Na osnovu člana 21 stav 2 Zakona o zaključivanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora („Službeni list CG“, broj 77/08), Vlada Crne Xxxx xx sjednici od 2019. godine, donijela je
Član 1
Objavljuje se Sporazum između Vlade Crne Xxxx i Vlade Republike Kosovo o prevozu putnika i tereta u međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju, potpisan u Podgorici, 1. avgusta 2018. godine, u originalu na crnogorskom, albanskom, srpskom i engleskom jeziku.
Član 2
Tekst Sporazuma iz člana 1 ove odluke, u originalu na crnogorskom i engleskom jeziku,
Vlada Crne Xxxx i Vlada Republike Kosovo, u daljem tekstu: “strane ugovornice”; U želji da doprinesu razvoju trgovačkih i ekonomskih odnosa između dvije države;
Odlučne da uspostave saradnju u međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju u okviru tržišne ekonomije;
Vodeći računa o zaštiti životne sredine i ljudi, racionalnoj potrošnji energije, bezbjednosti saobraćaja i poboljšanju uslova rada za vozače;
Težeći razvoju intermodalnog saobraćaja;
Polazeći od usvojenih rezolucija i principa Ekonomske Komisije Ujedinjenih Nacija za Evropu, Međunarodnog transportnog foruma (ITF), Panevropskih konferencija i sporazuma zaključenih između Evropske Unije i trećih država;
Shvatajući zajednički interes i prednost sporazuma o prevozu u međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju;
Sporazumjele su se o sljedećem:
Oblast primjene
1. Ovim Sporazumom uređuje se međunarodni drumski prevoz putnika i tereta koji obavljaju prevoznici sa sjedištem na teritoriji jedne od strana ugovornica, vozilima koja su registrovana na teritoriji xx xxxxxx ugovornice, sa mjestima polaska na teritoriji
jedne strane ugovornice i odredišta na teritoriji druge strane ugovornice, u tranzitu preko teritorije jedne od strana ugovornica ili za/iz treće države.
2. Ovaj Sporazum ne utiče na prava i obaveze koje proističu iz drugih međunarodnih obaveza dviju strana ugovornica.
Član 2 Definicije
U ovom Sporazumu pojedini izrazi imaju sljedeća značenja:
1. “Prevoznik” je pravno ili fizičko lice koje je ovlašćeno za obavljanje međunarodnog prevoza putnika ili tereta u drumskom saobraćaju u skladu sa propisima strane ugovornice na čijoj teritoriji ima sjedište.
2. “Vozilo” je motorno vozilo ili skup vozila, registrovano na teritoriji države jedne od strana ugovornica, namijenjeno za međunarodni drumski prevoz putnika ili tereta, kojim prevoznik raspolaže po osnovu vlasništva ili ugovora o zakupu ili lizingu i za koji posjeduje licencu/sertifikat na osnovu nacionalnog zakonodavstva države ugovornice.
3. “Prevoz” je kretanje vozila sa putnicima ili teretom, odnosno kretanje praznog vozila, uključujući i prevoz vozila vozom ili brodom na jednom dijelu putovanja.
4. “Kabotaža” je prevoz putnika ili tereta između pojedinih mjesta na teritoriji jedne strane ugovornice, koji obavlja xxxxxxxxx xx sjedištem na teritoriji druge strane ugovornice.
5. “Kombinovani prevoz” je prevoz tereta, pri kojem vozilo, prikolica, polu-prikolica, izmjenjiva platforma ili kontejner, sa ili bez vučnog vozila, koriste puteve za početni ili završni dio putovanja, koji je što kraći, a veći dio putovanja koristi željeznicu, unutrašnji plovni put ili more.
6. “Teritorija strane ugovornice” je teritorija države Crne Xxxx i teritorija Republike Kosovo.
7. “Država osnivanja” je strana ugovornica na čijoj teritoriji xx xxxxxxxxx osnovan i vozilo registrovano.
8. “Država domaćin” je strana ugovornica na čijoj teritoriji prevoz obavlja xxxxxxxxx xxxx nije osnovan na teritoriji te države i čije vozilo nije registrovano na teritoriji xx xxxxxx ugovornice.
9. “Nadležni organ” je, u slučaju Crne Xxxx, Ministarstvo saobraćaja i pomorstva i nadležni organ uprave nadležan za poslove drumskog saobraćaja i, u slučaju Republike Kosovo, Ministarstvo infrastrukture, odnosno nadležni organ za pitanja međunarodnog drumskog saobraćaja.
10. “Linijski prevoz” je prevoz putnika koji se obavlja na određenim relacijama, prema unaprijed utvrđenom i objavljenom redu vožnje i cjenovniku, a putnici se ukrcavaju i iskrcavaju na prethodno utvrđenim autobuskim stanicama.
11. “Naizmjenični prevoz” je prevoz prethodno organizovanih grupa putnika za više putovanja iz istog mjesta polaska u isto mjesto dolaska. Mjesta polaska i mjesta dolaska su mjesta gdje putovanje počinje, odnosno gdje se završava, zajedno s okolnim mjestima unutar radijusa od 25 km. Svaka grupa putnika xxxx xx obavila putovanje u odlasku vraća se u istom sastavu na polazište nekom kasnijom vožnjom.
Naizmjenični prevoz ne gubi svoja obilježja ukoliko se pojedini putnici pridruže drugoj grupi na njihovom povratku. Prva vožnja u povratku i posljednja u odlasku u nizu kod naizmjeničnog prevoza obavlja se praznim vozilom.
12. “Povremeni prevoz” je prevoz koji ne sadrži elemente linijskog niti naizmjeničnog prevoza putnika, pri čemu frekvencija ili broj vožnji nije od uticaja na klasifikaciju kao povremeni prevoz.
13. “Kontrolni dokument” je putni list za autobuse sačinjen u skladu sa Interbus ugovorom u slučaju obavljanja povremenog i naizmjeničnog prevoza putnika.
14. “Mješovita komisija” je organ strane ugovornice nadležan za implementaciju i sprovođenje ovog Sporazuma.
Linijski prevoz putnika
1. Linijski prevoz putnika, obavlja se na osnovu dozvola koje izdaju nadležni organi u državama polaska, dolaska i tranzita.
2. Zahtjev za izdavanje dozvole iz stava 1 ovog člana prevoznik podnosi nadležnom organu države osnivanja. Ako nadležni organ države osnivanja odobri zahtjev, dostavlja ga nadležnom organu druge strane ugovornice na odobravanje. Dozvole se izdaju uz obostranu saglasnost nadležnih organa strana ugovornica.
3. Odluku o izdavanju dozvole ili odbijanju da se ona izda, donose nadležni organi strana ugovornica u roku od 90 xxxx, od xxxx prijema zahtjeva od nadležnog organa države osnivanja, ukoliko ne postoje nepredviđene okolnosti.
U slučaju nepredviđenih okolnosti, utvrđeni rok se može mijenjati, o čemu se nadležni organi strana ugovornica međusobno obavještavaju.
Dozvole iz stava 1 ovog člana izdaju se na period do pet xxxxxx. Dozvolom se određuju uslovi obavljanja linijskog prevoza putnika.
4. O izmjenama uslova za obavljanje prevoza i otkazivanju prevoza odlučivaće se u skladu sa procedurom navedenom u st. 2 i 3 ovog člana.
5. Za sve preduzete radnje xx xxxxxx nadležnih organa, vezane za međunarodni drumski prevoz putnika, ugovorne xxxxxx xx se međusobno obavještavati.
Mješovita komisija može predvidjeti i dopunske kriterijume do ukidanja dozvole.
6. Mješovita komisija odlučuje o rokovima važenja, proceduri, formi zahtjeva za dozvolu i potrebnim pratećim dokumentima.
Član 4
Povremeni i naizmjenični prevoz
1. Povremeni i naizmjenični prevoz putnika autobusima obavlja se na osnovu dozvola koje izdaju nadležni organi u državama polaska i dolaska.
2. Izuzetno xx xxxxx 1 ovog člana za povremene prevoze putnika definisane INTERBUS Ugovorom nije potrebna dozvola.
3. Usputno ukrcavanje i iskrcavanje putnika pri obavljanju prevoza iz stava 1 ovog člana nije dozvoljeno.
4. Strane ugovornice razmjenjuju određene kvote dozvola navedene u ovom članu i iste se izdaju xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa u državi osnivanja.
5. Mješovita komisija odlučuje o broju, formi, sadržaju, roku važenja i uslovima obavljanja prevoza za dozvole iz stava 1 ovog člana koje se razmjenjuju, kao i o formi zahtjeva za dobijanje dozvole i o potrebnoj pratećoj dokumentaciji.
6. Prilikom obavljanja prevoza putnika, xxxxxxxxx xxxx posjedovati original kontrolnog dokumenta u vozilu.
Član 5
Zajedničke odredbe o prevozu putnika
1. Dozvole iz čl. 3 i 4 ovog Sporazuma su lične i neprenosive su na drugog prevoznika, i moraju se nalaziti u originalu u vozilu za vrijeme obavljanja cijelog prevoza.
2. Kabotaža je zabranjena. Lokalna putovanja, organizovana isključivo za xxxxx putnika, koje je na destinaciju dovezao xxxx xxxxxxxxx, ne smatraju se kabotažom, ukoliko su upisana u kontrolnom dokumentu.
1. Prevoznici koji su ovlašćeni za obavljanje međunarodnog prevoza tereta sa sjedištem na teritoriji jedne od strana ugovornica mogu obavljati prevoz između teritorija strana ugovornica i u tranzitu preko njih, bez dozvola.
2. Prevoz tereta za/iz treće države obavlja se u sistemu dozvola.
3. Dozvola nije prenosiva i xxxx xx koristiti samo prevoznik kojem je i izdata.
4. Mješovita komisija može dogovoriti za nadležne organe strana ugovornica razmjenu određenog broja dozvola za prevoz za/iz bilo koje treće države. Mješovita komisija ima pravo osloboditi od sistema dozvola određene vrste prevoza do potpune liberalizacije.
Član 7 Kabotaža
Prevoznici sa sjedištem na teritoriji bilo koje strane ugovornice ne smiju obavljati usluge prevoza između dva mjesta na teritoriji druge strane ugovornice, osim u slučaju xxxx xx posebno odobrena xx xxxxxx nadležnog organa druge strane ugovornice.
Takse, naknade i druge dažbine
1. Prevoznici sa sjedištem na teritoriji jedne strane ugovornice i koji privremeno obavljaju prevoz na teritoriji druge strane ugovornice, po odredbama ovog Sporazuma, izuzeti su, na bazi reciprociteta, od plaćanja svih taksi i naknada vezanih za vlasništvo, registraciju i upravljanje vozilom.
2. Gorivo, koje se nalazi u uobičajenim, xx xxxxxx proizvođača ugrađenim, fiksiranim rezervoarima za gorivo predviđenog za vožnju vozila i rad motora na kontrolisanoj temperaturi, kao i maziva i rezervni djelovi, izuzeti su od carine na uvoz na teritoriji države domaćina, u skladu sa zakonodavstvima strana ugovornica.
3. Prevoz obuhvaćen odredbama ovog Sporazuma, podliježe naknadama za puteve, putarinama i drugim dažbinama koje plaćaju korisnici puteva u državi domaćina, a koje se naplaćuju za korišćenje mreže puteva, mostova, tunela i sl. Putarine i druge dažbine naplaćuju se nediskriminatorno domaćim i stranim prevoznicima.
4. Mješovita komisija može na recipročnoj osnovi osloboditi prevoznike obje strane ugovornice od plaćanja naknade za puteve.
Član 9
Masa i dimenzije vozila
1. Maksimalna dozvoljena masa, osovinsko opterećenje i dimenzije vozila ne mogu biti veći od vrijednosti navedenih u dokumentima o registraciji, kao ni od maksimalnih dozvoljenih vrijednosti propisanih u državi domaćina.
2. Upotreba vozila u državi domaćina, čija masa i dimenzije prelaze propisane vrijednosti, dozvoljena xx xxxx sa posebnom dozvolom koju izdaje nadležni organ države domaćina i za xxxx xx unaprijed podnijet zahtjev.
Član 10
Oprema i druge karakteristike vozila
1. Vozila koja prevoze opasnu ili xxxx kvarljivu robu moraju biti pripremljena i opremljena u skladu sa međunarodnom regulativom.
2. Oprema u vozilu, koja se koristi za praćenje vremena vožnje i vremena za odmor posade, xxxx biti u skladu sa međunarodnom regulativom.
3. Strane ugovornice preuzimaju na sebe obavezu da promovišu u okviru ovog Sporazuma, upotrebu vozila koja odgovaraju standardima o bezbjednosti i emisiji štetnih gasova, u skladu sa regulativom Evropske Unije u ovoj oblasti i iste primjenjuju u skladu sa preuzetim međunarodnim obavezama.
Član 11 Nadzor
Dozvole i svi drugi dokumenti koji su predviđeni ovim Sporazumom, kao i multilateralnim sporazumima čije su potpisnice obje strane ugovornice ili nacionalnim zakonodavstvom strana ugovornica, moraju se nalaziti u vozilima za vrijeme prevoza i pokazati na zahtjev nadležnih kontrolnih organa strana ugovornica.
Član 12
Obaveze prevoznika i prekršaji
1. Prevoznici strana ugovornica dužni su da se na teritoriji druge strane ugovornice pridržavaju obaveza koje proističu iz multilateralnih međunarodnih sporazuma, čije su potpisnice obje strane ugovornice, kao i drugih bilateralnih sporazuma i nacionalnog zakonodavstva, posebno u oblasti saobraćaja i prekršaja, carinskih propisa i drugih uslova za korišćenje dozvola i ograničenja.
2. U slučaju povrede odredbi ovog Sporazuma koje izvrši prevoznik, nadležni organ države domaćina obavještava o tome nadležni organ države osnivanja, radi preuzimanja odgovarajućih mjera predviđenih nacionalnim zakonodavstvom.
3. Odredba stava 2 ovog člana ne isključuje mjere koje mogu da izriču sudovi ili drugi nadležni organi države domaćina.
4. U slučaju ponovljenih ozbiljnih prekršaja na teritoriji zemlje domaćina, nadležni organ države domaćina xxxx xxx ili na zahtjev nadležnog organa države osnivanja
preduzeti sljedeće mjere:
a) upozoriti prevoznika;
b) zabraniti pristup teritoriji strane ugovornice na kojoj je prekršaj počinjen.
5. Nadležni organi strana ugovornica stalno će se međusobno obavještavati o preduzetim mjerama iz stava 4 ovog člana.
Član 13
Saradnja i Mješovita komisija
1. Nadležni organi strana ugovornica obavezni su da obezbijede primjenu ovog Sporazuma, da se uzajamno obavještavaju o svakoj korisnoj informaciji i izmjeni nacionalnih propisa u oblasti drumskog saobraćaja.
2. Strane ugovornice formiraju Mješovitu komisiju radi sprovođenja ovog Sporazuma i razmatranja svih pitanja koja se tiču odnosa između strana ugovornica u oblasti drumskog saobraćaja, uključujući aspekte koji se bave bezbjednošću saobraćaja, vozačkim ličnim dokumentima, kao i dokumentima za vozila, zaštitom životne sredine, voznim osobljem, tehničkim pitanjima, promocijom privrednih subjekata iz oblasti drumskog saobraćaja, međusobnom saradnjom i rješavanjem spornih pitanja.
3. Na zahtjev strane ugovornice, Mješovita komisija će se sastati jednom godišnje.
Član 14
Stupanje na snagu i važenje sporazuma
1. Ovaj Sporazum stupa na snagu 30 xxxx od xxxx prijema posljednjeg pisanog obavještenja diplomatskim putem kojim su obje strane ugovornice obavijestile jedna drugu, da je završena procedura za njegovo stupanje na snagu u skladu sa nacionalnim zakonodavstvom.
2. Ovaj Sporazum važi dok ga ne otkaže jedna od strana ugovornica, dostavljanjem pismenog obavještenja diplomatskim putem o tome drugoj strani ugovornici. U xxx slučaju Xxxxxxxx prestaje da važi po isteku šest mjeseci od xxxx prijema note o otkazivanju.
U potvrdi svega navedenog, punopravno opunomoćeni od strana svojih Vlada, potpisuju ovaj Sporazum.
Potpisano u Podgorici, xxxx 1. avgusta 2018. godine, u dva originalna primjerka, svaki na crnogorskom, albanskom, srpskom i engleskom jeziku, pri čemu su svi tekstovi iste važnosti.
U slučaju spora u tumačenju ovog Sporazuma, mjerodavan je tekst na engleskom jeziku.
Xxxxx XXXXXXXX, x.x. Ministar saobraćaja i pomorstva | Pal XXXXX, s.r. Ministar za infrastrukturu |
The Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”;
Anxious to contribute to the development of trade and economic relations between the two countries;
Determined to promote cooperation in international transport within the framework of the market economy;
Concerned about the protection of the environment and people, the rational consumption of energy, road safety and the improvement of drivers working conditions;
Aiming towards the development of intermodal transport;
Taking into account the resolutions and principles adopted within the framework of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the International Transport Forum (ITF), the Pan-European Conferences and agreements between the European Union and third countries;
Recognizing the mutual interest and advantage of an agreement on international road transport;
Have agreed as follows:
Scope of application
1. The present Agreement regulates the international transport of passengers and goods by road performed by transport operators established in the territory of a Contracting Party by means of vehicles registered in that territory, with the points of departure in the territory of one Contraction Party and destination in the territory of the other Contracting Party in transit through the territory of one of the Contracting Parties or for transport operations to/from third country.
2. This Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations arising from the other international commitments of the two Contracting Parties.
Article 2 Definitions
In this Agreement some terms have the following meaning:
1. “Transport Operator” means any physical or legal person authorized to perform the international carriage of passenger and goods by road, in accordance with regulations of a Contracting Party on which territory it is established.
2. “Vehicle” means a motor vehicle or a combination of vehicles, registered in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties intended for the international transport of passengers or goods by road, at disposal of the transport operator through being its own property or through a hiring or leasing contract, licensed/certified based on the domestic legislations of the contracting parties.
3. "Transport" means the operations of a vehicle, with passengers and goods, that is, operations of an unloaded vehicle, including the transport of vehicles by train or boat for a part of the journey.
4. "Cabotage" means the transport of passengers or goods between some points within the territory of one Contracting Party carried out by a transport operator established in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
5. “Combined Transport” means the transport of goods whereby the vehicle, trailer, semi- trailer, swap body or container, with or without tractor, use the road for the initial or terminal leg of the journey, which is as short as possible, and travel by rail, inland waterway or sea for the major part of the journey.
6. "Territory of a Contracting Party" means respectively the territory of Montenegro and the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
7. "Country of establishment" means the territory of the Contracting Party within which the transport operator is established and in which the vehicle is registered.
8. "Host country" means the territory of a Contracting Party in which the transport operator is operating without its vehicle being registered there and without the transport operator being established there.
9. “Competent authority" means in the case of Montenegro the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, as well as the Body of State Administration competent for road transport of and in the case the Republic of Kosovo the Ministry of Infrastructure, respectively the competent authority for international road transport.
10. "Regular passenger service" means a service which carries passengers over specified routes, according to a timetable and price list set and published in advance, with passengers picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points.
11. "Shuttle service" means a service whereby, by means of repeated outward and return journeys, previously organized groups of passengers are carried from a single place of departure to a single destination. The place of departure and the place of destination respectively mean the place where the journey begins and the place where the journey ends, together with, in each case, the surrounding locality within a 25 km radius. Each group of passengers who have carried out the outward journey travel together and return to the place of departure on a later journey.
The service as a shuttle service is not affected by the fact that some passengers make the return journey with another group. The first return journey and the last outward journey in a series of shuttle services are made unloaded.
12. "Occasional service" means a service falling neither within the definition of a regular passenger service nor within the definition of a shuttle service, where frequency or number of services does not affect their classification as an occasional service.
13. "Control document" in case when performing occasional or shuttle service for transport of passengers means the waybill as prescribed by the Interbus Agreement.
14. “Joint Committee” is the established authority of the contracting parties in order to implement the obligations deriving from this agreement.
Regular passenger services
1. Regular passenger services shall be subject to a system of authorizations issued by the competent authority in the country of departure, destination and transit.
2. The application for issue of an authorization referred to in the first paragraph of this Article should be made to the competent authority in the country of establishment of
the transport operator. If the competent authority of the country of establishment approves the application, it is communicated to the competent authority of the other contracting party for approval. Authorizations shall be issued after getting approval from both contracting parties.
3. The decision to grant or refuse a permit should be taken by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties within a period of 90 days from the day of receipt of the application for authorization from the competent authority of the Country of establishment, if there are no unpredictable circumstances.
In the event of unpredictable circumstance, this deadline may be changed on which the competent authorities keep each other informed.
The authorization referred to in item 2 of this Article is valid for a maximum of five years. It sets out the operating conditions for the performance of regular passenger services.
4. Changes in operating conditions and the cancellation of the service are decided according to the procedure set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article.
5. For each undertaken action by the competent authorities, with regard to international road transport of passengers, the contracting parties are obliged to inform each other.
Joint Committee may foresee the additional criteria’s for joint measures up to cancelation of the permit/authorization.
6. The Joint Committee hereof decides on time frames, procedures, on the form of application for authorization, takes and the supporting documents required.
Article 4
Shuttle and Occasional services
1. Shuttle and occasional services for transport of passengers operated by buses are subject to a system of authorisations issued by the competent authority in the country of departure and destination.
2. As an exception to the provision of the paragraph 1 of this Article, the services which are listed in the INTRBUS Agreement are exempt from any authorization.
3. The picking up and setting down of passengers during the journey referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is not permitted.
4. Both contracting parties exchange certain quota of authorizations as revered to in this Article and the same are issued by the competent authority in the country of establishment.
5. The Joint Committee hereof decides on the quota, form, content, validity time frame and operational condition of authorizations as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article which shall be exchanged on the form of the application and for the other supporting documents required.
6. While performing passenger services the transport operator is required to keep control document in original in the vehicle.
Article 5
Common Provisions to passenger services
1. The transport authorizations referred to in Articles 3 and 4 hereof are personal and not transferable to other transport operators, and must be in original in the vehicle, during the whole journey.
2. The running of cabotage services is prohibited. Local trips organised solely for a group of passengers brought to that location by the same transport operator are not deemed to be cabotage services provided that they are entered on the control document.
1. Transport operators of one Contracting Party have the right to perform international
transport of goods, and may perform such transport between the territories of the two Contracting Parties, in transit across these territories without any permits.
2. Transport of goods to/for the third countries is subject of the permit system.
3. The Joint Committee hereof may agree for the competent authorities of both contacting parties exchange certain number of the permits for transport operations to/from the territory of any third country in meantime. The Joint Committee has right to exempt permit system for certain type of transport up to complete liberalization.
Article 7 Cabotage
Transport operators with permanent place of residence at the territory of either contracting party may not carry out transport services between two places at the territory of the other contracting party, except by special authorization for such purpose issued by the competent authority of the other contracting party.
Taxes, charges and other fees
1. Transport operators registered in the territory of one Contracting Party and which temporarily perform operations on the territory of the other Contracting Party under the terms of this Agreement are exempt, according to the reciprocity principle, from payment of all taxes and charges related to ownership, registration and operation of the vehicle.
2. The fuel contained in the normal, by the manufacturer built-in fixed tanks of the vehicle intended to drive the vehicle and operate motor vehicles at controlled temperature, as well as lubricants and spares are exempt from all import duty in the territory of the host country, in accordance with the legislation of the contracting parties respectively.
3. The transport covered by the provisions of this Agreement is subject in the host country to road user charges, tolls and other duties levied for the use of the road network, bridges, tunnels etc. in the host country. The tolls and charges levied to local and foreign transport operators shall be non-discriminatory.
4. The Joint Committee hereof may, according to the reciprocity principle, decide to exempt transport operators of the contracting parties from payment road user charges.
Article 9
Weights and dimensions of vehicles
1. The permissible maximum weight, axle weight and dimensions of vehicles must not exceed those entered in the registration documents nor the upper limits in force in the host country.
2. The use in the host country of vehicles whose weight and dimensions exceed the permissible upper limits is permitted only with a special authorization issued by the competent authority of the host country and applied for it in advance.
Article 10
Equipment and other characteristics of vehicles
1. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods or perishable goods must be fitted out and equipped in accordance with the international regulations.
2. Equipment used to monitor crew driving and rest time on vehicles must comply with the international regulations.
3. The Contracting Parties undertake to promote, within the framework of this Agreement, the use of vehicles meeting safety and emission standards, in accordance with the EU regulation concerning this field and the same are applied in accordance with the undertaken international obligations.
Article 11 Control
The permits and all other documents foreseen under this Agreement, as well as under multilateral agreements to which both Contracting Parties are Parties or under the national law such as waybill, passenger list etc. must be kept in the vehicles and be produced at the request of the control authorities of the Contracting Parties.
Article 12
Obligations of transport operators and infringements
1. The transport operators of a Contracting Party have a duty, when in the territory of the other Contracting Party, comply with the obligations arising from multilateral international agreements to which the Contracting Parties are Parties too, as well as from other bilateral Agreements and national legislation, particularly in the field of traffic and infringements, customs regulations and other permit conditions and restrictions.
2. In the event of any infringement of the provisions of this Agreement by a transport operator, the competent authority of the host country shall notify the competent
authority of the country of establishment with the intention that the latter authority takes the necessary steps against the transport operator, as provided for by its national legislation.
3. The provision of the paragraph 2 of this Article shall not exclude the measures taken by the judicial or other competent authorities of the host country.
4. In the event of repeated serious infringements committed on the territory of the host country, the competent authority of the host country may alone or upon request of the competent authority of the country of establishment take the following actions:
a) issue a warning to the transport operator;
b) prohibit access to the territory of the Contracting party in which an infringement was done.
5. Competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall keep each other informed of the sanctions imposed from the paragraph 4 of this Article.
Article 13 Cooperation and Joint Committee
1. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties are obliged to take all the necessary steps for the application of this Agreement and shall keep each other informed on any useful information and on any change in national law in road transport area.
2. The competent authorities shall set up Joint Committee for the purpose of implementation of this Agreement and consideration of all questions concerning relations between Contracting Parties in the field of road transport, including aspects related to safety, the drivers personal documents as well as the vehicles documents environmental protection, vehicles crew, technical issues, the vehicles insurance policy, promotion of enterprises from the field of road transport, mutual cooperation and settlement of controversial matters.
3. Upon the demand of the Contracting Party, the Joint Committee will meet at least once a year.
Entry into force and period of validity of the Agreement
1. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date of receipt of the latter written notice through diplomatic channels by which the Contracting Parties have notified each other that the procedures for its entry into force in accordance with national legislation have been completed.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force for an unidentified period of time, unless it is terminated by written notice through diplomatic channels by one of the Contracting Parties. In that case, the termination of the Agreement shall take effect six months after the other Contracting Party has received the above-mentioned notice.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized there to by the respective government, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Podgorica, on 1 August 2018, in two originals each in Montenegrin, Albanian, Serbian, and the English languages, all texts being equally authentic.
In the event of dispute or divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
Xxxxx XXXXXXXX, sign. Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs | Xxx XXXXX, sign. Minister of Infrastructure |
Član 3
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