Excess Coverage 样本条款

Excess Coverage. If at the time of any claim arising under this Policy there is any other valid and collectible insurance covering all or part of the same loss, this Policy will apply only to the amount of any loss in excess of that recoverable under the other insurance. The amount of any claim, including the amount of any deductible, paid under such other insurance will not be deemed to have been paid under this Policy for the purpose of determining INSURERS Limit of Liability under this Policy, but will be deemed to have been paid in respect of the Deductible (if any) under this Policy. Further surplus and/or excess insurance beyond the Limits of Liability expressed in this Policy is permitted. This insurance shall be governed by R.O.C. (Republic of China) Law unless any other legal code shall be mutually agreed between The Insured and INSURERS as more appropriate. Each party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of Taipei District Court, R.O.C. and will comply with all requirements necessary to give such court jurisdiction. All matters arising thereunder shall be determined in accordance with the Law and practice of such court. Service of process in such suit in a territory outside R.O.C. may be made upon the accredited representative of INSURERS in that territory, who is duly authorised to accept service of process on behalf of INSURERS of this Policy. It is further agreed that INSURERS will abide by the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in the event of an Appeal.

Related to Excess Coverage

  • 基金财产清算的公告 清算过程中的有关重大事项须及时公告;基金财产清算报告经会计师事务所审计并由律师事务所出具法律意见书后报中国证监会备案并公告。基金财产清算公告于基金财产清算报告报中国证监会备案后 5 个工作日内由基金财产清算小组进行公告。

  • 资产净值 集合计划资产净值是指集合计划资产总值减去负债后的价值。

  • 基金资产净值计算和会计核算 18 九、 基金收益分配 23

  • 附件 3 投诉书范本及制作说明

  • 服务项目、价格 金额单位:元 序号 采购计划文号 商品名称 品牌 型号 配置要求 采购数量 单位 成交单价 小计 1 [2022]1925号 房屋修缮、水电暖维修及装修 - - 品牌: 1 项 41528. 00 41528.00 合同总价(元) 41528.00 合同总价(大写) 肆万壹仟伍佰贰拾捌元整

  • 联合体投标 6.1 本项目是否接受联合体形式参与详见投标人须知前附表。

  • 竣工退场 13.6.1 竣工退场 承包人完成竣工退场的期限:颁发工程接收证书后7天内。

  • 附件 1: 远程开标会议须知‌

  • 利用の制限 第18条 当社は、天災、事変その他の非常事態が発生し、又は発生するおそれがあるときには、災害の予防若しくは救援、交通、通信若しくは電力の供給の確保又は秩序の維持のために必要な事項を内容とする通信、又は公共の利益のために緊急を要する通信を優先的に取り扱うため、本サービスの利用を制限することがあります。 (本サービス提供の終了)

  • 保证的方式及保证期间 我方保证的方式为:连带责任保证。