このレポート等販売規約(以下「本規約」といいます)は、Project M Ventures (dba Reve re VC)(以下「Revere」といいます)が取り扱うレポート(以下「レポート等」といいます)の購入その他の諸条件を定めるものです。
1. (窓口)
2. (仮注文、本注文と売買契約成立)
・Revereがレポート等を販売可能と決定後、仲介者を介してお客様に販売決定を通知します。 Revereが仲介者を介してお客様に対し販売決定の通知をした時点で、お客様とRevereの間で 対象レポート等の売買契約が成立します。販売決定の通知後、顧客からのキャンセルは受け 付けられず、顧客は注文に基づく必要な金額を支払わなければなりません。
3. (お支払とレポート等の発送等)
仲介者がお客様に請求書を郵送にてお送りしますので、お客様が請求書を受領した日の翌月末日までに仲介者指定銀行口座へお振込みください。お客様からの入金が確認でき次第、Re vereからお客様に対しレポートを送信します。
4. (交換、返品)
5. (著作権について)
6. (権利義務の譲渡禁止)
7. (利用範囲)
8. (免責)
・レポート等は、Revereがレポート等を作成するためにレポート等の対象企業であるスタートアップ企業または投資会社等の関係者から入手した情報をもとに作成しており、入手した時点における、当該スタートアップ企業または投資会社等の経営状況並びに本業務期間中の経済状況、市場状況に基づきRevereが最善と判断し作成する報告書ですが、入手した情報の正確性を保証するものではありません。また、お客様は、当該スタートアップ企業または投資会社等との取引等の採否の決定を自らの判断で行い、お客様の決定に基づく結果に関して Revereが一切の責任を負いません。
・レポートに含まれる情報について、明示的または暗示的な保証は一切行われていません。 Xxxxxxは、レポートの情報を更新する義務や責任を明示的に否認しており、受領者はその使用が現状のままであることを了承し、認識しています。過去の業績は将来の結果を示すものではなく、いかなる形でも依存すべきではありません。このレポートに基づいて投資決定を行う場合、そのリスクは全て自分自身で負うものとします。レポートは要約形式で提供されており、完全で最新、または現在の正確性を主張するものではありません。
9. (紛争の解決、準拠法)
本契約に起因するまたは関連する未解決の紛争や論争は、New Era ADR, Inc.(xxxxx://xxx以下「New Eraプラットフォーム」という)が提供するプラットフォームを 通じて、商業紛争の解決に豊富な経験を持つ専門的な中立者(以下「中立者」という)によ る「バーチャルスタンダード仲裁」の規則および手続きに従い、拘束力のある仲裁によって 最終的に解決されます。中立者は、New Eraプラットフォームの規則および手続きに従って 選ばれます。当事者は、本契約に基づく費用負担または、契約で特に定めがない場合は、Ne w Eraプラットフォームの規則および手続きに従って費用を負担します。勝訴した当事者は、中立者の裁量により、関連する合理的な費用(合理的な弁護士費用およびその他の費用を含 む)の返還を受ける権利がある場合があります。紛争の仲裁可能性に関するいかなる問題や 事項は、New Era ADR, Inc.の中立者xxxから任命されるか、または選ばれる中立者によ って決定されます。明確にするために、これは、本契約の規定に基づく紛争が仲裁によって
処理されるかどうかの決定が、法廷やその他の司法フォーラムではなく、New Era ADR Inc.が提供する中立者によってのみ決定されることを意味します。当事者は、デラウェア州の法律が適用されることに同意し、法廷やその他の司法フォーラムで仲裁可能性の決定を求める権利を放棄することに同意します。
10. (規約の無効)
11. (規約の変更・改訂)
Revere Report Sales Terms (Translated from the previous page)
These Sales Terms (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the purchase and other condi tions of reports (hereinafter referred to as "Reports") handled by Project M Ventures (dba Revere VC) (hereinafter referred to as "Revere"). Definitions for terms used in these Term s are as follows:
• Reports: Reports provided by Revere.
• Customer: The entity ordering the Reports.
• Intermediary: The entity facilitating the order and payment process for the Reports on behalf of the Customer, specifically Nihon Noritsu Kyokai Consulting Co., Ltd.
1. Contact Point
o Inquiries and complaints regarding the Reports will be handled by Revere. Th e Intermediary will only perform actions related to the dispatch, receipt, i nvoice issuance, and payment confirmation for the Customer and will not bear any responsibility regarding these Terms.
2. Provisional Order, Firm Order, and Contract Formation
o If a Customer wishes to purchase Reports, they must agree to these Terms and issue an order form provided by Revere to the Intermediary. By issuing the o rder form, the Customer is considered to have agreed to these Terms, but the order will be provisional at this stage.
o After the Customer issues the order form and the Intermediary receives and s ends it to Revere, if Xxxxxx receives orders for the same type of Reports th at meet the minimum number defined by Revere, the Reports will become availa ble for sale.
o Once Revere decides that the Reports are available for sale, the Intermediar y will notify the Customer of the sales decision. A sales contract for the R eports will be established between the Customer and Revere upon notification of the sales decision through the Intermediary. After the sales decision, ca ncellations from the Customer will not be accepted, and the Customer must pa y the required amount based on the order.
o Even after the sales contract is established, if it is found that there are deficiencies or illegalities in the Customer's payment method, Revere may te rminate the sales contract at its discretion without any liability.
o Orders for the Reports are generally limited to corporate customers. Howeve r, orders from entities deemed by Revere as competitors or those judged to h ave issues with the sale or use of the Reports will not be accepted.
o Revere may discontinue the sale of some products without prior notice.
o The Intermediary may notify Revere and the startup companies or investment f irms that are the subject of the Reports of the Customer’s name after recei ving the order form from the Customer.
o Revere reserves all rights regarding any disputes, interpretations, or issue s related to these Terms and holds the authority to make final decisions to resolve such issues.
3. Payment and Report Delivery
o The price for the Reports is as follows. Prices may be changed without prior notice. Please be aware.
▪ ¥300,000 per report
o Payment for the Reports should be made via bank transfer. The full amount mu st be paid. Bank transfer fees are the responsibility of the Customer.
The Intermediary will send an invoice to the Customer by mail, and the Customer should tra nsfer the payment to the specified bank account by the end of the month following the rece
ipt of the invoice. Upon confirmation of payment from the Customer, Revere will send the R eports to the Customer.
4. Exchanges and Returns
o Due to the nature of the sales format, exchanges or returns of Reports canno t be accepted once delivery is complete. However, if Xxxxxx sends incorrect Reports not attributable to the Customer's fault, please contact Revere with in two weeks of receiving the product.
5. Copyright
o The copyright for the Reports belongs to Revere, including all related right s such as the right of public disclosure, right of attribution, and rights o f reproduction, distribution, public transmission, lending, oral presentatio n, translation, and transfer. The Reports can only be used internally within the Customer's organization. Reproduction or citation in external publicatio ns requires prior written permission from Revere.
o When citing, the Customer must clearly indicate Revere as the copyright hold er and specify the source material.
o Revere is only responsible for the accuracy of the original information cite d and not for any issues or liabilities arising from the use of the cited ma terials.
o The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Revere and its affiliates harmless from any losses, damages, claims, lawsuits, judgments, settlements, fines, p enalties, costs, or other expenses related to violations of this agreement.
6. Prohibition of Assignment
o The Customer may not transfer, sublicense, resell, lease, assign, or otherwi se dispose of any rights or obligations under these Terms without Revere's w ritten consent.
7. Usage Scope
o The Customer may use the Reports within the following scope:
▪ Within a single business location of the Customer’s corporation (if purchased through a group purchasing company, the actual utilizing c orporation).
▪ Within the scope mentioned above, the Reports can be registered and a ccessed on a shared network.
▪ The Reports must not be used for training generative AI models.
8. Disclaimer
o Revere’s liability for damages arising from failure to perform obligations under these Terms is limited to the amount paid by the Customer for the Repo rt directly causing the damage.
o Revere will not be liable for damages arising from causes not attributable t
o Revere, special circumstances, or loss of profits, regardless of foreseeab ility.
o In cases where damages are due to Revere’s willful misconduct or gross negl igence, the previous limitations do not apply.
o The Reports are based on information obtained from startup companies or inve stment firms related to the subject of the Reports, and while Revere aims to provide accurate information, no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of the information. The Customer is responsible for decisions related to transa ctions with these entities, and Revere bears no responsibility for the outco mes.
o No explicit or implied warranties are provided regarding the information in the Reports. Revere disclaims any obligation to update the Reports, and user s accept that the information is provided as-is. Past performance does not i
ndicate future results, and reliance on the Reports for investment decisions is at the Customer’s own risk.
9. Dispute Resolution and Governing Law
o Unresolved disputes related to or arising from these Terms will be finally r esolved through binding arbitration under the "Virtual Standard Arbitration" rules and procedures of New Era ADR, Inc. (xxxxx:// by a neut ral professional with experience in commercial dispute resolution. The neutr al professional will be chosen according to the rules and procedures of New Era ADR. The parties will bear costs in accordance with the New Era ADR rule s and procedures. The prevailing party may be entitled to recover reasonable related costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees. Any issues regarding t he arbitrability of disputes will be determined by the neutral professional from the New Era ADR panel. This means that the decision on whether disputes under these Terms will be handled by arbitration, rather than in court or ot her judicial forums, will be made solely by the New Era ADR neutral professi onal. The parties agree to the application of Delaware law and waive the rig ht to seek a determination of arbitrability in court or other judicial forum s.
10. Invalidity of Terms
o If any provision of these Terms is judged to be invalid, illegal, or unenfor ceable by a court, it will not affect the validity, legality, or applicabili ty of the remaining provisions.
11. Amendment of Terms
o Revere may amend or revise these Terms without prior written notice to the C ustomer.