RIGHTS OF SIDBI o At any time, SIDBI may, for any reason, modify the RfE Document by an amendment . o The amendment will be intimated to all Respondents who c onfirm their intention to participate by email o In order to accord prospective Respondents reasonable time to take the amendment into account, SIDBI may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Proposal s o The Respondents are allowed to r esubmit their proposal , if required, after such amendments o If SIDBI deems it appropriate to revise any part of this RfE or to issue additional data to clarify an interpretation of provisions, it may issue supplements to this RfE o SIDBI may terminate the RfE process at any time with out assigning any reason o SIDBI reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the short listing process and reject all responses at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Respondent or Respondents or any obliga tion to inform the affected Respondent or Respondents of the grounds for SIDBI action