Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y Swydd | Cynorthwy-ydd Lefel 1 |
Cyfeirnod at Ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | POS22295 |
Xxxx Gwasanaeth | Addysg |
Graddfa SCP a Chyflog (yn amodol ar Werthuso Swyddi) | Grade 2 |
Diben y Swydd | Gweithio o xxx gyfarwyddyd uniongyrchol staff addysgu/uwch aelodau o’r staff, fel rheol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth gyda’r athro neu’r athrawes; cefnogi mynediad at ddysgu i’r disgyblion, a darparu cefnogaeth gyffredinol i’r athro neu’r athrawes gyda rheolaeth y disgyblion a’r ystafell ddosbarth. |
Lleoliad | Ysgol Gyfun Aberaeron |
Oriau Gwaith | 30 awr |
Math o Gontract | Parhaol |
Hyd y Contract | |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell Uniongyrchol | ALNCo |
Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio / Rheoli – os ydyw’n berthnasol | |
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau | Cefnogi disgyblion • Ymwneud ag anghenion personol y disgyblion, a gweithredu rhaglenni personol perthnasol, gan gynnwys materion cymdeithasol, iechyd, corfforol, hylendid, cymorth cyntaf a lles • Goruchwylio a chefnogi disgyblion ag anghenion addysgol arbennig gan sicrhau eu bod yn ddiogel a bod ganddynt fynediad at ddysgu • Cynorthwyo gyda datblygu, gweithredu ac adolygu Cynlluniau Addysg/Ymddygiad Unigol a rhaglenni Gofal Personol • Sefydlu perthynas dda gyda’r disgyblion, gan weithredu fel patrwm ymddwyn, a bod yn ymwybodol o anghenion unigol ac ymateb yn briodol iddynt • Herio a symbylu disgyblion, hyrwyddo ac atgyfnerthu hunan- xxxxx • Rhoi adborth i ddisgyblion ynghylch cynnydd, cyflawniad, ymddygiad, presenoldeb, ac ati • Hyrwyddo cynhwysiant a derbyniad i’r xxxx ddisgyblion • Annog disgyblion i ryngweithio ag eraill ac i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau o xxx arweiniad yr athro neu’r athrawes |
• Annog disgyblion i weithredu’n annibynnol, fel y bo’n briodol Cefnogi’r Athro neu’r Athrawes • Paratoi’r ystafell ddosbarth yn unol â’r cyfarwyddyd ar gyfer gwersi, a chlirio wedyn, a chynorthwyo gydag arddangos gwaith disgyblion • Bod yn ymwybodol o broblemau/cynnydd/cyflawniadau disgyblion a chyflwyno adroddiad i’r athro neu’r athrawes yn unol â’r hyn a gytunwyd • Cadw cofnodion disgyblion yn unol â’r cais • Cefnogi’r athro neu’r athrawes gyda’r gwaith o reoli ymddygiad disgyblion, gan gyflwyno adroddiad ar anawsterau, fel y bo’n briodol • Casglu/cyflwyno gwybodaeth i/oddi wrth rieni/gwarchodwyr yn unol â’r cyfarwyddyd • Darparu cefnogaeth glerigol/weinyddol e.e. llungopïo, teipio, ffeilio, casglu arian, ac ati. Cefnogi’r Cwricwlwm • Cefnogi disgyblion i ddeall cyfarwyddiadau • Cefnogi disgyblion i gael mynediad i’r cwricwlwm • Cefnogi disgyblion o ran strategaethau lleol a chenedlaethol e.e. llythrennedd, rhifedd, CA3, y blynyddoedd cynnar, yn unol â chyfarwyddyd yr athro neu’r athrawes • Cefnogi disgyblion gyda’r gwaith o ddefnyddio TGCh sylfaenol yn unol â’r cyfarwyddyd • Paratoi, a chynnal a chadw, offer/adnoddau yn unol â chyfarwyddyd yr athro neu’r athrawes, a chynorthwyo’r disgyblion i’w defnyddio Cefnogi’r Ysgol • Bod yn ymwybodol o bolisïau a threfniadaethau perthnasol, gan gydymffurfio â hwy, yn ymwneud ag amddiffyn plant, iechyd, diogelwch a sicrwydd, cyfrinachedd a gwarchod data, a chyflwyno adroddiad ar xxx testun pryder i xxxxxx priodol • Bod yn ymwybodol o wahaniaethau a’u cefnogi, a sicrhau bod gan yr xxxx ddisgyblion fynediad cyfartal i’r cyfleoedd ar gyfer dysgu a datblygu • Cyfrannu tuag at ethos/gwaith/amcanion cyffredinol yr ysgol • Gwerthfawrogi a chefnogi swyddogaeth y gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill • Mynychu cyfarfodydd perthnasol yn ôl y galw • Cymryd rhan mewn hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau dysgu eraill a datblygu perfformiad yn ôl y gofyn • Cynorthwyo gyda’r gwaith o oruchwylio disgyblion ar adegau y tu xxxxx i wersi, gan gynnwys cyn ac ar ôl ysgol ac yn ystod yr awr ginio • Mynd gyda’r staff addysgu a’r disgyblion ar ymweliadau, gwibdeithiau, a gweithgareddau y tu xxxxx i’r ysgol yn ôl y galw | |
Atebolrwydd |
Manyleb Person
Y cymwysterau academaidd/proffesiynol/ technegol/galwedigaethol (gan gynnwys Lefel y cymwysterau) sy’n ofynnol ar gyfer y swydd | TGAU (neu gyfwerth) mewn Mathemateg, Cymraeg a Saesneg neu lefel gyfatebol o cymhwysedd. | |||
Lefel y sgiliau ieithyddol sy’n ofynnol ar gyfer y swydd (Gweler y canllawiau iaith a’r ceri | net) | Gweler y tabl isod. *Nodyn: Bydd gofyn i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ddysgu’r Gymraeg o fewn 2 flynedd o gael ei benodi os nad ydyw eisoes yn siarad Cymraeg. | |||
Gwrando/ Xxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | Ysgrifennu | ||
Saesneg (Lefelau Fframwaith ALTE) | 5 | 5 | 5 | Hanfodol |
Cymraeg (Lefelau Fframwaith ALTE) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Hanfodol* |
Sgiliau ymarferol/personol sy’n ofynnol ar gyfer y swydd | • Defnydd effeithiol o TGCh i gefnogi’r dysgu • Cymwysterau Sgiliau rhifedd/llythrennedd da • Defnydd o offer eraill technoleg– fideo, llungopïwr • Dealltwriaeth o bolisïau/codau ymarfer perthnasol, ac ymwybyddiaeth o’r ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol. • Dealltwriaeth gyffredinol o’r cwricwlwm cenedlaethol/ cyfnod sylfaen a rhaglenni/strategaethau dysgu sylfaenol eraill. • Dealltwriaeth sylfaenol o ddatblygiad a dysgu’r plentyn. • Y gallu i hunanwerthuso anghenion dysgu ac ymdrechu i chwilio am gyfleoedd dysgu. • Y gallu i ddod ymlaen yn dda gyda phlant ac oedolion • Gweithio’n adeiladol a hyblyg yn rhan o dîm, deall cyfrifoldebau a swyddogaethau’r ystafell ddosbarth a’ch safle bersonol o fewn y swyddogaethau hynny | |||
Profiad sy’n ofynnol ar gyfer y swydd | • Profiad o gweithio gyda, neu ofalu am, blant o’r oed perthnasol. | |||
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae’n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i’w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | • Hyfforddiant yn y strategaethau dysgu perthnasol e.e. llythrennedd • Hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf/hyfforddiant briodol • Rhaglen Gyflwyniad Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu yr Xxxxx xxxx Addysg a Gwyddoniaeth wedi’i chwblhau | |||
Sgiliau/cymwysterau dymunol |
Post Name | Teaching Assistant Level 1 |
Job Evaluation Post No | POS22295 |
Service Area | Education |
Grade SCP and salary – subject to Job Evaluation | Grade 2 |
Job Purpose | To work under the direct instruction of teaching/senior staff, usually in the classroom with the teacher, to support access to learning for pupils and provide general support to the teacher in the management of pupils and the classroom. |
Location | Aberaeron Comprehensive School |
Hours of Work | 30 hours |
Type of Contract | Permanent |
Length of Contract | |
Immediate Line Managers job title | ALNCo |
Supervisory/Managerial responsibilities – if applicable | |
Duties and responsibilities | Support for pupils • Attend to the pupils’ personal needs, and implement related personal programmes, including social, health, physical, hygiene, first aid and welfare matters • Supervise and support pupils with special educational needs ensuring their safety and access to learning. • Assist with the development, implementation and review of Individual Education/Behaviour Plans and Personal Care programmes • Establish good relationships with pupils, acting as a role model and being aware of and responding appropriately to individual needs • Challenge and motivate pupils, promote and reinforce self- esteem • Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress, achievement, behaviour, attendance etc • Promote the inclusion and acceptance of all pupils • Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher • Encourage pupils to act independently as appropriate Support for the Teacher • Prepare classroom as directed for lessons and clear afterwards and assist with the display of pupils work |
• Be aware of pupil problems/progress/achievements and report to the teacher as agreed • Undertake pupil record keeping as requested • Support the teacher in managing pupil behaviour, reporting difficulties as appropriate • Gather/report information from/to parents/carers as directed • Provide clerical/admin support e.g. photocopying, typing, filing, collecting money etc. Support for the Curriculum • Support pupils to understand instructions • Support pupils in gaining access to the curriculum • Support pupils in respect of local and national learning strategies e.g. literacy, numeracy, KS3, early years, as directed by the teacher • Support pupils in using basic ICT as directed • Prepare and maintain equipment/resources as directed by the teacher and assist pupils in their use Support for the School • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person • Be aware of and support difference and ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop • Contribute to the overall ethos/work/aims of the school • Appreciate and support the role of other professionals • Attend relevant meetings as required • Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development as required • Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, including before and after school and at lunchtimes • Accompany teaching staff and pupils on visits, trips and out of school activities as required | |
Accountability |
Person Specification
The Academic / professional / Technical / vocational qualifications (including qualification Level) required for the post | GCSE (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Welsh and English or the equivalent level of competency. | |||
Linguistic skills level required for the post (Please refer to guidance on ceri | net) | See table below. *Note: The successful candidate will be required to learn the language within 2 years of being appointed if he/she is not currently a Welsh speaker. | |||
Listening/ Speaking | Reading | Writing | ||
English (ALTE Framework Levels) | 5 | 5 | 5 | Essential |
Welsh (ALTE Framework Levels) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Essential* |
Practical/personal skills required for the post | • Effective use of ICT to support learning. • Good numeracy/literacy skills. • Use of other equipment technology – video, photocopier. • Understanding of relevant policies/codes of practice and awareness of relevant legislation. • General understanding of national/foundation stage curriculum and other basic learning programmes/strategies. • Basic understanding of child development and learning. • Ability to self-evaluate learning needs and actively seek learning opportunities. • Ability to relate well to children and adults. • Work constructively and flexibly as part of a team, understanding classroom roles and responsibilities and your own position within these. | |||
Experience required for the post | • Experience of working with or caring for children of relevant age. | |||
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | • Training in the relevant learning strategies e.g. literacy • First aid training/training as appropriate. • Completion of DfES Teacher Assistant Induction Programme. | |||
Desirable Skills/Qualifications |