Scope of Work for Consultant (s) नमूना खंड

Scope of Work for Consultant (s). The purpose of this RfE is to invite proposals for empanelment of one or more Recruitment Services Consultants to advise/ provide consultancy to SIDBI about various aspects relating to recruitment at various levels in general or specialised areas on regular / contract deputation / retainership basis. The scope of such work may include, but not limited to, following aspects: a. Managing the recruitment process in full from registering a vacancy to the arrival of the successful recruit. b. Drawing up of Job Profile of the post(s) for which recruitment is being proposed , c. Determining essential attributes like experience, skills & qualifications , KRAs, suggesting compensation pack age including bench marking of CTC etc. d. Sourcing the post , collection and scrutiny of application and identification of suitable candidates, application handling and storage, screening, Tests / Interviews exercise, CTC Negotiations, Performance matrix etc. (Note - Advertising for the post/position/vacancy shall be done by the Bank only) . e. Tasks related to on -boarding of such candidates including handing references, clearances and professional background checks and criminal records etc . f. Engagement of candidat es having specialised skills on retainership basis for shorter period on turnkey basis. g. Any other specific job or recruitment related services as required by SIDBI.
Scope of Work for Consultant (s). The empaneled consultant , whenever assigned a particular work may be required to study the existing process es in the Bank, do a comparative study with that followed in the industry and suggest the best practices to improve the process es The consultant may also be required to implement the plan , if so desired by the Bank, and produce clearly demonstrative results. In case of assessments, may carry out plan, design and execute assessments as per requirement of the project. * * * T001229069/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: March 06,2021 Page : 10 of 34