Bid Evaluation नमुना कलम

Bid Evaluation. Bid evaluation will be carried out considering the information furnished by Bidders as per the Tender documents. Based on technical/ qualifying criteria preferred bidders will be short listed. Technical Evaluation • Only Technical Proposals conforming to eligibility criteria and found to be responsive will be taken up for detailed technical evaluation. A technical/ tender committee shall evaluate the Bids submitted by bidders for a detailed scrutiny. During evaluation of Bids, ADO, may, at its discretion, ask the bidders for clarification of their Proposals. Financial Evaluation The price bids of the eligible bidders will then be evaluated in the manner provided below; • At the outset, the price bids of all the Bidders who are technically qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened in the presence of the Bidders Representatives. Presence of the Bidders Representatives is essential. No claim / further clarification will be entertained, to the Bidder in case the Representative of bidder fails to attend this meeting. • The bidder's names, the Bid Prices, total amount of each bid and other details as Tenderer may consider appropriate, will be announced and recorded by ADO at the opening. The bidder's authorized representatives will be required to sign this record. • Bidder that has quoted the lowest price (inclusive of all the taxes/duties) without breach of any technical specification as per terms and condition of tender shall be declared as the preferred Bidder. • The work orders shall be issued to the successful bidder who ever qualifies in the complete process as mentioned above. 19.