Obligations of the Supplier Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Obligations of the Supplier. 3.1 The Supplier shall fulfil all obligations arising from the use of FOSS in conjunction with the use, modification and distribution of Approved FOSS and FOSS Derivatives, in particular those from the FOSS Licenses, for and on behalf of MBBras, unless this is not permitted under the terms of the respective FOSS License. Any restrictions thereto may only be agreed in the FOSS Disclosure Document. In addition, the Supplier shall enable MBBras to fulfil all obligations relating to the use of the Approved FOSS and FOSS Derivatives and shall provide for strict compliance with the conditions and obligations agreed with MBBras. 3.2 The Supplier shall design and structure its goods or services, in the case of software development or modifications also within the software architecture, in accordance with the requirements of MBBras so that: a) Software to be developed or modified for MBBras is not impaired by any FOSS or FOSS Derivatives that is used, in particular not with regard to the so-called "copyleft" or "viral" effect according to which the license of the original FOSS must be applied to a FOSS Derivative or other software relating to the original FOSS. The Supplier shall only use FOSS and FOSS Derivatives in the goods or services in a manner that does not conflict with the digital signature or authenticated vehicle programming techniques of MBBras; and b) the FOSS-Licenses of the FOSS do not require that MBBras or other authorized parties provide any authentication information, encryption keys and/or other information concerning the software used in the vehicles. Approved FOSS and FOSS Derivatives must be technically implemented into the goods or services in a manner that allows them to be quickly and easily removed and replaced by a different product offering the same functions. 3.3 The Supplier must fulfil all obligations relating to the Approved FOSS, in particular: a) at MBBras’ request, disclose and, where necessary, amend its organizational and technical processes with regard to FOSS (e.g. use of tools to detect FOSS), b) provide MBBras, no later than the date on which the goods or services are delivered, with the text of the FOSS Licenses, the information to be included in the product documentation and such other components required MBBras needs to create and use an executable version of the Approved FOSS, in particular modified build scripts and firmware uploaders, c) to the extent a FOSS license requires that the source code of a FOSS Derivatives ...