades. The lecture outlines the principles of design and recently developed techniques for achieving high accuracy, high speed performance in machine tools and associated metrology systems. The state- of-the-art in ultra-precision single point diamond machining and ductile mode grinding of brittle materials such as advanced engineering ceramics and glasses, is described, setting out the machine tool and process parameters for technical and economic success. Examples are given of the design and build of ultra precision CNC machines for the manufacture and measurement of high performance optical, opto-electronic and electronic components such as large telescope mirrors. Quasi- static and dynamic error compensation techniques are described, many of which will be progressively applied to 'standard' machine tools and processing equipment to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for higher precision at higher speeds. New ultra precision machine products of Cranfield Precision Engineering Ltd will be briefly described including the Nanocentre Ultra Precision CNC Aspheric Generator.
Thursday 8 October
at 09.00 hrs (30 minutes) - Council Chamber
The Hytec 4-Channel VM E Stepper Motor Controller, VSMC2256
by Xxxxx XXXXXXXX / Technical Manager, Hytec Electronics Ltd
The unit is briefly described. It has 4 indépendant channels, with 24 bit + direction stepsize, progammable speed / ramp rate (up to 500k SJsec) with shaft encoder feedback, followed by its software and ending with some points on design difficulties met and overcome during development.
-9- CERN Bulletin
41/92 -5.10.92
Thursday 8 October
at 10.00 hrs (30 minutes) - Council Chamber
Single and Double Sided Silicon Microstrip AC Coupled Detectors Designs have been constructed for LEP, SSC, and LHC with emphasis on radiation hardness and long term reliability
by Xxxxx X. XXXXXXX / Managing Director, Micron Semiconductor Ltd
Designs will be presented for AC Coupled Detectors, for both Single Sided and Double Sided Structures including the presentation of preliminary results. Both active resistor biasing using FOXFET technology and fixed resistor using polysilicon will be discussed. Latest detector developments will also be reviewed.
Thursday 8 October
at 11.00 hrs (45 minutes) - Council Chamber
Development of the Superconducting Toroid for CEBAF
by Xxxx}. STREET / General Manager, Special Projects Group, Oxford Instruments Ltd
The initial design of the toroidal magnet was carried out at CEBAF and was reported at ASC in 1988. Subsequently in February 1991 a design and construct contract was awarded to Oxford Instruments who are now nearing completion of the detailed design phase. The magnet system comprises six flat "kidney" shaped coils arranged radially to produce a toroidal field with a peak value of 3.5T. Features of the design which will be presented and discussed include a modular coil design enabling single coil works testing, indirectly cooled/aluminium stabilised conductor, support of coils via in-plane warm tension links to each vacuum case, out-of-plane load sensing for alignment and fault sensing, passive internal quench protection and an integrated instrumentation and control system.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, son épouse, ses enfant Xxxxxx et Xxxx, ainsi que leurs familles, vous invitent à vous joindre à eux à l'occasion d'un petit concert en souvenir de Xxxx, donné par 'La Lyre' de Saint-Genis-Pouilly
dimanche 11 octobre à 11.00 heures Salle Xxxx-Xxxxxx de Saint-Genis-Pouilly
Si vous le souhaitez, vous pourrez faire un don sur place en faveur de l'Association de la Recherche pour le Cancer (ARC)
Bulletin CERN 41/92 -5.10.92
-10- CERN Bulletin
Bât. 61/R -020
Tél. 000 00 00
How many people are unaware of the existence of the USERS' OFFICE? Without its help, many of you would undoubtedly still be wandering desperately around CERN's administrative labyrinth.
It is nevertheless not content to rest on its laurels. The USERS' OFFICE has decided to conduct an enquiry among all USERS. We should like to find out how you view our service and in particular obtain your advice, criticism and - why not?-compliments. Questionnaires are available at the entrance to the USERS' OFFICE (building 61, just opposite the cafeteria). Please don't hesitate - there are not many questions and the few minutes taken to answer them could perhaps save you many hours in the future.
So, pick up a questionnaire at the USERS' OFFICE as soon as possible.
Qui ne connaît pas le USERS' OFFICE? Sans son aide, beaucoup d'entre vous continueraient sans doute aujourd'hui à errer désespérément dans les dédales administratifs du CERN.
Pourtant, loin de se reposer sur ses lauriers, le USERS' OFFICE a décidé de mener une enquête auprès de tous les USERS. Notre objectif est de connaître votre perception du service et surtout de recueillir vos conseils, vos critiques... ou vos compliments! Pour cela, un questionnaire est à votre disposition à l'entrée du USERS' OFFICE. Rassurez-vous, il ne comporte que peu de questions et les misérables minutes passées à le remplir vous permettront peut-être de gagner à l'avenir des heures précieuses.
Alors, rendez-vous au USERS' OFFICE dès que possible!